Wednesday, March 11, 2009


no picture today...sorry!!!!
ok so yay! tommorow is a modified day! I'm gonna curl my hair and do gyaru hime make up(so maybe HE might notice me XD) I'm sure it will look lovingly nice:)
my outfit will be my black skinny jeans, pink shirt, yeahhhh...and a few accessories. OH SNAP!!! gotta remember to wash my really stinky shoes lol
so tommorow after prob gonna go and shop at the dollar tree(LOL) and buy cotton candy, and some eyeliner(cuz the ones i got there before works AMAZINGLY well) and try to find fake eyelashes and glue for them:)
then I hope i can go to like ross or something and buy denim shorts and more tee shirts
lol..RIGHT NOW...i'm listening to "thats not my name" by the TingTings...i'm so weird :)
URRGGG!!!! so theres no school on friday riiight???? well, i'm going to have to go to school anyways cuz my mom freaking signed up for this gay olympic thing that SHE wanted to go to, but she CAN'T so I'll have to go alone..but i'm gonna ditch...i don't want to waste 4 hours at something like that just standing around. thats BORINGGGGGG xP
ahh now I'm listening to MCR XD
*sigh* my "old guy" whom i loved more than ANYONE IN THE FRIGGING WORLD, is gone..long ago..but i still miss him DX
once I hang out with a friend who has long hair, I'm going to make videos of me styling thier hair, then add it on youtube so everyone can see my skill...then i shall do some of me doing make up ^_^
yeah...thats all for now..
peace out X)

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