Saturday, October 10, 2009


LOL is all i need to say..for the picture XD
yeah idk wat i was thinking uploading that -_-"
yeah..i ran again >_<
OMGZ! wake up @ 6:15..stay in bed til 6:45..get ready, and see hasna. lol she said that she called my house at 7 when i left and my mom answered the phone then she saw me walking and was like 'oh wait..i see her..nevermind!!!"
but GEEZ!!! it was SO foggy this morning..when we were walking to the outback..our hair was getting soaked!! espicially when we were finished running...we're like..theres no way all this can be sweat o__0
but lol so when we wre running..we were going up and down these hills, and one of the hills was like really steep and hasna's like "let it take over you!" or something so i did but there was like this plant thing i was going to run into so i wasnt paying attention to hasna but once i ran over the plant..the next thing i see is hasna rolling on the ground! LOL. and it took a while to stop since i was going fast and i was like R U OK!? but seriously..i did wish i saw her fall. she says she was going too fast that her legs couldnt catch up with the speed so she decided to roll the the side instead of falling forward and having a faceplant. after that i noticed that when we went downhill, she didn't let gravity or force or watever take her freely..or watever @_@ she was holdin back
yeah..we werent dying like last week when we ran....but for some reason THIS week,....dood i felt like puking when i was running..well not exactly but was this weird feeling mkay!????
and so when we were walking in the sand..shes all like "omg! ur lip is bleeding!!" cuz she gve me some chapstick but i kinda dropped it...and we were like trying to catch it in the air for like 5 seconds but iut finally fell. LOL. and shes like "gee..THANKS..." and it got all covered in dirt.
good times good times :D
yeah once i got home..i was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! chocolate never tasted so good in my life!
and around 10ish i like passed out and fell asleep..i was SO tired, but i had to go to a funeral thing at 12..i KINDA didnt want too cuz i just wanted to sleep, but sarah and rebekah was going to be there so i like dragged myself off the couch.
yeah..its nice seeing my BFF's again :D even if it was for like..15ish minutes
omg!!! its SO nice to know that u have another day off from school.
oh and i re-did my nails FYI
well anyways..yeah

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