Monday, March 30, 2009

some stuff i did...

wazzup peepz?
yeah sorreh rebekah, but you just look so amazing in a mustache!
I couldn't help meself...
yeah in the past few days, I've just been shopping and hanging out with my best buds(as in the pic above)
on saturday I believe....that was the first time EVER that i washed dishes!!!!!
OH EM GEE!!!!!
it was HORRIBLE!
i spent 3 HOURS getting my precious hands on grosso dishes and BLEH!
i seriously was about about to gag when I had to wash my brother's plate.
(i have this thing against him mkay?)
but yeah..why did I do it you ask???
honestly...i don't do chores..EVER!(your probably like LUCKY! i'm like 'i know" :D)
at least i got $20..but i need to wash dishes two more times...*groan*
and on uh...snap...friday i think? i slept ovah my friends house(AGAIN!) and we tortilla'd thier neighbors house!!!!! omg you SHOULDVE been there!!!!! it was hillarious!!!! we got like the 100 pack of tortilla and just threw them on thier neighbors lawn so when they wake up they'll be like WTF!????
but when we went to the mall the next day, the tortillas were picked up DX
yesterday was even better!!!
ok, so me, rebekah, and brooke were making chocolate chip cookies right?
and everything went good making them...
until it said add half cup of shortening.
we completely had no idea what shortening was. so we searched through the pantry and found this like bottle thing of "shortening".
but um...when we opened the lid...
its like this gross fattty wax thing and smelled disgusting!!!!
but it said shortening, so we were like WHATEVER and just put it in the cookies. so they continued and blah blah blah while i was in the bathroom taking pics with sarah(wow that sounds wrong)
all the sudden, i hear rebekah and brooke go "BLEEEHHHH!" so i rush in the kitchen and go "what happened?"
i look at the cookies. i look at thier face. lol i wish i took a picture of thier face. it was precious!!!
luckily, i didn't try the cookie dough. but they said it tastes like fat covered wax candles but 10x worse.
but since me and rebekah ALWAYS wanted to make "crap cookies" before, this was our chance!!! so we made like 4 or 5 cookies from the gross batter and baked it. when it was ready we put it on a plate with a note saying "thanks for supporting us" or something. with a kid looking drawing on it and hearts and everything. it also said "hope you enjoy the cookies!!"
so it was dark and we went to leave it on someones door way but i went to leave it and the alarm light thing went on so we all ran back to rebekah's house but I didn't leave the cookies there so rebekah's like "WHY DIDN"T YOU DROP THE COOKIES!?"
hey hey hey....i wasn't thinking ok?? i panic'd
so we targeted another house. only this time we left the cookies on the car. and hopefully got noticed and eaten
of course they would be like spit out before swallowing cuz the FAT and everything!
I read the nutrition facts on the "shortening"
(cuz i have to read nutrition facts..i got addicted when i tried going anorexic in the summer)
and omg..13 grams of fat for ONE TEASPOON!!!!!
that is what i call SICK!
peanut butter has 16 grams of fat for 2 tsp. but whatever..peanut butter is gross.

hey rebekah..should've put that in the cookie huh?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

pudgy's trick ^_^

my new hair!(yay!!!!)

chyea, got my hair cut!!
I have BANGZ!
the image above all this ^ is my hair before the cut, and below is my hair after the cut XD
my schedule today was BLEH!!!!!!!! here it is:
7:10 am-wake up and get read for dentist
7:50 am-drive to dentist
8:45 am-go to hair salon
8:50 am-go to longs drugs(or whatever cuz salon was still closed)
9:06 am-go to salon
maybe say 9:35ish am-done with hair!
9:45 am-arrive home
then i eat, watch powerpuff girls(lol) then go on computer. yup yup! but my poor little pudgy was outside in the freezing cold garage for two hours!!!! cus that HEARTLESS MEAN SO CALLED BROTHER OF MINE left him there D:

^ XD
does my hair look alright? i'm gonna curl it so with the bangs i will look more like the hime gyaru look and stuff.
im prob gonna curl my hair at my BFF's house since i'm going there later today. and once again i will do thier hair.
I seriously don't get how people think I'm emo..i'm REALLY REALLY girly
i mean it.

better cheddar.........

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New haaaaiiirrreeeeee

ok so i'll be getting a new hair style over break..fer sher

im thinking of getting bangs. but have them roughed up cuz id cry if i got a freaking bull cut. ew

i also wanna dye my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i was on and doing this makeover stuff and like i actually look good in pretty much ANY color. some of my favourites are grey blonde, light strawberry blonde, warm dark auburn(which im seriously considering to get XD) and plain chocolate brown C:

the dark auburn looks REALLEE pweety on me XD I'd show u the screenies i took of them BUUUUUUUUT i dont want to! cuz i look all zoned out in my photo so chyea. its a bad pic. i look all dead and pale. but WATEVER!

can't wait for my hair cut. my hair cut for sure will be:
-roughed up bangs
-a TRIM!!!!!(split ends, blehg)
- maybe some more layers
-and im fixing the frame cuz its all jacked up thnx to my mom D:< tired of ppl calling me "emo" and im getting tired of the whole look(even though i ADORE the emo/scene style) i'm currently in LOVE with the hime gyaru style. its like princessy long gold curls and omg so cute! ^_^
thats what im aiming for..chyeaaaaaa

Saturday, March 14, 2009

my strange video

phreaky phun day!

HELLO!!!!!! XD

yeah my little voodoo doll..bob. he says hi! isn't he CUUUUTTTEE!? i made him ALL BY MYSELF! i loves you bob ^_^

i know..your prolly like.."if he is a voodoo doll, then why does he seem so happy?!" well, actually i dont know..after i stitched his mouth on, i was like 'darn..i shouldve made him smiling!' but whatever, he is awsome just the way he is :3

OMIGOSH!!!!! so on....FRIDAY(yesterday) i tookj tonbs of pics since i was really bored XD

^ explains one of them

but anyways, i also took a vid of me. i shall upload it somewhere....its pointless though. its just 3 seconds of me waving. nothing special. but i like it. my eyes looks AMAZING in it. i don't know why. ohhhh this reminds me! i REALLY want coloured contact lens..not that i NEED them cuz i dont need contacts/glasses(mwahahaha) but i hate my eye colour. i mean honestly....brown....DARK brown...can it get any more boring that that!? like i want greeeeen or bluuuueee or something unique. ANYTHING but brown basically :)

too bad im sure i'll never get some DX

but i'll keep on dreaming anyways :)

on thursday i curled my hair for school. just thought I'd do a change. my friends say it looks nice, i guess its makes me look preppy.
after school i hung out with hasna. yeah we spent like 4 hours on this riddle site that in the end, we just gave up and cheated..boy..what a waste of time!!! sarah and rebekah's house we went to this outback thing and "supoposely" went there just to dig holes, but we ended up just yaking a ton of random pictures XD
lol when we were walking, rebekah spotted a lady bug, 2 actuaslly. me and sarah were trying to get them close to eachother, but something FREAKY happened. they started like mating or something and sarah took a picture of it.
XDDDDD mating ladybugs, thats something you don't see everyday
i was mostly taking pics of me, some nice scenery spots, and whatever. rebekah got tired so she put her shovel down and left it. so then we walked to these like 30ft tranches and we went was scary(to me)

and down in the tranches was like..a beach! it was so freaking awsome! as you can see what i wrote...OMG I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! DX WHY DID HE HAVE TO MOVE!?
ahem, sorry about that, it just brings me memories of him*tears* but yeah, so i wrote stuff like that in the sand. me, sarah, and rebekah were also acting strange and looking for rocks to smash with hammers and see the cool insides(lol) we picked up some cool ones. well they did at least...
omg so we walked at LEAST 2 miles or so total and boy was it FUUUUUNNN! but omg me and sarah were walking up a hill(rebekah sat in flowers since she had a headache) and as we were walking, sarah was like WHOAAA! and i look down..
and you know how i'm TERRIFIED of lizards(if you didn't..NOW YOU DO) but i seriously screamed, and ran down th hill, then i closed my eyes and tried doing the 'deep slow breathing thing' to calm me down. i remember my heart racing at that moment. i HATE LIZARDS!!!! they are eye..i use to like them, but now i am freaking scared of them..forever...
you shouldve seen it though!!!! its all shriveled up from the sun, laying on its back, and its heart was like ripped out or something...aaaahhhhh its was horrible! terrible!! sarah wanted me to go up with her, but i refused to go up with that dead THING in my way. i told her i will only go up if she kicked it into the tall grass so i would not see it. at first she didnt want to, but she ended up doing it(hahahaha) then i RAN up the hill so i couldnt see it. freaking lizard ruining my life D:(

but OMG!!!! once we got to the top of the hill, it was INCREDIBLE! i'm not even joking! its was beautiful! like you can see so much from up there. there was these pretty blue and purpl flowers, you can see the entire city basically. it got a bit windy, so we decided to head back home. there were some sewers and stuff on the way back..then sarah saw this weird cross thing, i thought it was HILLARIOUS for some reason. somebody died there? who knows. i took a pic of it anyways

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


no picture today...sorry!!!!
ok so yay! tommorow is a modified day! I'm gonna curl my hair and do gyaru hime make up(so maybe HE might notice me XD) I'm sure it will look lovingly nice:)
my outfit will be my black skinny jeans, pink shirt, yeahhhh...and a few accessories. OH SNAP!!! gotta remember to wash my really stinky shoes lol
so tommorow after prob gonna go and shop at the dollar tree(LOL) and buy cotton candy, and some eyeliner(cuz the ones i got there before works AMAZINGLY well) and try to find fake eyelashes and glue for them:)
then I hope i can go to like ross or something and buy denim shorts and more tee shirts
lol..RIGHT NOW...i'm listening to "thats not my name" by the TingTings...i'm so weird :)
URRGGG!!!! so theres no school on friday riiight???? well, i'm going to have to go to school anyways cuz my mom freaking signed up for this gay olympic thing that SHE wanted to go to, but she CAN'T so I'll have to go alone..but i'm gonna ditch...i don't want to waste 4 hours at something like that just standing around. thats BORINGGGGGG xP
ahh now I'm listening to MCR XD
*sigh* my "old guy" whom i loved more than ANYONE IN THE FRIGGING WORLD, is gone..long ago..but i still miss him DX
once I hang out with a friend who has long hair, I'm going to make videos of me styling thier hair, then add it on youtube so everyone can see my skill...then i shall do some of me doing make up ^_^
yeah...thats all for now..
peace out X)

Monday, March 9, 2009

gaga goo goo BLEHHH

^ one of the MANY rare pictures of me ACTUALLY smiling...ENVY IT! i <3 ice cream

Hello! (^o^)

Nothing BIG has really happened...i'm just chillin at home...eating cookies :)

yay! no school friday! and a modified day on thursday! ahhh typing with fake nails is SOOOOOOOOOO hard DX but i NEED to keep them on or else i'll bite them..and I seriously need to let them grow out.

currently, youtube has been my "life"...i'm spending more time than usually on there..i wanna upload more video..all the videos i have are like really gay.....ohhh if anyone is ACTUALLY reading this, then add meeeeeeee

my username is :virariva

i username is uber strange...i made it like 2 years ago..i was a child back then..i didnt know better..

hmm...about 2 weeks until spring break(hoorah!) i'm MOST LIKELY getting my hair cut..and I'm getting BANGZ! ZOMG! yeah..i've been thinking about it 4 a loooonng time, but you know what? the whole 'side bang thing" yeah..getting pretty old since i've ad that syle since the end of 6th grade...

lol i dunno why, in my popTeen magizines theres a model named misaki izouka(or izouka misaki idk) but anyways i saw a blog of her(which is why i made one!) and now i'm completely obsessed with this seems weird..girl obsessed with girl..don't worry..i'm straight mkay? i just really admire her..shes so pweety! i wanna be a model too!!! ahhh i wanna go back to japan!!!! its were i belong!!!!! except i cant speak the language! DX(only simple stuff like "hi" or "how are you"or whatever..nothing special)

and OMG!!! my guy i kinda sorta like talked to me again!!!! ^_^ that makes me smile :D

its weird, i love him, yet i wanna rip his head off t the same time...

which reminds me....

i made a voodoo doll yesterday...don't anger me, if you do..don't be suprised if you eyes gets RANDOMLY stabbed and u hafta go t the ER or somthing....but right now..his name is bob..i love you bob :]

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sad and Happy days....

I'm current sad....that meanie DJ is just URRRRGGG!!! like....i don't know...he is saying all this junk that isn't true. He isnt exactly spreding rumors or anything, but he always calls me "the Grudge" and crap like that, when he doesn't even know me!!! it just breaks my heart, inside I'm tearing apart. I try to ignore it, but monique makes everything, I know she is TRYING to help, but still... I don't wanna jump to conclusions, but I feel like monique is well, DEFENDING him! but i dunno..its just what I feel is going on.

BUT ANYWAYS!!!! enough with the horrid sad stoof...lets go to when I slept over my BFFFFFS house on friday! omg it was SO fun! me, sarah, and rebekah were taking all these random pictures and everything! lol it made me forget know...but yeah, I did sarah's hair so her MAAAAAN could get her attention :D

you guys are SERIOUSLY teh best!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fresh Start!

Hey!!! this is my first blog EVAH! *cheers* Yeah i'm cindy picture ^
Yeah i look weird there, but whatever.. -_-"
ahhhhhhhh.....soooooo muuuuucchhhh stuff has been happening EVERYONE around me has some issues going on! and its STRESSING ME OUT! like, one of my friends MIGHT be pregnant, but she isn't POSITIVE, I hope she isn't. And another friend is goig all Suicidal on me and, she cuts herself..In art today, she cut off a crner of her notebook and used that sharp end to cut her waist..and its all bleeding and crap. horrible! and shes all saying how her family is all suicidal too. I mean, she is really really pretty, and she shouldn't treat herself like that DX No matter what me and other people say, she continues, it bugs me..we're trying to help, but she doesn't least mitchelle is tearing up all her emo poems and stuff. but she writes AMAZING poems..not even kidding, except they are BEYOND depressing..emoooo...
Then, my other friend is all sad cuz the guy she likes has a GIRLFRIEND..BURN! but I seriously feel bad, its like..they were ment for eachother and then outta nowhere he gets someone else..kinda jacked up but whatevah. it doesn't matter if he has a girlfriend..he is creepy to me, but appearantly she LOVES him, and I can totally see them getting married one day (lol) so yeah, everything works out:)
and the guy I KINDA SORTA making me mad! like, he never talks to me anymore, so I'm sad D: I thought he LOVED me. if he doesn't talk 2 me anymore, well then I'll listen to my counsellor(or whatever) and find a new maaaan!
oh yeah, so I'm trying to be more girly(cuz this frigging gay idiot named DJ[whom I don't even know!!!!] talks about me behind my back saying shiz that I'm emo. According to him, I'm a demon slayer evil emo girl who came from the underworld...or some CRAZY story like'm not emo..I'm the total opposite..
and sorry for any um..spelling errors cuz I'm writing with LONG FAKE NAILS and they are messing up everything! *sniff* i wanted to pic up my dog pudgy when all the sudden like my pinky nail gets caught on my pants some how and RIPS off!! its hurt SOOOOO bad!!!! I was like litterally crying! i gotz a boo boo DX