Wednesday, September 30, 2009

IrishWistWatch(say that 10 times fast!)

yeah old pic...oh well
ok...before i start talking about how suckish my life is so far..i need to say this:
you suck.
OK! now that THAT'S over with...-_-"
nothing much has been going i had to go to the dentist again >_<
i have 2 cavities >_<
and i need to go back tommorow to get them filled >_<
plus, last night,..i only got 3 hours of sleep
cuz im tired of pudgy not sleeping with me(sounds wrong lol) so i locked him in my room last night and from 11:30 to 3:30 yhe kept me awake trying to get out.......
OMG blog is acting gay. i cant explain it..just nevermind
uggg im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo tired and i have a shizload of hw to do!!!!
my life suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkzzzzzzzzz
lol this is random but i feel like writing it:
i was walking to..fourth period i believe when theres these girls who said "whats with all the azns???" RIGHT WHEN SHE WALKS PAST ME
and im like""
i dunno..its like that one time in the locker when those fat chicks said skinny girls were coming outta style then looked ast me..but im not soooOoOOooOoOoOoOOoooo fat
and that once dance..yeah i almost got it completely memorised! yay!
tonight, i think im gonna put on fake nails again( i meam..IF i have time too) cuz im kinda "biting" them again and i dont want all my hard work wasted
and my skin is like peeling..really bad..especially my lips....>_<
and i hate all my in 1st period, i sit in front of this fat ugly freshmen who yawns like every 5 econds(im NOT kidding!) its SO annoying cuz u can hear it and blah and he was sick and starts coughing when it gets on my hair and stuff
then in 4th period, i also sit next to a fat ugly freshmen and he is just weird. like he starts humming some song or randomly blurts out a cuss word and when he breathes out his nose i can feel is go to my hair c uz it like moves my hair and stuff. all the classes i have with freshmen..i hate.
like wghen i aw the commercial..i was like omg!!!!!!!1
but i is poor right maybe a christmas or b day prezzie will do me good :D
and a\yay1 holloween is coming up soon! hopefully hasna will go trick-or-treating with me and when we're done we're gonna hide in trees and throw candy at ppl lol
or just scare doesnt matter to me ive been talking about hate and despair and stuff..its either my meds doing this..or the fact that im like a zombie right now from the lack of sleep i got
well wateves

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