Monday, March 9, 2009

gaga goo goo BLEHHH

^ one of the MANY rare pictures of me ACTUALLY smiling...ENVY IT! i <3 ice cream

Hello! (^o^)

Nothing BIG has really happened...i'm just chillin at home...eating cookies :)

yay! no school friday! and a modified day on thursday! ahhh typing with fake nails is SOOOOOOOOOO hard DX but i NEED to keep them on or else i'll bite them..and I seriously need to let them grow out.

currently, youtube has been my "life"...i'm spending more time than usually on there..i wanna upload more video..all the videos i have are like really gay.....ohhh if anyone is ACTUALLY reading this, then add meeeeeeee

my username is :virariva

i username is uber strange...i made it like 2 years ago..i was a child back then..i didnt know better..

hmm...about 2 weeks until spring break(hoorah!) i'm MOST LIKELY getting my hair cut..and I'm getting BANGZ! ZOMG! yeah..i've been thinking about it 4 a loooonng time, but you know what? the whole 'side bang thing" yeah..getting pretty old since i've ad that syle since the end of 6th grade...

lol i dunno why, in my popTeen magizines theres a model named misaki izouka(or izouka misaki idk) but anyways i saw a blog of her(which is why i made one!) and now i'm completely obsessed with this seems weird..girl obsessed with girl..don't worry..i'm straight mkay? i just really admire her..shes so pweety! i wanna be a model too!!! ahhh i wanna go back to japan!!!! its were i belong!!!!! except i cant speak the language! DX(only simple stuff like "hi" or "how are you"or whatever..nothing special)

and OMG!!! my guy i kinda sorta like talked to me again!!!! ^_^ that makes me smile :D

its weird, i love him, yet i wanna rip his head off t the same time...

which reminds me....

i made a voodoo doll yesterday...don't anger me, if you do..don't be suprised if you eyes gets RANDOMLY stabbed and u hafta go t the ER or somthing....but right now..his name is bob..i love you bob :]

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