Sunday, November 22, 2009


ewwww i look weiiiiird >_<
so i hung out wif my besties yesterday wheee!
lol wee went to the duck pond first, and then sarah prank called derbin and said she was a boy and stuff..everone was laughing XDDD
then we went to da malllllll
and me and rebekah and alorah and shelby were just waiting for sarah and the other' to arrive. then i was just loking around for ppl i know.
then i was like OMG!!!!! ITS JOSH!!(ahaha just kidding..i wish)
but i saw JACOB'S GF!!!
and everyones likes waaaaaaaat!?????? where!?
and im all pointing over tyhere(they were like right in front of us!)
but shelby didnt see them, until rebekah was going to walk past tyhem..but she ended up not doing that O.O
then brooke arrived(shes ALWAYS late)
then sarah and everyone else arrived!
and sarah and rebekah went to go get thier ears pierced again. but i was talking to brooke(or was it alorah?) anyways and someone was like "omg theres a really hot emo guy up there" and so i turn. yeah...i suppose. buty i THINK i know him o__0
i THINK he was this guy who was in my 6th period but like transfered schools or something..but i still cant say fer sure
and ways, then broke or alorah(whoever i WASNT taloking to) comes up and is like "doooood! theres a hot emo guy up tyhere" im like i nooooooooooooooo 0ok???
but me and brooke ditch everyone to find a present(brook didnt even get one tho)
and so once we left..we didnt see everyone again til like 2 hours later! D:
but we went to the new sephora store...DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNG!
$18 for mascara! the make up was expensive...but we just tried on samples XDDDDD
and since we were outside the mall, brooke found her friendds who were all like smoking cigarettes and stuff. i was all like uh.
but then we left
hannah texted brooke saying everyone is @ white lime so we walked there, but DUDE.
but when we get there, i was happy to see everyone once again!
but the party was over, so yeah DX
i supposly was going to sleepover brookes house, but she was being annoying and was like 'i dont feel like talking to my dad right now...i dnt wanna go home, can i stay @ ur house?"
it sux cuz litterally the whole day i was with brooke and not sarah and rebekah. i wish i was with them instead cuz i never see them :( sorry!
but so once the twins and everyone left, me annd brooke went back 2 da mall then she met her other smoker friends and hung out with them for another hour and a half. plus they were vlike 8th graders(ewwww middle schoolers) plus...i was still FREEZING!!!!!!
u see them lighting tier cigs and stoof, bleh..i was feeling all sick with the smoke, but they didnt smoke for long...good.
it was kinda lame tho cuz they were asking random ppl for cigarettes o__O
oh well.
and thyey were like "you know..your really quiet'
and brooke's like "oh shes just really shy'
which i am lololol
but yeah they went to joannes sine there were mall cops over at the mall.
then they were talking about some concert thing and brooke REALLY REALLY wanted to go, but i was SO FLIPPING TIRED. ive been upo and walking in flats for like 6 hours and i was ice cold and brookes like 'PLEASE PLEASER PLEASE COME WITH MEEEEEEE!"
and im like "no, im so tired and want to go home!"
and it went on for like 20 minutes, and her friend was like "man you guys are so difficult!'
but then the end, im like 'well....fine...but for 15 minutes nly k?"
and book's like YAAAAAAAAYYY THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
so she calls her dad to see if she can come over my house afterwards and her dad says yes, theen i call my dad and he's like NOO!
he is SO mean!
so brooke didnt have a ride home....
and i dint go to the concert, so everone waited with me til my mom picked me up. then when she came they all huged me and were like "goodbye quiet one" lol
even though they are druggies(lol) they are still really nice
i felt kinda bad for brooke though
but dood it took FOREVAH to warm up. i was so cold i had to have brooke type in my phone number cuz my fingers couldnt move
some day that was XDDDD

^ lol

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