Wednesday, April 15, 2009


^ my pug
isn't he cuuute?
i think he is ^_^
today was WEIRD
in a good way
and and and....
the guy i KINDA SORTA like was to me CX
and carl hugged me -_-
(i think he likes me...but i only like him as a friend...and NEVER nothing else..)
i'm finally seeing one of my best guy friend daylan alot...BUT HE NEVER NOTICES ME
im like RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM smiling and stuff then he just walks right past me like im a ghost....
sheesh at least say hi or something
but i miss him Dx
he was so funny(lol "the game")
but nooo..he takes 6th period art instead of 5th now :K
i have more picz of meh but im too lazy 2 upload them XDDDDDD
omg this is random but like during spring break(yeah that long ago) i was at ross and i saw the CUTEST sun dress EVAH!!!!! it was $15 and i had like $30with me but i didnt buy it cuz if i DID then i'd spend all the mony i had with me(chill out i have like $60 in my secret bank in my room lol) but yeah..its was like baby pink and all frilly and cute and i want it! DX
sorreh..but i just felt like saying that 4 some reason.....
ok yeah..i feel like a weirdo now telling u pplz that...

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