Friday, April 3, 2009


ok this is actually for yesterday and today..mkay????

OK! so YESTERDAY!(4-2-09)....i went horseback riding! yay! it was so much fun! its just me 'n my mummeh. and this trainer leader guy...but he isn't important. :D

my horse's name was BobbySocks. lol. that name is awsome. If i get a horse or another pet or something that I can give a crazy name...I'm gonna name him/her Johnny Boy Willis. OH YEAH.

my mom was riding behind me..she said my horse pooped a lot....ew....i didn't even know until she told me afterwards. that mustve been a delightful sight for her to see.

then after that we went shopping for food.


BUT! once i got home...i went straight to my friend hasna's house for her early bday party thing. it was a i slept in makeup....WHICH I ABSOLUTLY HATE! but if i take off the makeup....


uhhhhh...lets just leave it just dont want o see me without ANY MAKEUP(yes that means ZERO FOUNDATION!)

but WHATEVER! i washed my face RIGHT when I got home :P so i feel clean finally!

ok so at ze partay. we watched changeling, edward scissor hands, and the rocker(lol)

omgomgomgomg the changeling was AMMMAAAAZZING! but sad at the same time. like when that one boy at the end who esacped from that farm thing was telling the story about what happened and hasna started tearing in the eye a bit(boy that sounded cheesey) but yeah. one of my new favourite movies. my fav is still nightmare before christmas..then after that..i just have a lot i really like :)

then we like played charades for an hour...which was SO fun! we went on this webbie which gave us topics for charades, and like i had to be the hulk, lol but she never guessed it. ahh good times :D

then edward scissor hands! i wanted to watch this for two reason.

reason 1: is by that tim burton guy..and ALL his movies are this one MUST be good to!(still wanna see coraline though)

yeah...but that freak jock guy was just such a........looser.......and urg. at least he died. the ending was sad tho. yet cheesey how the old lady was telling the story. i also hated how the neighbors keep getting in other people's business. like so what if you see ur neighbor with some pale freaky looking guy. seriously who cares? they don't need to be like "hey marge..its nancy! did you see luan??? shes with another man!!!" "omg nancy!! i saw him too! who do you think he was? i didnt really get a good look at him though" "me neither. but i think its unfair she gets him all to herself!" or whatever thier names were and stuff. then they keep ganging up on the lady who brought him in and BLEH! ANNOYING!

and to top it off...the whole scenery/people..LOOK LIKE BARBIES! the houses were night pastel yellow, green, pink, orange, blue, ect colour, with matching cars for thier house, and thier outfits were like always the same colours and stuff. to barbies for me. id never want to live there..evah. however i'd much rather live in edwards house were it like black and all haunted looking..chyeaaaa.

anywho....besides the was pretty good.

ok so after that..we like did w/e. we fell asleep at 4:30 in the morning. woke up at like 10:30ish then had poptarts(even though i HATE poptarts..i managed to eat one) then made popcormn and watched the rocker..which was an OK movie. then i went home. chyea...thats my day. oh yay.

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