Sunday, January 31, 2010

im siiiiiiiiiick(or was..)

yeah, yesterday...i wasnt feeling well. dizzy and light headed and everything:(

appearantly i had a slight fever. bleh i was all hot and sweaty DX

from friday night at say........10 o'clock all the way to this morning at 7, Ive been in bed for 29 hours(not straight of course) daaaaannnnnnngggg. that why i woke up so early on a weekend cuz i just aint sleepy no more!

and yesterday, all i ate throughout the day was 2 bowls of cereal, and 2 mochis wrapped in seaweed(its good k?) THATS IT!!!!! around 5 or 6 i dunno if i was just starving or my stomach was upset but i felt like pukiiiiiiiiiinng. but i never do lol. b7ut once i had a peice of gum i felt bettah.

and when i woke up this morning...i was SOOOooOOOOoooOooOooOoOoOoo hungry!!!!!!!!
but i still didnt eat much cuz stomach felt weird still so im just drinking soda

but yeah, i feel better right now ^_^

i still dont wanna go back to school.....sigh when is the next vacation from school???

yeah not much else to say so yup.......o.O

Monday, January 25, 2010

ewww mondays


Build your own Blingee

well, lets just get this over with:
god you have NO idea how awsome this is!
so yeah, now i take chorus LOLZ
i suppose it isnt that bad, i mean, ANYTHING is better than areobics. plus i was in chorus in 6th grade. but theres only like....15 ppl in that class..WEIRD
ahh but this is a dream come truue!!
to make this day PERFECT would be if i got my contacts but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
i mean much longer do i need to wait to get them????
yeah tis all
and brother is RETARDED AND STUPID
good day

Friday, January 22, 2010

i luv rain

wow its friday ALREADY?????
school should be 3 days longs all da time
yesterday, i went home early:)
cuz i had one of the really bad headaches. like in third period yesterday i could not concentrate AT ALL!
so the beginning of 4th, i went to da nurse and went home wheee!!! lol, i slept when i got home on my nice new bed. its those memory foam ones.....its sooOooOOooOooOo soft!
but today.......i feel beeeeeeeettah
and today, i went to the councelor to try to change st00pid areobics but shes like 'just see my at the beginning of 2nd period monday and i'll see wat i can do'
i'll take ANYYYYYYYYYYY class!!! i just cant survive areobics. ive tried it, was sore for like a week!
haha today at lunch i was talking to julian about the guys i like again, and i'm like 'you know the guy i kinda sorta like? the other one?' so he's like 'you mean 3?" lol he gave them numbers XD but yeah. not the guy i kinda sorta like but the other one, i never see him anymore....
OHHOHOHOH and my grades
yaaay! i didnt fail anything! and i ACTUALLY got an A in a class! IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF
here they are:
lol my GPA is 2.83 im st00pid
before i gogt my report card i told my friends 'i bet im gonna get a 2.8 GPA' XD
omg and that one barbie thing i really wanted. uh....barbie doll'd up nail printer(or something) i looked it up on ebay(since i cant find it ANYWHERE!!!!!!) and the cheapest one is 140$
i want it so bad! its soooooo cooool!!!!!!!!
i like doing stuff to my nails cuz i HAVE nails now
aaand the lelouch figure that i REAAAAAAALLLLLYYY want is like $280 DX
oh but the lelouch figures i got from jpan...they're worth like $40 each mwahahaha
PS: like my pic-tah? took me like...half an hour. i'm getting really good at drawing stuff on paint, and nooo its not photoshopped..i ont have access to that anymore DX

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


today i had like the CRAZIEST day EVER!(more like a bad day, but some good, and funny lol)

ok well since its a new semester, we had to get new scheduels riiiiight?
so 2nd and 3rd got switched cuz 1 semester classes,. GAAAAAAAHHH I HAVE AEROBICS AGAIN!!!!!! I DONT WANNA GO THRO THE TORTURE AGAIN!!!!! i TOLD the concelor i did NOT want to take that class but NOOOOOOOOO >_< o i'm gonna try to get out of that class AGAIN! i'll just ask if i can just taker my PE year next year, cuz i wanna take dance! not frigging aerobics or fitness walking or anything. yeah, its still 2nd period PE....not like it really matters anymore...

and i have to take computer essentials. i COULDVE taken it in 8th grade, but i got switched out for readers workshop lol! but that class was fun^_^ uggggggg but i dont wanna waste a WHOLE semester typing -_-" boo hoo

and ZOMG at lunch, a bird POOPED on me!!!! like im just talking to mah friendz and all the sudden this..THING drops down and im like "A BIRD JUST CRAPPED ON ME!!!!!!!!!" then everyone was keeping there distance haha. i wasnt like mad or anything i was like laughing most of the time. but no one wanted to get me a napkin(oh and it was on my arm..well jacket k) and im like PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEE get me a napkin!!!! but theyre like GO GET IT URSELF!!!!! and im like NOOOO i dont wanna walk over there with THIS on my arm!!!! so julie, as she loves money, i told her to get me some and i'll pay her. i gave her a quarter lawlz. but yeah...sux for me....a lot

and 6th period, like half my class is gone. i have ONE friend there still......sigh.........theres like all these freaky ppl in that class. i feel like its the first day of school again >_<

and the rain....i love it ^_^ just not during school(mostly the walking home part) but still. my mom wants me to use an umbrella, but those r for nerdz. i need to get a jacket w/ a bigger hood

on the GOOD side of today however, i finally beat kh 358/2 days!!!! OMG!!!!!! like srsly...all my friends who have that game beat it already.......BUT NOW I BEAT IT TOO WOOP!
the ending was sad, just like dani said. bujt wats weird is, the final bosses were ACTUALLY EASY. i thought they'd be hard o.O

yeah, and currently im watching thids anime called persona trinity soul(or something) its kinda good, kinda lame. idk why i keep watching it. its prob cuz i like the art style

ohhhhhhh and yesterday or something, my tooth was hurting REALLLLY bad(you know that feeling when you have a filling, and u chew on metal? yeah that stinging burning feeling) even if i drank water it'd hurt so i saw a dentist. they said i have no cavaties and last time i went, i got this filling or something and it was suppose to hurt but didnt so the pain came late...or something.


my life is weird.

the end

Sunday, January 17, 2010

fun fun fun

omg!!!! yesterday was SOOOOOOO fun!!!!!
ok so heres wat happened:
alorah and hasna arrive @ my house, and brooke was suupose to come but she didnt so we went to her house, but she said she was sick :( she also said she was just going to skip tubing and come to the slumber party part..but she ditched on that too. dani didnt go tubing too cuz she was sick..but she still slept over XD
so yeah WATEVER
and pick up sarah and rebekah and go tubing!
it took some time to actually go tubing, but it was worth it. like i went with hasna first and OMG it...was...AWSOME!!!!!
we're just spinning and everything!!!!
so me and hasna go together for a while and she like was yanking my tubing thing to make it go faster and we reached da top(the vid) but then hasna went down and then i did but when i went down hasna was like walking in my wy so i crashed into her and hurt my leg-_-"
haha but the guy...he tought hasna was a boy cuz her hair was like covered and stuff, so he was like 'hey boys..i mean boy and lady, come down!!" so hasnas like 'i'm a lady!!!!!!' but i guess he didnt hear her LOL
but the pain didnt last long>_<
and then i went with rebekah and sarah and alorah and stuff. lol the triangles were so fun!
but it was really cold. on the way to the mountains...../it was really hot in the car, but once u opened the door you feel all this coolo air and it was nice, but after an hour i started freezing
mostly my feet. i dont have boots so i wore sneakers. it felt like i had frostbite.
haha but when we did the triangle on our belly our faces were really close to eachother and sarah was like 'if you were a boy, i'd be uncomfortable' it was weird, its like any closer and we'd be making out o.O
but i like also didnt want to be headbutted by anyone so i turned my vhead sideways and everything. and we're all screaming...ahhh good times
but alorah, rebekah, sarah and i get too cold so we go to the cafe for like 15 minutes to warm up, but tubing is like limited time and costs lots of money so i made rebekah come with me cuz she was just like standing watching us tube. so then me hasna and rebekah make the triangle and hasna was tugging our tubes to make us go faster and me and hasna go to the top but rebekah didnt and fell down and we brought hasnas tube down with her XDD and hasna was like 'my glove!!!!!!!" cuz rebekah took that with her too
and then we went to get pizza and go home

around 8ish dani came ;DDD
lol let the gaming begin

yeah it was so annoying, hasna COULD'VE stayed the night over but since we were playing video games and shes not into that stuff she left. psssssshhhhhh looser!

but yeah, i mean i told her she didnt miss out on much at my other parties -_-"

sarah fell asleep first(duh) lol pudgy!!!

at my last party, alorah and dani were playing the sonic space levels and since they suck(no offense if ur reading this) then they would ALWAYS die

so i made them play it again. lol i love it when they play that game. i start laughing so much. and like since danielle was kinda sick, my throat started hurting so i took a vitamin C and then i started laughing and choked on it and i tried to cough it up but it wouldnt so i swallowed it >_<
i had this powdery orange taste in my throat bleeehhhhh

i think i have a cavity tooth hurts

anyways....oh yeah and i showed dani and alorah the flexibility thing.
like im not flexible at all and i cant touch my toes, but if you put like tisue between the back of your teeth you become more flexible! its so weird and dani tried it and was like WHOAAAAA

but it didnt really work for alorah cuz she already can touch her toes

but yeah, they like my japanese magz

ohh and wat i got for my bday is:
a baby blues comic book
nail art sticker stuff
gift card to hot topic
and $40

brooke said she had a pressie for me too, but she didnt give it too me..hopefully she will at like school

and yeah, i feel gross from eatng pizza and cupcakes, but everyone had like 6 pizzas and 7 cupcakes o__0

i went to bed a little boefore 3, and woke up at 7....ahhhhhhhh im soooooooooooo tired DX
like i was about to pass out most of the day

aaaanddd guess who this attracive person is?????


lol i put my blonde extensions on her and she looks WAY better blonde to me. she reminds me of my friend nikki. haha i put fake lashes on her too

and so basically today we're just taking pictures and being retarded

lol mario cart

oh i lelouch pwns suzaku

Friday, January 15, 2010

Birthday giirl

too bad i had to take finals today XD. same thing happened last year.
get a load of this:
i checked my grades and i have a 70% in algebra1(im retarded when it comes to math) and i TOTALLY bombed the finals. i got a 60/100!!! YET my final grade was 73%!!!!! lol i failed the finals and my grade went up! i was scared to death i'd have to take this class over again! lol
ohhhh and i curled my hair(if u cant tell in da piczzzzz) plus i cut my bangs again..but they were kinda weird so i cut them again when i got home
no presents yet, I'll get them tommorow^_^ i get to see al my closest friends and hang out with them all day! :D

my nails. i redid them. i was going to do blue, but i couldnt find that colour, plus, red nails....they arent really my thing. it makes ur nails look like they are bleeding, and they looked to plain so i added spots on them C:
my friends think my nails are fake cuz they are so long. the other day on chipped so i had to cut it(first time in like 7 months) but its still long
this week, ive ben happy, sad, angry, kinda freaked, like every emotion possible. very weird. i think this is the first time that has happened to me. too much goin on in life right now
deco den!

happy bday 2 me
Create cool Profile Comments

omg i look ugly. but watever -_-"

i have to play DDR to loose weight from the junkfood i'll have @ my party

I'm getting really good at that game! i srsly sucked when i first started

and zomg! i havent moon walked for a long time >_<

oh well


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

polka dot pickle

ahahha I'm at school right nooooooowww


OMG i need to get my beauty school packet stoof so i can go during jr yearrrrr and get a real life

yeah so on..monday i believe....i FINALLY got my bottom fake eyelashes!!!!! yuuup they are beautiful XD love......he DID move*sobs*. i mean really..of ALL the ppl in just HAD to be him. i asked alaja where he was and shes like 'he moved..but just a for a while...he's coming back" so im like "WHEN!?" and shes like 'just get over him already!!!!" so assuming he'll be back @ the beginnging of jr yeatr(well, if im here that is..might be at my beauty colledge thing)

and they gay thing is..i ONLY wanted 3rd period pe cuz he was there..and if he moved..thenm wats the point?

ok so theres those other guys...but they r ugly compared to hiiiiiim

teehee my funfunfun
plus...hasna is actually gonna sleepover!! ZOMG theres IS a first time for everything


Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yuuup, late but on sunday i painted my nails again XD
every since i stopped biting my nails..i ALWAYS ear nail polish :P
but ahem. yeah this week was pretty bad. waking up early...OMG. why cant school start at 9? seriously. the councellors say its the bus scheduel.
BUT ZOMG!!!! i think my love, has transfered schools again. boo hoo. i havent seen him ALL wek. i need to ask alaja wat happened to him. she hangs out with him so she'd know. i hope he is just a taking a long vacation....
and, only 1 more PE free week, and 1 more wek to use photoshop in graphic design. i need to photoshop that lelouch pic. on paint it just looks WEIRD
i wanna go back to japan >_<
i watched code geass every sunday at 6 PM there lol
and omg! in....6 days im gonna be 16!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE! then im gonna try to get a job. i want money so i can buy more clothes lolol
and i hope i get my circle loense on monday cuz i wanna wear them on my bday. im gonna curl mah haaaair and wear a dress and be preetee
and OMG! not really important 4 the ppl reading this, buuuut those bottom fake eyelashes i bought? ok, i was suppose to get them like 3 weeks ago, but the person JUST SHIPPED IT OFF THIS MONDAY WTFFFFFFF!! so im gonna get it like, next month how gay!!!!!


newest decoden creations. im still pretty bad at this, compared to pros i see on youtube -_-"

and i need to redo my camera

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i knew it...


i knew it! from the moment i stepped in 1st period..i knew today was going to be a bad day D:

in 1st eyelid glue didnt work on one eye and came undone so i looked like a retard the whole day.

plus im BARELY passing that class!

2-3 was OK. then 4th, i love that class and all, but we had to do work>_<

lunchj was too hot and everyone pokes me...its SOOOOOO FREAKING ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!

like..first it was rebekah's fan girl in 8th grade, then car has this strange obession to poke me, then..uh..watshisface does it, then peter and now julian. WTF

hmmf..and he bought my contacts but left them in LA. i better get them on monday.....i want to wear them on friday <3

AAAND i havent seen my love in like FOREVERRRRRRR

and my 5th period teacher made us take notes of like passive/active uh watever and had to rewrite all these sentences, at least we get to have the cool sub tommorow ^_^

6th period..lame as usual -_-"

plus i bet my bottom fake eyelashes didnt come today(i didnt check yet.. but it prob didnt) its been a week overdue!! it was suppose to come last monday!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR!!!

but on the bright side....lots of ppl say they like my hair. i put my extension highlights in them. i'm prolly gonna take them out makes brushing my hair hard

ugg st00pid finals

PLUS!!! MY BESTEST FRIEND SARAH FORGOT WHEN MY BDAY IS!!!!!! and we've known eachother for like 8 years. shame on you!

i feel like having some warheads right now*yuuum*

so yeah..that was my day

Saturday, January 2, 2010

new yearrrrrrrrrrr

new years!!!!
my resolution or w/e is to looe 30 pounds(omg. i prob gained like 10 during break) espicially my legs are al fat...blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
^that pic i edited it to look thinner..if u saw the origional...WOW
but yuuuup.....i went ice skating yesterday!!!! i wanted hasna to come with me but she couldnt!!!! her dad was like no. pshh..reminds me of MY dad..always saying no to everything. and he wonders y i dont like him -_-"
so i went with my mom LOL
it was kinda hard at first. like ur first steps it was all slippery, but after like 5 minutes i was pretty good :)
i almost fell twice..BUT I DIDNT. like one was going to fast, and the other was when i went to turn around my skates touched some ther guys and i like almost tripped. lol my mom fell9or so she says she did..i didnt actually witness it)
but afterwards, my feet hurt so i stoped but the session was basically over anyways. i imagined the ice rink to be a lot bigger was suprisinly small.

the person in the mom sux at taking pictures -_-"

but yeah...yesterday was the really last day of break..OMG I DO NOOOOOOTTTT want to go back to school. i just got used to sleeping in too!!! dont u hate when that happens? ur on the first week u still wake up at 8 and the second its ten and ur used to it but then u haftas get up at 6???? GRAAHH! *throws toilet paper at school*

and omg..if julian doesnt get me my circle lenses after the whoooole break.....ohh its on.

omg!!!! that reminds me..i didnt see the ball drop thing for new years! i ALWAYS do, but the sleepover made me uber tired so i went to bed.....10:30ish????


and my bday thing..big bearrrrrrr! ive never been there(yeah i know right?) and we're going to stay at a hotel $$$$

ok WATEVERS.....