Friday, October 23, 2009


i FINALLY get to play kingdom hearts chain of memories!!!!
cuz my friend let me borrow it!! THANK YOU!
but when i played it, ITS SO CONFUSING with the cards and stuff. yeah, the second game is truely the best(well, of what ive played that is)
but its fun i guess..kinda hard though. i don't know what to do, so i need to look up cheats -_-"
but omg,m so i had to go to my skin doctor 2day riiiiiight?
and on my way there, there was some accident on ynez so we got slowed down, and me and my mom r waiting in the van next to the sidewalk when one of those boys who usually flips around those advertizing signs starts talking to us. hes like "hey ladies" and he thought that my mom was my sister(but he was just messing around) and he was being all flirty and stuff(did i mention he was ugly?) anyways, and he's all like "your so beautiful" to me and is all like "im new here, if i have time off from my job wanna hang out at the mall?" but then the light turned green. bye bye! i wouldnt have gone anyways..i dont even know him o__0
but at least he called me pretty :)
and ugg, today pee-tah and jasmin didnt show! i think peter was gone though....
but i brought my japanese magizine JUST FOR THEM!
so i can show jasmin the contacts er circle lense i want, and then peter can get all gross and look at the advertisement that shows girls in bikinis and those pills and padding and stuff to make bigger boobs and everything.
oh, and i might go to san diego again tommorow, u no, for more popteen and anime stuff with lelouch XD
if i go, josh(azn) asked me to buy him a anime mag so i will, from the $1 section of course :P
oh and i before i finish, i want to say that projet GD is back in session!! WHOOO!
ok bye now!

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