Tuesday, May 12, 2009

oh wow

ok as you see in the picture above^
im WAY over there....
my friends are on the other side
and in the green are these(not being racists or anything) mexican girls riight??

well, i didnt exactly "witness" this(in fact i didnt) but my friends told me about this.

so appearant while everyone was changing.....my friends were @ thier locker, when they see thesed mexican girls messing around with acohol. (btw my friends told me this so yeeah..just sayin wat they said) so i guess one of the girls like mixed "salsa"(i THINK) in some drug(forgot what it was called) and then drank it. then she threw up and my friends said you can see this HUGE jar of this drug thing in the girl's locker and stoof and one of the girls had marijuna leafs on her belt o__0

but to get to the point, this one girl that hates my friends(well..she is in LOVE with one of them..) was witnessing this too and then told the office pplz about wat she saw and said that my friends witnessed this so they'll prob be called to the office to talk about this and my friend XXXXXXX is SOOOO scared that she is going to be jumped but i dunno if she was told as a witness cuz the girl that told the office ppl is like litterally in love with her(cuz the girl who talked is lez ew) but yeah so we dunt no.

and during lunch mah friendz are making this HUGE deal outta it but me and uh..i forget her face...are just like "dude its no big deal" like all chill and my other friend is like "I DONT WANNA GET JUMPED!!!"

ah ha ha ha.

and this morning, this one chic in 1st period spilled water on herself and it looked like she peed her pants XDDDDDDD


2 DAYS LEFT OF 7TH PERIOD(still counting)

ehh i dunt wanna go tommorow thooo!!!! cuz..i dunt wanna say..but AHH YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND!

no srsly you wouldnt. i'd prob not tell you. i only told KT so far, and she was like "eww thats gross. ha sux for you" and stuff.


too bad i cant miss anymore days or else i'll be dropped.

ohhh yeah and last night in my POPTEEN magazine theres this freaky picture of this girl with these fish-hooks pierced into her face and lyke...i was like "mom are these scary stories"(since its in japanese) and shes reading it and is like making grossed out faces and stoof. and im like TELL MEEEEE and shes like NO I REMEMBER THE STORY I HEARD 33 YEARS AGO STILL! and runs away. lol my mom is so weird..but in a good way :)


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