Thursday, April 30, 2009

new update

i feel purple-y today! wheee!

yes..that is my dog..looking from beyond the stairway..poor little guy...OMG I DIDNT CELEBRATE HIS B DAY OOOH IM A BAD OWNER

but i still luv him

^^^^ok i look like all outta space and stoooooopid, yet idk..i kinda like the pic 4 some reason so i put it there ^_^ but omggggggggggggggggggg
in 7th period yesterday...we had to watch supersize me! EEEWWWWWWw
in health last semister, i had my mom write a note so i got excused and went in a dif class so i didn't watch it
not THIS time(dude wtf happened to the purple???)
i BEGGED mr rossi to not let meh watch it..its gross..i do NOT need to see ppl stuff themselves with grosss greasy food and puke it all out..yeah..not gonna happen
i even did my puppydog face on him!!! and he's like "don't do the puppydog face, its not working" so i just sat down and drew during the whole(well....about half or so) movie and everyones like AAAHHHEWWWW and stuff and mr rossi is just cracking up

so here am i.
just trying to get my mind off that(i didnt look..just watched like 5 minutes of the whole movie total..class was over after "that part") but is better..KT didnt come to school today cuz some people probably jumped her or so got beat up or just didn't want to deal with it today. i don't blame her...but i do feel bad 4 her..she stoop up for her friend, my friends ALWAYS stood up for a coward
but yeah...poor poor KT
UGGGGGG and tommorow i hafta go to that stoopid 3 day pioneer thing 4 my church.....but i'll bring da camera and take pics..but i'll prob look ugly cuz.....I"LL HAVE TO TAKE MY MAKE UP OFF AT NIGHT!! ZOMG! cuz if i sleep with my make up on then i'll break out and just get uglier.
duuude i dont even know what i'm suppose to do n the camping thing, theres only 2 reasons i'm glad to go(actually 3!)
1. sarah and rebekah are coming
2.i can get away from my brother for like 3 days WHOOP!
3. i will ACTUALLY be able to see the stars!! omg last time i went camping me and sarah were walking and night and all the sudden we looked up and sawthis AMAZING view!!! gah i'll never forget it. it was SOOOOOOOOOO pretty!!1 we were having a moment..chyea
the thing that totally SUCKS about this trip.....
you(as in us girls) have to wear dresses/skirts up to yo ANKLES
i don't even think i have a dress that long o__0

^ when i looked at this picture....i immediatly said "OMG BLINGEE"
i like how i did the rose in my mouth thing lol
fits me perfectly
i actually didn't suspect myself to write this much..i was only going to say just a little bit of things like how i made a header(ohh yeah luvin it!) and yeah...-_-" that was pretty much it
oh yeah so in art(i know this goes on and onnnn) we were like telling jokes..then i decided to tell scary stories..well...freaky weird stories..i know a ton btw. but i decided to tell ones from animes/mangas. so i told my friends this one scene from XXXholic and i told them the higurashi onikakashi(i think thats how you spell that) story. i'm gonnas tell them all the higurashi series..its so violent but it gets SO intense its CRAZY! like i decided to go record the scary scenes on my camera and show them tommorow but as i was looking for the clip from higurashi when he smashes those girls to death i clicked this episode and was like OH EM GEE!
it showed that little girl and the green haired girl and the green haired girl is just laughing and the little girl just like keeps stabbing this knife in her head a lot and its just so messed up. i read that one(i usually don't watch that series..its kinda uhh..too much in anime version) but the manga actually leaves lots of stuff out. like i knew she was going to die and stuff and i knew those two freaky possed girls were going to kill her but i had NO IDEA that the GIRL was going to stab herself. yeah...messed up!
i was tempted to record that and show it to my friends..but no..if its kinda too much for me, it'll be WAY too much for my friends
yeah...wish me luck on the "trip"

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