Saturday, January 2, 2010

new yearrrrrrrrrrr

new years!!!!
my resolution or w/e is to looe 30 pounds(omg. i prob gained like 10 during break) espicially my legs are al fat...blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
^that pic i edited it to look thinner..if u saw the origional...WOW
but yuuuup.....i went ice skating yesterday!!!! i wanted hasna to come with me but she couldnt!!!! her dad was like no. pshh..reminds me of MY dad..always saying no to everything. and he wonders y i dont like him -_-"
so i went with my mom LOL
it was kinda hard at first. like ur first steps it was all slippery, but after like 5 minutes i was pretty good :)
i almost fell twice..BUT I DIDNT. like one was going to fast, and the other was when i went to turn around my skates touched some ther guys and i like almost tripped. lol my mom fell9or so she says she did..i didnt actually witness it)
but afterwards, my feet hurt so i stoped but the session was basically over anyways. i imagined the ice rink to be a lot bigger was suprisinly small.

the person in the mom sux at taking pictures -_-"

but yeah...yesterday was the really last day of break..OMG I DO NOOOOOOTTTT want to go back to school. i just got used to sleeping in too!!! dont u hate when that happens? ur on the first week u still wake up at 8 and the second its ten and ur used to it but then u haftas get up at 6???? GRAAHH! *throws toilet paper at school*

and omg..if julian doesnt get me my circle lenses after the whoooole break.....ohh its on.

omg!!!! that reminds me..i didnt see the ball drop thing for new years! i ALWAYS do, but the sleepover made me uber tired so i went to bed.....10:30ish????


and my bday thing..big bearrrrrrr! ive never been there(yeah i know right?) and we're going to stay at a hotel $$$$

ok WATEVERS.....

1 comment:

  1. a hotel?!!? AWESOME!!

    BTW, i asked my dad, and he said YES!!! :D!!! AHH I'm so happy.

    You know what's stupid? Later that day when he said no, he came to my room for his weekly 'check ups' on how I'm doing, and i told him that like, that was the last day to go ice skating and that it was only for an hour and stuff and hes like "oh! why didn't you tell me then? I would have let you go" and i was like *grrr!!!*

    Oh well though. I'm excited for your birthday!
