Thursday, May 7, 2009

lololol(not really)

ok...i remember i laughed alot today...yet i forgot what was so funny -_-"

lets seee......oh yeah at 4th period we had to "run" the mile and i wanted ditch with my friends but noooooooo they chickened out. luckily during break i went to hasna and had her write me a fake parent note saying i didn't feel well. i half dressed out since it was last minute and the teacher believed it!!! so while everyone ran i was sitting on the bleachers in the shade watching everyone saying "IM DYING" or "ITS SO HOT OUTSIDE" it was a "lol" moment for me :)

lets seee..mischelle(if thats how you spell her name..) wasnt here today so it was SO quiet in art, but at the end of the class these kids were sucking the hellium out of a balloon and thier voices really did get all high and funny. then mrs hodges starts flipping out and doing this gay lecture thing....annoying.

at lunch, my friend uh...elayna(man i SUCK at spelling) or watever was trying to open this ketchup packet for brittany but SPLOOSH it went all over her backpack and me and monique and brittany start craaaacking up! then monique, for once, gets all hyper and starts these weird voices and faces and it was just funneh.



why yes, yes i AM counting the days

but i'll miss my friends ive met in that class...even if they are, actually i have a LOT of junior i just noticed that XD

ok thats all

bye!(gotta do my friggin hw)

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