Thursday, April 30, 2009

new update

i feel purple-y today! wheee!

yes..that is my dog..looking from beyond the stairway..poor little guy...OMG I DIDNT CELEBRATE HIS B DAY OOOH IM A BAD OWNER

but i still luv him

^^^^ok i look like all outta space and stoooooopid, yet idk..i kinda like the pic 4 some reason so i put it there ^_^ but omggggggggggggggggggg
in 7th period yesterday...we had to watch supersize me! EEEWWWWWWw
in health last semister, i had my mom write a note so i got excused and went in a dif class so i didn't watch it
not THIS time(dude wtf happened to the purple???)
i BEGGED mr rossi to not let meh watch it..its gross..i do NOT need to see ppl stuff themselves with grosss greasy food and puke it all out..yeah..not gonna happen
i even did my puppydog face on him!!! and he's like "don't do the puppydog face, its not working" so i just sat down and drew during the whole(well....about half or so) movie and everyones like AAAHHHEWWWW and stuff and mr rossi is just cracking up

so here am i.
just trying to get my mind off that(i didnt look..just watched like 5 minutes of the whole movie total..class was over after "that part") but is better..KT didnt come to school today cuz some people probably jumped her or so got beat up or just didn't want to deal with it today. i don't blame her...but i do feel bad 4 her..she stoop up for her friend, my friends ALWAYS stood up for a coward
but yeah...poor poor KT
UGGGGGG and tommorow i hafta go to that stoopid 3 day pioneer thing 4 my church.....but i'll bring da camera and take pics..but i'll prob look ugly cuz.....I"LL HAVE TO TAKE MY MAKE UP OFF AT NIGHT!! ZOMG! cuz if i sleep with my make up on then i'll break out and just get uglier.
duuude i dont even know what i'm suppose to do n the camping thing, theres only 2 reasons i'm glad to go(actually 3!)
1. sarah and rebekah are coming
2.i can get away from my brother for like 3 days WHOOP!
3. i will ACTUALLY be able to see the stars!! omg last time i went camping me and sarah were walking and night and all the sudden we looked up and sawthis AMAZING view!!! gah i'll never forget it. it was SOOOOOOOOOO pretty!!1 we were having a moment..chyea
the thing that totally SUCKS about this trip.....
you(as in us girls) have to wear dresses/skirts up to yo ANKLES
i don't even think i have a dress that long o__0

^ when i looked at this picture....i immediatly said "OMG BLINGEE"
i like how i did the rose in my mouth thing lol
fits me perfectly
i actually didn't suspect myself to write this much..i was only going to say just a little bit of things like how i made a header(ohh yeah luvin it!) and yeah...-_-" that was pretty much it
oh yeah so in art(i know this goes on and onnnn) we were like telling jokes..then i decided to tell scary stories..well...freaky weird stories..i know a ton btw. but i decided to tell ones from animes/mangas. so i told my friends this one scene from XXXholic and i told them the higurashi onikakashi(i think thats how you spell that) story. i'm gonnas tell them all the higurashi series..its so violent but it gets SO intense its CRAZY! like i decided to go record the scary scenes on my camera and show them tommorow but as i was looking for the clip from higurashi when he smashes those girls to death i clicked this episode and was like OH EM GEE!
it showed that little girl and the green haired girl and the green haired girl is just laughing and the little girl just like keeps stabbing this knife in her head a lot and its just so messed up. i read that one(i usually don't watch that series..its kinda uhh..too much in anime version) but the manga actually leaves lots of stuff out. like i knew she was going to die and stuff and i knew those two freaky possed girls were going to kill her but i had NO IDEA that the GIRL was going to stab herself. yeah...messed up!
i was tempted to record that and show it to my friends..but no..if its kinda too much for me, it'll be WAY too much for my friends
yeah...wish me luck on the "trip"

Sunday, April 26, 2009


yeah i cant find the camera's cable cord -_-"

so no pictahz 2day 0_-

theres really nothing special i did...testing was BORING

lol in class i was on my DS in the chat rooms and some random people were in it Xd

i was teaching my friend ashly how to play cooking mama lol

fun fun fun

all we did was like watchmovies

and OMG. on thursday, in the "activities" time, me and monique were like sitting down next to the art area just doin make up when the BEE-OTCH just comes over to us and is like 'you two arent suppose to be sitting down and doing nothing...go in a classroom and do an activity..NOW!!!!!" geez and like there was these ppl RIGHT across us doing nothing and she didnt do anything about it..yeah we just went to like the lunch tables or something and did nothing there XDD

and then 2day, i dropped the camera and my mom started freaking out so i was like 'duuude its not broken..sarah and rebekah's camera got ran over by a car and lived" so yeah..still works

speaking of cameras...


im gonna bling it ^_^


peace out


Monday, April 20, 2009


^ ok i was REALLEE bored mkay???!!
yeah i WAS happy that i didnt need to go to 7th period today...NOT happy that i had to go 2 the dentist imstead D;
for various reasons...
aaahh i had to get 2 fillings!!! cuz freaking cavities.
and they kept stffing my mouth with like this tissue thing and i was choking basically
and since i have a tiny mouth and didn't open wide enough..they put they block thing in my mouth so it would stay open big whether i wanted it to or not D:
i was in SO MUCH PAIN!!!!!!! i had to keep that junk oin my mouth and keep it open for like an HOUR
i was srsly about to just get up and be like "ENOUGH!!!!!"
i felt like crying*tears*
and since they put this weird numbing lastes like 2 hours after i got out. my mouth felt all HUGE and swollen and WEIRD!!!!
ahhhhhhh...anyways to more "positive" stuff.....
im starting to wear fake eyelashes now since i got glue 4 it..yay.
and thats it -_-"

suppose to be 4 like 2 days ago..but whatever...

yeah this was suppose to be for saturday's blog thing but i didnt upload the picz til today!
yeah so on saturday, i went 2 san diego(and cornado) with my bestest friend in da whole wide world..REBEKAH
sarah wasnt cool enuff to come along :K
yeah so me n my BFF watched coraline!!! omg ive been waiting FOREVER to watch that movie!!!! and i FINALLY saw it! and looovveed it! it was kinda creepy in the beginning tho -_-
ok then...we went tpo this book store and theres all these mangas and stoof. and rebekah bought 2 full metal alchemist(?) for $1 each! *cha-ching!* and i bought 5 japanese fashion magizines(of course..) POPTEEN!!! and bekah bought one too.
after that we just went shopping for food and worthless my ice cream key chain^
it was $1.50 or something. but im putting it on my new PINK camera..well..once i get it of course XD
lol on the way back home we just looked at the magizines and lol....took this picture that i WOULD upload..but you guys would get the WRONG idea. LOL

Thursday, April 16, 2009



today was so freaking awshume

so it was my math teacher b day(i know lol) and hiw wife and his 4 or 5 year old daughter came in and brought cupcakes and everything and it was so coooooll!!!!!

so i ate and just like talked to mah friendzz

and i dont gotz 7th period tommorow!!!!!!! YAY!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


^ my pug
isn't he cuuute?
i think he is ^_^
today was WEIRD
in a good way
and and and....
the guy i KINDA SORTA like was to me CX
and carl hugged me -_-
(i think he likes me...but i only like him as a friend...and NEVER nothing else..)
i'm finally seeing one of my best guy friend daylan alot...BUT HE NEVER NOTICES ME
im like RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM smiling and stuff then he just walks right past me like im a ghost....
sheesh at least say hi or something
but i miss him Dx
he was so funny(lol "the game")
but nooo..he takes 6th period art instead of 5th now :K
i have more picz of meh but im too lazy 2 upload them XDDDDDD
omg this is random but like during spring break(yeah that long ago) i was at ross and i saw the CUTEST sun dress EVAH!!!!! it was $15 and i had like $30with me but i didnt buy it cuz if i DID then i'd spend all the mony i had with me(chill out i have like $60 in my secret bank in my room lol) but yeah..its was like baby pink and all frilly and cute and i want it! DX
sorreh..but i just felt like saying that 4 some reason.....
ok yeah..i feel like a weirdo now telling u pplz that...

Monday, April 13, 2009




has honestly been one of the WORST days EVAH!

i'm not going to say every single detail like as i always do(as there is information that should be kept private...) but ugg horrible!

the day was going fine....till third period.

now understand that the night before today...i kept getting really hot(idk y) but when id stand next to a window with an amazing cool FREEZE and getting extremely cold(perhps a sign of sickness??) so as i was saying....

third period i was just outta it! i basically dozed off in space the entire class. i hardly followed along what the teacher said(luckily i have a cool tracher who lets me sleep in class and talk and do whatever a lot) so i did nothing!!!! well, mostly because i just wasn't feeling well.

so then break came. me and monique go to the locker to hang out since our next class is PE. i go to the bathroom and BAM.


oh crud.

~skipping scene~

so then during PE we had to freaking run and walk and run and walk. our class was the ONLY class that ran. in the HOT WEATHER! i was sweating and it cwas all gross and i wanted to pass out and go home and BLAH!

then came art. aaaahh art. i thought today i can go easy and just have a nice little that so much to ask for??

but noooooooooooooooooooooo

appearantly not!

teacher here saw my head down and told to me to get up and do i basically slept with my head up. lunch( still like passed out right now) i was just looking at the clouds and the feild and watching the sprinklers water the grass. much fun....

science was pretty good. we didnt need to do work!!! all i had to do was watch a movie and take 15 notes. the suckish thing was the movie had to do with space..and i LOVE space..its just so interesting to me for some reason. so i watched it..and didn't take a nap...but i still did NOT feel good. throughout the whole day my friends are like "are you ok?"

and noooooo..its not only because "that" but i dunno....i think im getting sick D:


i had to go to FREAKING SEVENTH PERIOD!!!!!!!


7th period health to be exact. it was ALRIGHT. the teacher talked most of the time so when we finally did 'work" it was like the last 15 minutes outta the 2 hours.


all cuz i got like a 65% in health. they should bring back the D's.

and im not done yet........(i no..crazy right? if only u knew how i feel)

usually its just my mom that picks me up...but noooo..she had to bring my DAD and my UGLY BROTHER along cuz she wanted to go to the bank right before they pick ME up. god i HATEEEE my brother..its disgusting even facing his direction.

so when i get home..i like turn on TV and watched spongebob or something and like closed my eyes :)

but i till felt really bad.

aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh today was a really bad daaayyyyyyy and i like cant type or anything and i dunbt wanmna go to school espicially 7th period and i just wanna stay in bed all day with pudgy!

Friday, April 10, 2009



but you know what? w/o all the clothes and junk on the ground and clutter just wouldnt be my room.

please ignore:

horse picture stuff(i was OBSESSED in 3rd grade..too lazy to take it down)

and ignore my underwear on the ground and all that underwear in my drser..which is why i closed it cuz i realized it hile taping XDD

yeah..i sound weird..WATEVER


told you i was going to put a picture ;]
yeah..fake eyelashes. but they were bugging me
everytime i looked up it like got caught in my eye and HURT!!
i'm soooooooooooooo happy its FINALLY the weekend. im EXHAUSTED! too bad i cant sleep in tho!!! :K
lol...i finally found this like calming song..chyea..its good 4 me :D
hmmm......i don't exactly have anything important to say....lets the sports rally...those guys in speedos(LOL) i think my friend was one of them o__0
cuz like one of my bestest guy friends, well he is a jr but he's the captain of the swim team so im ASSUMING he was there...i dunno..i wasnt really looking. me and KT were like gaging when we saw that. but these girls below were like screaming XD
just finished a hot pocket =0
i'm prob not gonna be celebrating easter(i did as a kid...but now its like nothing special) so egg hunt or blah. we're prob just going to have a barbeque or something.

^ (o_o)
i think i look pweety in dat!(lol only cuz i edited it XD)
i'd do ANYTHING to get skin that clear.
yuuupp took that with like 30 more outside in my backyard. i took some with pudgy! but they all came out weird. it was really cold..since i didnt want to wear my robe in my pictahs. lol im already getting tired of my bangs.
OMG! PUDGY'S B DAY IS AT THE END OF THE MONTH!!! HE ISH GOING TO BE 3 YRS OLD!!!!!! little baby...growing up so fast*tears*
it seemed like it was yesterday that he would go to the bathroom anywhere he wanted to and would get scared going down the stairs or wake me up 5 times each night. ehh..kinda glad thats over -_-

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


ok ignore the title..i was bored...

so my diddy finally came back home from las vegas. so the camera is baaaaacck! and i can take pictahs! next time i post theres a 95% chance i'll have a picture lol.

many people said my bangs look good at school yesterday! yay! but SOME people were like, "it looks WAY better than it did before' its SUPPOSE to be a compliment..but i take it as an offense..its like saying my side bangs look like poo and were ugly and blah. oh well..i can still bug people cuz my bangs are long enough to put to the side XD

omigoshomigoshomigosh! so lyke um like project went missing RIGHT!?

so lyke i told the teacher(who is mean btw) and she was all lyke 'you loose ur stuff too often. either look 4 it more or make another one!" so yesterday all i did was like sit there drawing cuz i KNEW i would find it by the next day.

so the next day(2day) i ask my friend to help look, then shes like "isn't that yours??" and OMG IT WAS!

some FREAKING JACKED my art project that i will transform into a wonderful doughnut. its half way papered mache'd but it was all gross. like too much glue and stuff. i cant believe someone would steal MY project. it wasn't even good!!! you can tell it was all crudy cuz my circle was like lopsided and everything! and had this tiny hole. geez frigging cover my name with paper then writes yours? LOOZER. oh well...the teachah hide my project only(cuz im special) and so the weird person who jacks projects wouldnt be able to find it :D

omgggggggggg...the last fews days i have not been able so sleep AT ALL! i'm SO outta it right now. :[
even with my awsome lotion that helps you sleep better.

ok..yeah short blog today.

peace out

Friday, April 3, 2009


ok this is actually for yesterday and today..mkay????

OK! so YESTERDAY!(4-2-09)....i went horseback riding! yay! it was so much fun! its just me 'n my mummeh. and this trainer leader guy...but he isn't important. :D

my horse's name was BobbySocks. lol. that name is awsome. If i get a horse or another pet or something that I can give a crazy name...I'm gonna name him/her Johnny Boy Willis. OH YEAH.

my mom was riding behind me..she said my horse pooped a lot....ew....i didn't even know until she told me afterwards. that mustve been a delightful sight for her to see.

then after that we went shopping for food.


BUT! once i got home...i went straight to my friend hasna's house for her early bday party thing. it was a i slept in makeup....WHICH I ABSOLUTLY HATE! but if i take off the makeup....


uhhhhh...lets just leave it just dont want o see me without ANY MAKEUP(yes that means ZERO FOUNDATION!)

but WHATEVER! i washed my face RIGHT when I got home :P so i feel clean finally!

ok so at ze partay. we watched changeling, edward scissor hands, and the rocker(lol)

omgomgomgomg the changeling was AMMMAAAAZZING! but sad at the same time. like when that one boy at the end who esacped from that farm thing was telling the story about what happened and hasna started tearing in the eye a bit(boy that sounded cheesey) but yeah. one of my new favourite movies. my fav is still nightmare before christmas..then after that..i just have a lot i really like :)

then we like played charades for an hour...which was SO fun! we went on this webbie which gave us topics for charades, and like i had to be the hulk, lol but she never guessed it. ahh good times :D

then edward scissor hands! i wanted to watch this for two reason.

reason 1: is by that tim burton guy..and ALL his movies are this one MUST be good to!(still wanna see coraline though)

yeah...but that freak jock guy was just such a........looser.......and urg. at least he died. the ending was sad tho. yet cheesey how the old lady was telling the story. i also hated how the neighbors keep getting in other people's business. like so what if you see ur neighbor with some pale freaky looking guy. seriously who cares? they don't need to be like "hey marge..its nancy! did you see luan??? shes with another man!!!" "omg nancy!! i saw him too! who do you think he was? i didnt really get a good look at him though" "me neither. but i think its unfair she gets him all to herself!" or whatever thier names were and stuff. then they keep ganging up on the lady who brought him in and BLEH! ANNOYING!

and to top it off...the whole scenery/people..LOOK LIKE BARBIES! the houses were night pastel yellow, green, pink, orange, blue, ect colour, with matching cars for thier house, and thier outfits were like always the same colours and stuff. to barbies for me. id never want to live there..evah. however i'd much rather live in edwards house were it like black and all haunted looking..chyeaaaa.

anywho....besides the was pretty good.

ok so after that..we like did w/e. we fell asleep at 4:30 in the morning. woke up at like 10:30ish then had poptarts(even though i HATE poptarts..i managed to eat one) then made popcormn and watched the rocker..which was an OK movie. then i went home. chyea...thats my day. oh yay.