Tuesday, April 7, 2009


ok ignore the title..i was bored...

so my diddy finally came back home from las vegas. so the camera is baaaaacck! and i can take pictahs! next time i post theres a 95% chance i'll have a picture lol.

many people said my bangs look good at school yesterday! yay! but SOME people were like, "it looks WAY better than it did before' its SUPPOSE to be a compliment..but i take it as an offense..its like saying my side bangs look like poo and were ugly and blah. oh well..i can still bug people cuz my bangs are long enough to put to the side XD

omigoshomigoshomigosh! so lyke yesterday.....in um like art...my project went missing RIGHT!?

so lyke i told the teacher(who is mean btw) and she was all lyke 'you loose ur stuff too often. either look 4 it more or make another one!" so yesterday all i did was like sit there drawing cuz i KNEW i would find it by the next day.

so the next day(2day) i ask my friend to help look, then shes like "isn't that yours??" and OMG IT WAS!

some FREAKING JACKED my art project that i will transform into a wonderful doughnut. its half way papered mache'd but it was all gross. like too much glue and stuff. i cant believe someone would steal MY project. it wasn't even good!!! you can tell it was all crudy cuz my circle was like lopsided and everything! and had this tiny hole. geez frigging cover my name with paper then writes yours? LOOZER. oh well...the teachah hide my project only(cuz im special) and so the weird person who jacks projects wouldnt be able to find it :D

omgggggggggg...the last fews days i have not been able so sleep AT ALL! i'm SO outta it right now. :[
even with my awsome lotion that helps you sleep better.

ok..yeah short blog today.

peace out

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