Saturday, March 14, 2009

phreaky phun day!

HELLO!!!!!! XD

yeah my little voodoo doll..bob. he says hi! isn't he CUUUUTTTEE!? i made him ALL BY MYSELF! i loves you bob ^_^

i know..your prolly like.."if he is a voodoo doll, then why does he seem so happy?!" well, actually i dont know..after i stitched his mouth on, i was like 'darn..i shouldve made him smiling!' but whatever, he is awsome just the way he is :3

OMIGOSH!!!!! so on....FRIDAY(yesterday) i tookj tonbs of pics since i was really bored XD

^ explains one of them

but anyways, i also took a vid of me. i shall upload it somewhere....its pointless though. its just 3 seconds of me waving. nothing special. but i like it. my eyes looks AMAZING in it. i don't know why. ohhhh this reminds me! i REALLY want coloured contact lens..not that i NEED them cuz i dont need contacts/glasses(mwahahaha) but i hate my eye colour. i mean honestly....brown....DARK brown...can it get any more boring that that!? like i want greeeeen or bluuuueee or something unique. ANYTHING but brown basically :)

too bad im sure i'll never get some DX

but i'll keep on dreaming anyways :)

on thursday i curled my hair for school. just thought I'd do a change. my friends say it looks nice, i guess its makes me look preppy.
after school i hung out with hasna. yeah we spent like 4 hours on this riddle site that in the end, we just gave up and cheated..boy..what a waste of time!!! sarah and rebekah's house we went to this outback thing and "supoposely" went there just to dig holes, but we ended up just yaking a ton of random pictures XD
lol when we were walking, rebekah spotted a lady bug, 2 actuaslly. me and sarah were trying to get them close to eachother, but something FREAKY happened. they started like mating or something and sarah took a picture of it.
XDDDDD mating ladybugs, thats something you don't see everyday
i was mostly taking pics of me, some nice scenery spots, and whatever. rebekah got tired so she put her shovel down and left it. so then we walked to these like 30ft tranches and we went was scary(to me)

and down in the tranches was like..a beach! it was so freaking awsome! as you can see what i wrote...OMG I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! DX WHY DID HE HAVE TO MOVE!?
ahem, sorry about that, it just brings me memories of him*tears* but yeah, so i wrote stuff like that in the sand. me, sarah, and rebekah were also acting strange and looking for rocks to smash with hammers and see the cool insides(lol) we picked up some cool ones. well they did at least...
omg so we walked at LEAST 2 miles or so total and boy was it FUUUUUNNN! but omg me and sarah were walking up a hill(rebekah sat in flowers since she had a headache) and as we were walking, sarah was like WHOAAA! and i look down..
and you know how i'm TERRIFIED of lizards(if you didn't..NOW YOU DO) but i seriously screamed, and ran down th hill, then i closed my eyes and tried doing the 'deep slow breathing thing' to calm me down. i remember my heart racing at that moment. i HATE LIZARDS!!!! they are eye..i use to like them, but now i am freaking scared of them..forever...
you shouldve seen it though!!!! its all shriveled up from the sun, laying on its back, and its heart was like ripped out or something...aaaahhhhh its was horrible! terrible!! sarah wanted me to go up with her, but i refused to go up with that dead THING in my way. i told her i will only go up if she kicked it into the tall grass so i would not see it. at first she didnt want to, but she ended up doing it(hahahaha) then i RAN up the hill so i couldnt see it. freaking lizard ruining my life D:(

but OMG!!!! once we got to the top of the hill, it was INCREDIBLE! i'm not even joking! its was beautiful! like you can see so much from up there. there was these pretty blue and purpl flowers, you can see the entire city basically. it got a bit windy, so we decided to head back home. there were some sewers and stuff on the way back..then sarah saw this weird cross thing, i thought it was HILLARIOUS for some reason. somebody died there? who knows. i took a pic of it anyways

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