Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yuuup, late but on sunday i painted my nails again XD
every since i stopped biting my nails..i ALWAYS ear nail polish :P
but ahem. yeah this week was pretty bad. waking up early...OMG. why cant school start at 9? seriously. the councellors say its the bus scheduel.
BUT ZOMG!!!! i think my love, has transfered schools again. boo hoo. i havent seen him ALL wek. i need to ask alaja wat happened to him. she hangs out with him so she'd know. i hope he is just a taking a long vacation....
and, only 1 more PE free week, and 1 more wek to use photoshop in graphic design. i need to photoshop that lelouch pic. on paint it just looks WEIRD
i wanna go back to japan >_<
i watched code geass every sunday at 6 PM there lol
and omg! in....6 days im gonna be 16!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE! then im gonna try to get a job. i want money so i can buy more clothes lolol
and i hope i get my circle loense on monday cuz i wanna wear them on my bday. im gonna curl mah haaaair and wear a dress and be preetee
and OMG! not really important 4 the ppl reading this, buuuut those bottom fake eyelashes i bought? ok, i was suppose to get them like 3 weeks ago, but the person JUST SHIPPED IT OFF THIS MONDAY WTFFFFFFF!! so im gonna get it like, next month how gay!!!!!


newest decoden creations. im still pretty bad at this, compared to pros i see on youtube -_-"

and i need to redo my camera

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