Sunday, January 17, 2010

fun fun fun

omg!!!! yesterday was SOOOOOOO fun!!!!!
ok so heres wat happened:
alorah and hasna arrive @ my house, and brooke was suupose to come but she didnt so we went to her house, but she said she was sick :( she also said she was just going to skip tubing and come to the slumber party part..but she ditched on that too. dani didnt go tubing too cuz she was sick..but she still slept over XD
so yeah WATEVER
and pick up sarah and rebekah and go tubing!
it took some time to actually go tubing, but it was worth it. like i went with hasna first and OMG it...was...AWSOME!!!!!
we're just spinning and everything!!!!
so me and hasna go together for a while and she like was yanking my tubing thing to make it go faster and we reached da top(the vid) but then hasna went down and then i did but when i went down hasna was like walking in my wy so i crashed into her and hurt my leg-_-"
haha but the guy...he tought hasna was a boy cuz her hair was like covered and stuff, so he was like 'hey boys..i mean boy and lady, come down!!" so hasnas like 'i'm a lady!!!!!!' but i guess he didnt hear her LOL
but the pain didnt last long>_<
and then i went with rebekah and sarah and alorah and stuff. lol the triangles were so fun!
but it was really cold. on the way to the mountains...../it was really hot in the car, but once u opened the door you feel all this coolo air and it was nice, but after an hour i started freezing
mostly my feet. i dont have boots so i wore sneakers. it felt like i had frostbite.
haha but when we did the triangle on our belly our faces were really close to eachother and sarah was like 'if you were a boy, i'd be uncomfortable' it was weird, its like any closer and we'd be making out o.O
but i like also didnt want to be headbutted by anyone so i turned my vhead sideways and everything. and we're all screaming...ahhh good times
but alorah, rebekah, sarah and i get too cold so we go to the cafe for like 15 minutes to warm up, but tubing is like limited time and costs lots of money so i made rebekah come with me cuz she was just like standing watching us tube. so then me hasna and rebekah make the triangle and hasna was tugging our tubes to make us go faster and me and hasna go to the top but rebekah didnt and fell down and we brought hasnas tube down with her XDD and hasna was like 'my glove!!!!!!!" cuz rebekah took that with her too
and then we went to get pizza and go home

around 8ish dani came ;DDD
lol let the gaming begin

yeah it was so annoying, hasna COULD'VE stayed the night over but since we were playing video games and shes not into that stuff she left. psssssshhhhhh looser!

but yeah, i mean i told her she didnt miss out on much at my other parties -_-"

sarah fell asleep first(duh) lol pudgy!!!

at my last party, alorah and dani were playing the sonic space levels and since they suck(no offense if ur reading this) then they would ALWAYS die

so i made them play it again. lol i love it when they play that game. i start laughing so much. and like since danielle was kinda sick, my throat started hurting so i took a vitamin C and then i started laughing and choked on it and i tried to cough it up but it wouldnt so i swallowed it >_<
i had this powdery orange taste in my throat bleeehhhhh

i think i have a cavity tooth hurts

anyways....oh yeah and i showed dani and alorah the flexibility thing.
like im not flexible at all and i cant touch my toes, but if you put like tisue between the back of your teeth you become more flexible! its so weird and dani tried it and was like WHOAAAAA

but it didnt really work for alorah cuz she already can touch her toes

but yeah, they like my japanese magz

ohh and wat i got for my bday is:
a baby blues comic book
nail art sticker stuff
gift card to hot topic
and $40

brooke said she had a pressie for me too, but she didnt give it too me..hopefully she will at like school

and yeah, i feel gross from eatng pizza and cupcakes, but everyone had like 6 pizzas and 7 cupcakes o__0

i went to bed a little boefore 3, and woke up at 7....ahhhhhhhh im soooooooooooo tired DX
like i was about to pass out most of the day

aaaanddd guess who this attracive person is?????


lol i put my blonde extensions on her and she looks WAY better blonde to me. she reminds me of my friend nikki. haha i put fake lashes on her too

and so basically today we're just taking pictures and being retarded

lol mario cart

oh i lelouch pwns suzaku

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