Sunday, November 1, 2009

How do you make a baby float?

yup its november already.
and just for the info,
no, i did NOT go trick-or-treating
besides, i dont really have a "costume"
yeah. i wuldve gone to nikki's party, but i wasnt feeling too good. i felt pretty lame today too.
darn headaches
and ive been sneezing alot lately.
I sense allergies in my future!
BUT ZOMG! yesterday, i went to da craft store and bought clay to make deco den! YAAAAAAAY!
i need silicon glue to make frosting/whip cream tho.
this month:
my BFF's b day
THANKSGIVING BREAK YES!(i hope its a week long..and not that gay retarded two day break i heard last year)
next month:
and presents!
month after dat:
new years!
my 16th one to be specific ^_^
and and disneyland!
and a party with my friends!
once halloween starts, ALL the good holidays begin :P

BUUUUUUUUT today, i made apple pies(yes that is the first picture)
but i forgot(actually my mom forgot) to add cinnamon to ze apples.
but it was delicious!
i got the recipe out of my popteen magizines-valentine issue oh la la
but whatever right? -_-"
i'm just really happy we get an extra hour of sleep! IM SO HAPPY!
and dood. i try to record nana on the DVR, but for like the past month..its been playing the same two or three episodes..very annoying
AND on my getting this weird rash(or so i think it is)
and if i put loion on it(i just did) then IT BUUUUURRRRNNS!
meh..oh well
kk bye!
PS: the answer to the title is: put the babies in root beer

1 comment:

  1. Haha...sorry you've been feeling bad :(.

    And we do have a week for thanksgiving.

    No school November 11 :)
