Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ok before i say ANYTHING....
I'm still so happeh :D
even if its for a really retarded reason LOL
oh and that hot guy...i saw him again 2day..but i dont think he saw me..ahh well
its so annoying cuz everytime i spend lots of time trying to look good, i NEVER see him..but on days when i look like crap i see him..its SOO annoying
ahhhhhhhhhhhh i want the weekend!
and im going 2 san diego again on saturday yaay!
im gonna buy more magz and i need more fake nails, some bling 4 my camera and those cookie/ice cream key chains as well :D
oh an fake lashes
and i havent bitten my nails in a while(GOOD)
so theyve FINALLY grown out
its the longest now since a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNGGG time ago
*sigh* this is a very boring week
hopefully me and hasna will go to the movies on friday or something :)
and in math...theres like this sick guy behind me and hes all coughing and making those gross nose sounds and stuff...and why do i ALWAYS need to sits near ppl like trhat..i mean SERIOUSLY
so i pretty much held my breathe the WHOLE period cuz i aint wanna get sick
oh and 9 is out today
i will watch that one of these days
and josh's b day is coming up LOL
he's gonna be 16
i'm gonna be 16 in 4 months :D
i wanna go to disney land as my supah sweet 16!
im prob gonna take a friend or two but they need to buy thier own tickets XD
its "light ash brown" so its like..regular brown i guess for me. i dunno if i should dye it soon or wait until after halloween(cuz i wanna be minnie mouse or batman lolz) so idk...i need to think about it
alright too-da-looo

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