Monday, October 19, 2009

99 dead dogs on the wall

sorreh about the title...its from a game i played before -.-
yeah soh
lots(not really) happened yesterday
like, i woke up @ 6:45 with a i hought i had just a runny nose but just like was dripping on my pillow and all over my hand.
dry blood.
and then i think i got poisoned a bit -.-"
cuz my mom sprayd this flea purfume stuff on my dog and i stll bite my nails(not really, but i just like put my finger in my mouth and stuff) so the stuff from my dogs fur went in my mouth.
it to describe it? bitter, but uh, nevermind. there was that "zing" kinda flavor
but it was gross.
then after dinner, i started getting HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEE headaches(i already had one, cuz i was watching TV like all day) and also my stomach felt upset.
i think i was gonna barf. cuz i was like spazzing out and shaking, but i wasnt cold..and my stomach got bubbly. fun fun.
but no.
i started reading the bible again(im a good girl :D) and it made me feel better again ^_^
that never lets me down :)
oh yes, and tommorow, i get to skip firt period!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! dont get 2 see stoopid ugly fat yawning kid tommorow!!!
why u ask?\
well, i need to get my blood taken again tommorow. aand in ze morning cuz my meds are running out.
and so on friday im going back to my doctor person.
lol and 2day, me n jasmin were playing.."THE RATING GAME". we did on friday too....good times good times.
and and and
my hair was REALLY ugly, i need to buy powder fountain again..since my skin is clearing up. my liquid one makes my face all albino-er and shiny and gross..I HATE IT!
PS: tango vontussel will NOT fail!

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