Sunday, April 26, 2009


yeah i cant find the camera's cable cord -_-"

so no pictahz 2day 0_-

theres really nothing special i did...testing was BORING

lol in class i was on my DS in the chat rooms and some random people were in it Xd

i was teaching my friend ashly how to play cooking mama lol

fun fun fun

all we did was like watchmovies

and OMG. on thursday, in the "activities" time, me and monique were like sitting down next to the art area just doin make up when the BEE-OTCH just comes over to us and is like 'you two arent suppose to be sitting down and doing nothing...go in a classroom and do an activity..NOW!!!!!" geez and like there was these ppl RIGHT across us doing nothing and she didnt do anything about it..yeah we just went to like the lunch tables or something and did nothing there XDD

and then 2day, i dropped the camera and my mom started freaking out so i was like 'duuude its not broken..sarah and rebekah's camera got ran over by a car and lived" so yeah..still works

speaking of cameras...


im gonna bling it ^_^


peace out


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