Wednesday, May 6, 2009

swiiiiiiiine fluuuuuu i dont got swine flu..i just felt like using that title so when i look back i'll be like "oh yeah..the swine flu" and chyeaaa.


my day was O.K.

it was usual day UNTIL 5th period.

(geez a ton of stuff goes on in 5th peeriod o__0)

so there i was.....normal as can be, when SUDDENLY my stomach starts hurting like CRAZAY!

i went to the restroom(you know..) but that wasn't the case, then i remembered hasna once told me at the mall(cuz it happened to me @ the mall) that if you don't drink water then you get stomach aches..i realized i hadn't drank water ALL day. and OMG did my stomach HUUUURRRTT!!!!!! the stomach ache lasted from like the last 10 minutes of 5th period to about....3:50-ish? yeah about halfway of 7th period

(oh btw..5 more days of the horrid 7th period left!! WHOOP!)

BUT OMG OMG OMG I HAFTA RUN DA MILE TOMMOROW!!!! and its suppose to be like 90 degrees outside! hopefully we can skip and just like chill in the gym.

and the guy that i KINDA SORTA, STARTING TO NOT LIKE AS MUCH guy...yeah...havent seen him in a while(which is why im prob gonna get over him by like the end of the month or sumting) lol thats a shame tho..i dunt even know why i like him......but the guys that i know that DO like*cough* lets just say...shoo. and they make it too obvious so its easy to tell. theres 2 guys that i know fer sure, and two guys that im guessing. too bad they arent mah type tho

^^^ lol my standards are very picky XDDD. im NOT the kind of girl that is desperate and will go out with...(about)...anybody. theres certin qualities that im looking for :)

i have no idea why, but i wanna marry a lawyer. im not a huge fan of "curly" hair on guys, id MUCH prefer straight hair, I'd prefer green eyes, and so on. lol my current fav look on a guy would be emo/scene...totally

oh and i forget to post about this earlier...but on saturday(even tho i wasnt there) i got my PINK camera!!!!!!! its quality is SO good its scary. now i basically HGATE taking pics of myself cuz you can see all my acne and stuff and its DISGUSTING! i like taking pics of pudgy tho :)



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