Friday, May 29, 2009

me, monique, elana(?), britanny

OK so during lunch.....i went to talk to dani and brittany(other one) for like 3 minutes. when im done....SWOOOSH they r gone!!!
so i went to the usual spot but nooooooo they werent there D:
so THEN ashly ran into me and i asked her 4 help to find my friends..we walked around the school 3 times but didnt see them! going on our 4th i FINALLY found them
ashly left...
and they're like "oh we were hanging out over there---yeah we got our names written down"
apparenly they were in a "no student zone" (which iz GAY) so chyea and they were all mad about it.
lol but in the lockers @ break britanny and elana have this trash locker where the put all thier wrappy and stoof in it and its like overflowed now. then 2day someone put a trash thing in it so elana was all like "OMG" and everything.
ehhh and the skin stuff i hafta use IS working, BUT its making my skin SO FREAKING DRY i have 2 put POUNDS of lotion on :(
and im getting use to swallowing that stupid pill thing..i have to just cut it into 4 peices tho(no not birth control..NO WAY EVER will i want to take that..its this..this weird pill 2 clear ur skin DURR)
chyea ok dont have much else 2 say



as you can (obviously) see i changed they layout....GRRRR i still dont know how to put the back i want its just a plain colour :(
yeah i havent updated in a while. chyeaaaaaaa.
so lyke i brought my camera 2 skool :D
mostly cuz a friend is MOVING so i wanted to take a pic of herrrr.
ahaha red herring
ahem sorry...
so chyea some random picz...i look ugly in it DX

ahh i need to upload the ones with other friends, i'll do that in my next post <_<>_>

cuz thats where i need to stay STOOF

^ seung joo drawing of spongebob!!! OMG

^^^ my drawing to mishell(AKA her goodbye prezz)
i couldve done better, i WAS going to give her this one CUUUTTE drawing of my character sonny(you wouldnt understand the storyline..its too complicated) BUUUUUUTTT i decided 2 keep it XDD
mmhmm yeh. and we watched finding nemo in art o__0
well, sme ppl did at least

Thursday, May 21, 2009



Wednesday, May 20, 2009


weird stuff today..very weird stuff(lol first word isnt green!!)

so yeah, i had to run the mile DXXXXXXXX

and i was DYING like i couldnt stop coughing in 5th period and i had all these fricking blisters from the day before. my time was 10:54 lol..really sad.

but yeah my friend was being stoopid and had 2 do this gay dare. her dare was to snort lemonade powder and she diiid. and her nose was like bleeding and when we were walking down the field she just kept sneezing and it was kinda funny. she says when she drinks water it tastes like lemonade o__0

then right at the end of break some chic fight occured. i didnt see the "fighting" but me and KT saw this guy holding this strand of most of my friends didnt see it..poor girlz. but geez that mustve HURT!!!!!!!

and LOL in 3rd period i got to go to mrs stanfield(AKA 1st period) and we wrre watching romeo and juliet XDDDD but AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! the nude scenes were freaking GRAPHICED! like when it showed juliets boobs all these boys were like WHOO YEAH WHOO! and me and my friends were just laaauughhing.

and in art i got my scratchboard back. it was of dante from devil may cry. i gotz an A+

well gtg watch ouran host club bye-cha

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ok the weird stuff now:)

omg so yeah, as you know, i was SUFFERING TODAY!
but ahem, yeah
so lets see. my day started off pretty bad. my alarm went off at 6:05 however i slept in til 7:50
yeesh that was bleh

oh btw check out my pimpin camera!

i added bling to it, and an ice cream lawl

ok so in 3rd period, which was INCREDIBLY boring btw

well so my friends DITCHED me for the assembly for teh older ppl so i was all alone for like 2 hours justdrawing..yeah

but @ the end of class, these skaters thought it was cool to spray cologne(or watever) in thier mouth. they're like "how many sprays can YOU take?" so they had this contest and stoof.

and this one guy like freaking spit it out(at least it was in the trash can) but we're all like "EEWW" and then the other boy started spitting..yeah weird. lol they prob passed out during 4th period since you can get poison from that(or so i heard you can)

oh yeah and in 3rd period yesterday, my friend XXXXX went to the BR to smoke weed and when she came back im like "dude ur breathe smells like smoke" and shes like "NO WAY" and wanted gum but we didnt have any. so she kept lighting her lighter RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE TEACHER. but he didnt see it..he was too buzy grading stuff. and she even showed us her weed. it was um...awkward....


lol in PE this one guy kept tripping over nothing. like he fell backwards and tumbled and EVERYTHING. and he wasnt even in our class. o.o

random yes?

and then mah friends wanted to see that steve guy from the announcments cuz he was "dead" but im like "NOOO MAH FEET HURT" and theyre like so wut. hmmf meanies! lol no they werent really like that, but wateverrr.

and ewwww chuckEcheese guy is SOOOOOO gross! i see him EVERYWHERE now D:
and he likes me!! which is the grossest part!*pukes on him*

lol that one time when he walked past me and monique his freaking stomach was HANGING out of his shirt. he is as bad as leslie(not trying to be mean..well...) he may be BIGGER than leslie(but no so much on the "loose skin thing" i know..i have to CHANGE next to her, and her BO kills me!!!!!!)

^ pretty picture i took..too bad u can see part of my hand DX

weird stuff..and more PAAAIIINN!!!!!

ok heey!!!!


like part of it is MY fault, but i couldnt help myself..these shoes were SCREAMING my name, begging for me to buy them!!!!!
plus they are SUPER cute and were only $3!!!!!!!!
they are a size too small
oh darn!!!!!
but you know, its all for the style, and those shoes HAPPENED to go good with the outfit i was wearing well i wore them 2 skool 2day riiiight?
right when i got home, i had to put my poor feet in a bucket of nice cold water(and it felt GOOD) but gah my feet hurt..
but WAIT!
i could use this blister stuff as an excuse, but i already skipped the last mile test...*sigh*

Thursday, May 14, 2009



yeah the past two days all we did was bookwook...BORING..
but i did NOT need to see...that thing i was talking about :DDDD
but its kinda sad to think of it you know??? i mean, i made friends in that class(even if they were juniors) but they were nice. and we liked looking at my japanese fashion mags together:) and we always made jokes about eachother. fun fun fun.
yeah..i WILL miss the fun in 7th period(but yet i NEVER EVER EVAH want to go bck to that class AGAIN..well after school hours anyways)
cuz that girl that snorts when she laughs
or that kid that thinks he is cool and stuff(but he ish funneh)
and the teacher waz cool too
but i said by to all my friends.

and it has my FAVOURITE colours on it!!!

it has jack and sally dancing^_^

guess being her friend and carrying her books and listen to her be a brat and stuff paid off:)

cuz ive been telling her "if you gotz any shirts you dont want you can always give them to meee!"

and shes like "here i thought you might like this" WHEEEE


and i know this is random buuut KT got me addicted to underoath lawl. but its prob only gonna be an obsession for a week, just like escape the fate and nevershoutnever(altho i still like them a lot)

but owl city is prob my fav artist i guess..since i listen to him the most o__0

oh yeah yesterday i was deleting a few pics off my camera but i pressed this button that deleted ALL my pictures(most were already uploaded tho..but STILL)

and dani wanted to beat me up today cuz sharaaaaaan(sarah) still hasnt gave me her DVDs to give to dani. so she was trying to whip me with her belt(...)

well anyways...NO MORE HEALTH!!!!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

oh wow

ok as you see in the picture above^
im WAY over there....
my friends are on the other side
and in the green are these(not being racists or anything) mexican girls riight??

well, i didnt exactly "witness" this(in fact i didnt) but my friends told me about this.

so appearant while everyone was friends were @ thier locker, when they see thesed mexican girls messing around with acohol. (btw my friends told me this so yeeah..just sayin wat they said) so i guess one of the girls like mixed "salsa"(i THINK) in some drug(forgot what it was called) and then drank it. then she threw up and my friends said you can see this HUGE jar of this drug thing in the girl's locker and stoof and one of the girls had marijuna leafs on her belt o__0

but to get to the point, this one girl that hates my friends(well..she is in LOVE with one of them..) was witnessing this too and then told the office pplz about wat she saw and said that my friends witnessed this so they'll prob be called to the office to talk about this and my friend XXXXXXX is SOOOO scared that she is going to be jumped but i dunno if she was told as a witness cuz the girl that told the office ppl is like litterally in love with her(cuz the girl who talked is lez ew) but yeah so we dunt no.

and during lunch mah friendz are making this HUGE deal outta it but me and uh..i forget her face...are just like "dude its no big deal" like all chill and my other friend is like "I DONT WANNA GET JUMPED!!!"

ah ha ha ha.

and this morning, this one chic in 1st period spilled water on herself and it looked like she peed her pants XDDDDDDD


2 DAYS LEFT OF 7TH PERIOD(still counting)

ehh i dunt wanna go tommorow thooo!!!! cuz..i dunt wanna say..but AHH YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND!

no srsly you wouldnt. i'd prob not tell you. i only told KT so far, and she was like "eww thats gross. ha sux for you" and stuff.


too bad i cant miss anymore days or else i'll be dropped.

ohhh yeah and last night in my POPTEEN magazine theres this freaky picture of this girl with these fish-hooks pierced into her face and lyke...i was like "mom are these scary stories"(since its in japanese) and shes reading it and is like making grossed out faces and stoof. and im like TELL MEEEEE and shes like NO I REMEMBER THE STORY I HEARD 33 YEARS AGO STILL! and runs away. lol my mom is so weird..but in a good way :)


Saturday, May 9, 2009


ohhh lol the whole picture thing is going backwards..ahh well.
so i went to coronado 2day( i use to live there btw) and took pudgy to da beach(as you can see in ze other pictures)
yeah then my dad became a total butt. >_<
as you can see, yes, yes i am wearing fake eyelashes again^^^
(and i still am as im writing this)
i dunno..i like playing dress up, but id NEVER wear it to school

heres pudgy^
yeah in this picture he was already getting pretty tired. lol i dunked him in the ocean XDDD cuz he cant swim but he KINDA was..not really tho

and TEH OCEAN! the actual pic was all green and gray since it was foggy(cuz morning) so i edited it and made it look all pretty and blue!

and pudgy again
ok yeah told you it wasnt in order.
but yeah my dad got angry(again) since me and mom kept critizing him so he wanted to go home and didnt want any mootime ice cream(which is the BEST) but yeah..he just did the "silent" treatment.
yeah he got over it.
but me and my mum went to a commisary(or w/e) and were shoppin for food. i remember one time i went there i saw this REALLY hot guy there...yeah. he was so cute^_^
only old people were there today
then we went to yoshinoya and ate there
then came home

Thursday, May 7, 2009

lololol(not really)

ok...i remember i laughed alot today...yet i forgot what was so funny -_-"

lets seee......oh yeah at 4th period we had to "run" the mile and i wanted ditch with my friends but noooooooo they chickened out. luckily during break i went to hasna and had her write me a fake parent note saying i didn't feel well. i half dressed out since it was last minute and the teacher believed it!!! so while everyone ran i was sitting on the bleachers in the shade watching everyone saying "IM DYING" or "ITS SO HOT OUTSIDE" it was a "lol" moment for me :)

lets seee..mischelle(if thats how you spell her name..) wasnt here today so it was SO quiet in art, but at the end of the class these kids were sucking the hellium out of a balloon and thier voices really did get all high and funny. then mrs hodges starts flipping out and doing this gay lecture thing....annoying.

at lunch, my friend uh...elayna(man i SUCK at spelling) or watever was trying to open this ketchup packet for brittany but SPLOOSH it went all over her backpack and me and monique and brittany start craaaacking up! then monique, for once, gets all hyper and starts these weird voices and faces and it was just funneh.



why yes, yes i AM counting the days

but i'll miss my friends ive met in that class...even if they are, actually i have a LOT of junior i just noticed that XD

ok thats all

bye!(gotta do my friggin hw)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

swiiiiiiiine fluuuuuu i dont got swine flu..i just felt like using that title so when i look back i'll be like "oh yeah..the swine flu" and chyeaaa.


my day was O.K.

it was usual day UNTIL 5th period.

(geez a ton of stuff goes on in 5th peeriod o__0)

so there i was.....normal as can be, when SUDDENLY my stomach starts hurting like CRAZAY!

i went to the restroom(you know..) but that wasn't the case, then i remembered hasna once told me at the mall(cuz it happened to me @ the mall) that if you don't drink water then you get stomach aches..i realized i hadn't drank water ALL day. and OMG did my stomach HUUUURRRTT!!!!!! the stomach ache lasted from like the last 10 minutes of 5th period to about....3:50-ish? yeah about halfway of 7th period

(oh btw..5 more days of the horrid 7th period left!! WHOOP!)

BUT OMG OMG OMG I HAFTA RUN DA MILE TOMMOROW!!!! and its suppose to be like 90 degrees outside! hopefully we can skip and just like chill in the gym.

and the guy that i KINDA SORTA, STARTING TO NOT LIKE AS MUCH guy...yeah...havent seen him in a while(which is why im prob gonna get over him by like the end of the month or sumting) lol thats a shame tho..i dunt even know why i like him......but the guys that i know that DO like*cough* lets just say...shoo. and they make it too obvious so its easy to tell. theres 2 guys that i know fer sure, and two guys that im guessing. too bad they arent mah type tho

^^^ lol my standards are very picky XDDD. im NOT the kind of girl that is desperate and will go out with...(about)...anybody. theres certin qualities that im looking for :)

i have no idea why, but i wanna marry a lawyer. im not a huge fan of "curly" hair on guys, id MUCH prefer straight hair, I'd prefer green eyes, and so on. lol my current fav look on a guy would be emo/scene...totally

oh and i forget to post about this earlier...but on saturday(even tho i wasnt there) i got my PINK camera!!!!!!! its quality is SO good its scary. now i basically HGATE taking pics of myself cuz you can see all my acne and stuff and its DISGUSTING! i like taking pics of pudgy tho :)



Sunday, May 3, 2009

so im back..and TIRED

SO IM LIKE BACKKKKKK and SOOOO FRICKING Tired!!!!!! but u know wut!???
i had fun.
(besides the hikes...i hate hiking..)
omg i was hair was greasy...i was covered in dirt..i didn't change clothes for like 3 days, and i didnt shower for like two, i had to sleep with make up on, i had to use port-a-potties, AND EVERYTHING!
take my advice......dont use a port-a-pottie at night...ITS SCARY!!!!!!!
so on friday...the people in my "family" were STRANGERS..i was all quiet, when jordyn(this one chic) was like "are you really quiet or something??" and i'm like " just really shy" but yeah..eventually i opened up. there WAS this guy i thought was cute in my fam tho..but on the second day he freaking ditched the group so we had to work now he is a butt.
and omggg..theres this other guy in my family that looks JUST LIKE ONE OF MY BESTEST GUY FRIENDS! OMG! yeah he looks like my friend daylan(he ish a jr) just imagine this guy with a little lighter skin...blonde a little longer wavy-ish hair, and BOOM its daylaaaaaan!
lol it was so weird
Early in the morning i saw some horses..and they were sooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! i took some niiice pics of them too :) sarah is telling me how some guy was like "I like ur hair" and stuff to her. she falls for ANYONE that says something nice about her
the pic below is from early in the morning..the clouds look SUWEET

ok so on the second day..after the 4 or 5 mile hike UP and DOWN hills...we finally got free time!!!! i was like chilling out with my two bestest friends in da world.
(lol sorry sarah..i just HAD to use this picture of you coughing)

the second day was cool. the first SUCKED!

ohh yeah..check out my sunglasses..monique hates them..shes all like "eww i dont want to be around a person with bug eyes"

you know??? sometimes monique really bugs me. but whatever..even though she 99% gets HER way.....every time an old friend of hers or whatever comes she acts like a total brat...she always makes me hold HER stuff.....and acts likes i dont exists sometimes....she is still one of my best frinds!
(i know..that sounds SOOOO messed up....its not AS BAD as i say it me)

but enough about her.

ok so yeah after we ate and rebekah and sarah just like hanged out where my sleeping bugs were. XDDDD then we had to do these gay activities -__-"

omgggggggg so some activities were:
-make these corn thing dolls(pic below(mines on the far right btw))
-milk a FAKE cow
-do this shooting game
-watch a chicken get its head chopped off
-and uh..others..i forget them tho

omg i kinda wanted o watch the chicken on and record it to show..but when i was making a just hear "OOOHHHHH!!" and so i guess CHOP!

when i finished my doll...i went to see the chicken...and OH MY GOD

like theres this...stump right? and theres the disabled chicken hear and the knife next to it and when i came over some ugly old guy was holding the chicken and unplucking the was sad..i took a pic of the head to show you peepz, but it was at a weird angle so i deleted it. i didnt actually WATCH it die..but i heard from friends what happened. people say the chicken was all cute and innocent and had NO IDEA what was going to happen and SNAP off with its head!!!!! and they said after its head got cut off the body AND head were still moving a bit for like 5 minutes!!! thats disgusting!

poor chicken :(

lol while i was waiting for dinner to cook, me and my friend ellen were playing "the rating game". which is one of my favourite games btw :)

we were like "how about that guy with the white shirt sitting down?" and we'd be like "4"...and stuff..we are harsh with look...and i was like "see any "10's?" and shes like ""
"that guy right there"
"oh you mean the guy who was on the mountain?"
"isnt he the guy you like?"
"is he cute???"
"well i think he is"

but it was seriously SO GAY. i was trying SO hard to see his face for like and HOUR but each time..SOMETHING got in the way. like i had my sunglasses on, so it "looked" like i was looking at ellen but i was actually looking at him(as planned) but for like 10 minutes..he was facing the opposite direction..then when he DID face our direction...he was looking down eating for like 20 minutes. this was the really gay part btw. each time he looked up, a girls head would get in the way or watever. like once he looked up and RIGHT where his eyes were this branches were in the way.. i was like "OMG!!!!"

so we kepted moving areas like 5 times..then we found the PERFECT way ANYONE could get in the way...BUT...

i was like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!???"

but i ended up seeing him..yeah..he was really cute :)

but eh..josh was better -__-"
(still miss him DX)
and i found out what happened to josh!!!!! moniques friend's brother is josh's friend(sound confusing i know) and he said that josh TRANSFERED schools!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!! omg i missed looking at him. he was SO cute. he would always look at me in science class, i think he liked me too! which is the gay part! and ALL my friends say we would be a cute couple!

lol but at night was truely the best time out of the whole thing.

so theres was this dance.

a square dance thing(LAME)

so me, sarah, rebekah, and jacob ditched the dance.

at first....we were hanging around the tents..but theres these adults making sure everyone is at the dance so i suggested everyone to hide in the tent i was in since its the biggest. jacob was being retarded and didnt want to comne in(although i understand cuz its the girls tent and sarah was like "cindy imagine you being in a tent with like 5 boys and ur the only girl" ) but he came in anyways LOL. everytime we saw a light we like ducked down and stuff..just that feeling of getting caught at any second was so AWSHUME!

but we ended up getting out cuz during the dance's "break" we were afraid my tent mates would come get something. so......we hid behind the port-a-potties!!!!!

and LMAO!!!!!!!!!

it was SO freaking fun!

so first we just talked and stuff..and this guy goes in a pottie and starts singing opera or something REALLY loud! and we were just crackin UP!

i think he knew we were there..but lol watever. it was funny


sarah and rebekah decided to go making farting noises with their arms and me nd jacob just like starts laughing like crazy and our stomaches and cheeks hurt and EVERYTHING!!!! but i was happy for sarah since this is like the acual FIRST time that I have seen jacob "happy"....weird.

since she likes him..and im assuming he likes her..its like an "aaawww" moment thing you know?

and omg its just you had to be there to know how funny this was. sarah kept asking jacob to make a farting sound(XDDD) but he was like "i'll only do it if cindy does it" and im like "uhh nooo!!!" but rebekah kepted making this HUGE and incredibly LOUD ones that were like the "are you ok?" type of ones LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

and these people looked at us like we were insane, but they just dont have a sense of humor.

so right before the dance was over, the four of us went to go get brownies and ice cream before anyone else did. oh yeahhhh. they were delicous!!! then we had to go to our "families" and my "pa" was saying that when he went to the bathroom he heard someone do this LOUD fart. so i was like "wait..when was this??" and he's like "just a few minutes ago" so im like "oh..that mightve been my friends.." and im telling them what happened XDDD

but omg..when we were getting ready for bed....sarah(or was it rebekah?? i dont remember..but it doesnt matter cuz they both ended up telling me so watever) like runs up to me and is like "JACOB HELD ME HAND!!!!!!!!!!" and im like "OMG!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!" and she said he was like grabbing her hand and stuff. awwwwww how cute. she was so happy. but geez...he is not my type..and he SCARES me. and he's EMO and has gross hair!!!( me..the hair is EVERYTHING!) but i used to like him when i was like in 5th grade or so, but now he is ew.
but im still happeh 4 sharaaaann(aka sarah XD)

lol and last night in the tents rebekah slepted in my tent with some other ppl and we were playing the "would you rather" game. and rebekah just comes naturally at this game. it was hillarious. but everyone got sleepy so me and ellen were awake telling scary storiesssss. lol which reminds me, on friday in art i told some scary stories and nikki started crying cuz i told this story where this murderer is under a bed licking the girls hand and her dog is skined and theres a pool of blood in the bath tube and on the wall it says 'people can lick too'(you gotta know the story to understand it) and so nikki has this weird phobia where she like is scared to be alone or else she'll cut herself or whatever. so she starts crtying and is like "now i cant take a shower tonight" and we are like its just a story!!! XD i showed them the higurashi ending were kei finally smashes those crazy girls to death..and eveyone is just like omg! ahem..anyways
so i decided to wrap up the scary stories with a stupid wannabe scary story i made upp in th grade(this is at the camp btw) lol and me and ellen are just laughing when i,m telling it. I'd tell you..but then you'd think im weird XDDD

omg so waking up this morning was GAH! it was cold!!!! i used my stuffed monkey as my pillow lol. everyone gathered everything and WENT HOME!

but the car i came in didnt come so i had to squeeze in and double belt with sarah. and i saw my mon and just ran to her and gave my stuff at her cuz my arms and legs felt like crap. they still do and will probably hurt like CRAZY tommorow. ahh i dunt wannt go to skoool but i hafta cuz freaking 7th period!

oh yeah the pic of me n rebekah..rebekah was angry cuz her family hates was so sad. she like basically made the whole dinner and they ate without her!!!! and all she got was leftovers! but my family was cool and shared with her :)

im so glad to be home..and to be clean!

(lol thuis video is from saurday during free time in ashtyn's tent when rebekah was just being sugar high....i have to deal with this a lot btw)