Wednesday, January 20, 2010


today i had like the CRAZIEST day EVER!(more like a bad day, but some good, and funny lol)

ok well since its a new semester, we had to get new scheduels riiiiight?
so 2nd and 3rd got switched cuz 1 semester classes,. GAAAAAAAHHH I HAVE AEROBICS AGAIN!!!!!! I DONT WANNA GO THRO THE TORTURE AGAIN!!!!! i TOLD the concelor i did NOT want to take that class but NOOOOOOOOO >_< o i'm gonna try to get out of that class AGAIN! i'll just ask if i can just taker my PE year next year, cuz i wanna take dance! not frigging aerobics or fitness walking or anything. yeah, its still 2nd period PE....not like it really matters anymore...

and i have to take computer essentials. i COULDVE taken it in 8th grade, but i got switched out for readers workshop lol! but that class was fun^_^ uggggggg but i dont wanna waste a WHOLE semester typing -_-" boo hoo

and ZOMG at lunch, a bird POOPED on me!!!! like im just talking to mah friendz and all the sudden this..THING drops down and im like "A BIRD JUST CRAPPED ON ME!!!!!!!!!" then everyone was keeping there distance haha. i wasnt like mad or anything i was like laughing most of the time. but no one wanted to get me a napkin(oh and it was on my arm..well jacket k) and im like PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEE get me a napkin!!!! but theyre like GO GET IT URSELF!!!!! and im like NOOOO i dont wanna walk over there with THIS on my arm!!!! so julie, as she loves money, i told her to get me some and i'll pay her. i gave her a quarter lawlz. but yeah...sux for me....a lot

and 6th period, like half my class is gone. i have ONE friend there still......sigh.........theres like all these freaky ppl in that class. i feel like its the first day of school again >_<

and the rain....i love it ^_^ just not during school(mostly the walking home part) but still. my mom wants me to use an umbrella, but those r for nerdz. i need to get a jacket w/ a bigger hood

on the GOOD side of today however, i finally beat kh 358/2 days!!!! OMG!!!!!! like srsly...all my friends who have that game beat it already.......BUT NOW I BEAT IT TOO WOOP!
the ending was sad, just like dani said. bujt wats weird is, the final bosses were ACTUALLY EASY. i thought they'd be hard o.O

yeah, and currently im watching thids anime called persona trinity soul(or something) its kinda good, kinda lame. idk why i keep watching it. its prob cuz i like the art style

ohhhhhhh and yesterday or something, my tooth was hurting REALLLLY bad(you know that feeling when you have a filling, and u chew on metal? yeah that stinging burning feeling) even if i drank water it'd hurt so i saw a dentist. they said i have no cavaties and last time i went, i got this filling or something and it was suppose to hurt but didnt so the pain came late...or something.


my life is weird.

the end

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