Saturday, October 17, 2009

yay fall festival!

yaaayyyy! i went to ze fall festivaaaaal! and did community service(cuz its gay how i have to do 30 hours instead of 10) but it was fun XD
(oh sorreh hasna, i put a pic of u on THE INTERNET. but who really cares? now u can show that guy who likes you, im sorry..ME, and tell him the truth)
so we left to go around 3:30ish cuz we had to be there early to set things up
we helped this teached named uh...mrs guerrero or something..idk her..she wasnt there when i was in elementary school..if she was, then i never heard of her.
our booth was the lollipop treee!
(as seen below)
At first, me and hasna are like 'uh..the lollipop tree??.....lame..." but you know..we got lotz of business. mostly cuz our 'whoooo!!" stuff was attracting ppl.
the people i saw there was: danielle, citloli(or w/e), paulo, some other peepz and ZOMG i saw jeffery!
it was awkward o__0
his hair is like really long now....but
i also saw some of my old teachers ^_^
my third grade teacher reconized me cuz i was famous @ my school for my art :D
i was like burniiiiiiing!
but there was this one kid who went to our booth, and he was just the CUTEST thing iive ever seen! he had these BIG HUGE eyes and was probably like 3 or 4 years old and when he looks up he's like this little puppy =^.^=
but then he got scared and ran to his mom lol
we were just doing that for about 2 hours befor we decided to take a break. so we left the two other girls to take over for a bit
It got dark pretty fast(WHICH IS GOOD) we walked around to see what games they had.
i REALLY REALLY wanted to get my face painted..but it cost 5 tickets($1.25) it wasnt worth it so i decided not to.
instead me and hasna bought these mugs for our moms saying "because you are the mom every child shoud have" and it had cndy in it too. then hasna got aother one for her friend saying "because i love you"
too bad i had to carry 3 mugs in my bag -_-"
then since we were volunteers we got a free meal pass. they ran out of drinks :(
and hasna was hungry cuz she didnt eat anything all day, and she couldnt have the hot dog cuz its prob pork and her religion doesnt eat that. so i had one and she just ate chips. the hot dog bun as pretty gross..btw and we sat down in my "chair" as i called it in middle school..actually i didnt really see probably got filled up or sommething so we sat down to eat. i was trying to see stars but i only fund like 3. then hasna was saying something how the brightest star u see is venus and shes like "thats another planet can u believe that!?" too bad there was only like 5 stars out >_<
so then we went straight back to work!
the festival ended around 7:30 and my mom was suppose to pick us up at 8:30 so we went to go on the swings then some bee-otch is like 'get off the swings!" so annoying >:K
so we go back down to the field to get our community serrvice papers and hasnas like "OMG THERES A BEE ON UR HEAD!" and then i start freaking out and running and screaming(lol thats so typical of me) and it was STILL on my then has just like slaps it off. oh well, it didnt sting me. good.
so we got our papers and just hung out till my mom picked us up. we were just taking picturs and stuff


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