Monday, April 13, 2009




has honestly been one of the WORST days EVAH!

i'm not going to say every single detail like as i always do(as there is information that should be kept private...) but ugg horrible!

the day was going fine....till third period.

now understand that the night before today...i kept getting really hot(idk y) but when id stand next to a window with an amazing cool FREEZE and getting extremely cold(perhps a sign of sickness??) so as i was saying....

third period i was just outta it! i basically dozed off in space the entire class. i hardly followed along what the teacher said(luckily i have a cool tracher who lets me sleep in class and talk and do whatever a lot) so i did nothing!!!! well, mostly because i just wasn't feeling well.

so then break came. me and monique go to the locker to hang out since our next class is PE. i go to the bathroom and BAM.


oh crud.

~skipping scene~

so then during PE we had to freaking run and walk and run and walk. our class was the ONLY class that ran. in the HOT WEATHER! i was sweating and it cwas all gross and i wanted to pass out and go home and BLAH!

then came art. aaaahh art. i thought today i can go easy and just have a nice little that so much to ask for??

but noooooooooooooooooooooo

appearantly not!

teacher here saw my head down and told to me to get up and do i basically slept with my head up. lunch( still like passed out right now) i was just looking at the clouds and the feild and watching the sprinklers water the grass. much fun....

science was pretty good. we didnt need to do work!!! all i had to do was watch a movie and take 15 notes. the suckish thing was the movie had to do with space..and i LOVE space..its just so interesting to me for some reason. so i watched it..and didn't take a nap...but i still did NOT feel good. throughout the whole day my friends are like "are you ok?"

and noooooo..its not only because "that" but i dunno....i think im getting sick D:


i had to go to FREAKING SEVENTH PERIOD!!!!!!!


7th period health to be exact. it was ALRIGHT. the teacher talked most of the time so when we finally did 'work" it was like the last 15 minutes outta the 2 hours.


all cuz i got like a 65% in health. they should bring back the D's.

and im not done yet........(i no..crazy right? if only u knew how i feel)

usually its just my mom that picks me up...but noooo..she had to bring my DAD and my UGLY BROTHER along cuz she wanted to go to the bank right before they pick ME up. god i HATEEEE my brother..its disgusting even facing his direction.

so when i get home..i like turn on TV and watched spongebob or something and like closed my eyes :)

but i till felt really bad.

aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh today was a really bad daaayyyyyyy and i like cant type or anything and i dunbt wanmna go to school espicially 7th period and i just wanna stay in bed all day with pudgy!

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