Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ok the weird stuff now:)

omg so yeah, as you know, i was SUFFERING TODAY!
but ahem, yeah
so lets see. my day started off pretty bad. my alarm went off at 6:05 however i slept in til 7:50
yeesh that was bleh

oh btw check out my pimpin camera!

i added bling to it, and an ice cream lawl

ok so in 3rd period, which was INCREDIBLY boring btw

well so my friends DITCHED me for the assembly for teh older ppl so i was all alone for like 2 hours justdrawing..yeah

but @ the end of class, these skaters thought it was cool to spray cologne(or watever) in thier mouth. they're like "how many sprays can YOU take?" so they had this contest and stoof.

and this one guy like freaking spit it out(at least it was in the trash can) but we're all like "EEWW" and then the other boy started spitting..yeah weird. lol they prob passed out during 4th period since you can get poison from that(or so i heard you can)

oh yeah and in 3rd period yesterday, my friend XXXXX went to the BR to smoke weed and when she came back im like "dude ur breathe smells like smoke" and shes like "NO WAY" and wanted gum but we didnt have any. so she kept lighting her lighter RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE TEACHER. but he didnt see it..he was too buzy grading stuff. and she even showed us her weed. it was um...awkward....


lol in PE this one guy kept tripping over nothing. like he fell backwards and tumbled and EVERYTHING. and he wasnt even in our class. o.o

random yes?

and then mah friends wanted to see that steve guy from the announcments cuz he was "dead" but im like "NOOO MAH FEET HURT" and theyre like so wut. hmmf meanies! lol no they werent really like that, but wateverrr.

and ewwww chuckEcheese guy is SOOOOOO gross! i see him EVERYWHERE now D:
and he likes me!! which is the grossest part!*pukes on him*

lol that one time when he walked past me and monique his freaking stomach was HANGING out of his shirt. he is as bad as leslie(not trying to be mean..well...) he may be BIGGER than leslie(but no so much on the "loose skin thing" i know..i have to CHANGE next to her, and her BO kills me!!!!!!)

^ pretty picture i took..too bad u can see part of my hand DX

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