Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fresh Start!

Hey!!! this is my first blog EVAH! *cheers* Yeah i'm cindy picture ^
Yeah i look weird there, but whatever.. -_-"
ahhhhhhhh.....soooooo muuuuucchhhh stuff has been happening EVERYONE around me has some issues going on! and its STRESSING ME OUT! like, one of my friends MIGHT be pregnant, but she isn't POSITIVE, I hope she isn't. And another friend is goig all Suicidal on me and, she cuts herself..In art today, she cut off a crner of her notebook and used that sharp end to cut her waist..and its all bleeding and crap. horrible! and shes all saying how her family is all suicidal too. I mean, she is really really pretty, and she shouldn't treat herself like that DX No matter what me and other people say, she continues, it bugs me..we're trying to help, but she doesn't least mitchelle is tearing up all her emo poems and stuff. but she writes AMAZING poems..not even kidding, except they are BEYOND depressing..emoooo...
Then, my other friend is all sad cuz the guy she likes has a GIRLFRIEND..BURN! but I seriously feel bad, its like..they were ment for eachother and then outta nowhere he gets someone else..kinda jacked up but whatevah. it doesn't matter if he has a girlfriend..he is creepy to me, but appearantly she LOVES him, and I can totally see them getting married one day (lol) so yeah, everything works out:)
and the guy I KINDA SORTA making me mad! like, he never talks to me anymore, so I'm sad D: I thought he LOVED me. if he doesn't talk 2 me anymore, well then I'll listen to my counsellor(or whatever) and find a new maaaan!
oh yeah, so I'm trying to be more girly(cuz this frigging gay idiot named DJ[whom I don't even know!!!!] talks about me behind my back saying shiz that I'm emo. According to him, I'm a demon slayer evil emo girl who came from the underworld...or some CRAZY story like'm not emo..I'm the total opposite..
and sorry for any um..spelling errors cuz I'm writing with LONG FAKE NAILS and they are messing up everything! *sniff* i wanted to pic up my dog pudgy when all the sudden like my pinky nail gets caught on my pants some how and RIPS off!! its hurt SOOOOO bad!!!! I was like litterally crying! i gotz a boo boo DX

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