Thursday, October 29, 2009


^ I WANT!!!!
unfortuntly you can buy that stuff here( least i dont think?)
so far Ive only seen it on ebay..or the internet
but on youtube..i saw these videos how to make them :D
so i'm gonna try. then I'll put the cookies and ice creams and stuff on my camera! YAY! =^_^=
and suppose to go to this other fall festival thing with hasna @ some school i never heard of o__0
oh and nikki invited meh to her halloween partay. but i dunno if im gonna go cuz if she just has all her emo friends and i dont know any of gonna be a loner. but if i know(like hang out know) some of them..sure ;D
but if i dont go, i'll prob chuck candy at kids with hasna on halloween :p
noooooooooooo..................this isnt MY eye
but i WANT those contacts! GAH!
julian said in LA he can get circle lenses for $1!!!! DOOOOOD!!!! I WANT SUM!
anywho that is all....PEACE

Friday, October 23, 2009


i FINALLY get to play kingdom hearts chain of memories!!!!
cuz my friend let me borrow it!! THANK YOU!
but when i played it, ITS SO CONFUSING with the cards and stuff. yeah, the second game is truely the best(well, of what ive played that is)
but its fun i guess..kinda hard though. i don't know what to do, so i need to look up cheats -_-"
but omg,m so i had to go to my skin doctor 2day riiiiiight?
and on my way there, there was some accident on ynez so we got slowed down, and me and my mom r waiting in the van next to the sidewalk when one of those boys who usually flips around those advertizing signs starts talking to us. hes like "hey ladies" and he thought that my mom was my sister(but he was just messing around) and he was being all flirty and stuff(did i mention he was ugly?) anyways, and he's all like "your so beautiful" to me and is all like "im new here, if i have time off from my job wanna hang out at the mall?" but then the light turned green. bye bye! i wouldnt have gone anyways..i dont even know him o__0
but at least he called me pretty :)
and ugg, today pee-tah and jasmin didnt show! i think peter was gone though....
but i brought my japanese magizine JUST FOR THEM!
so i can show jasmin the contacts er circle lense i want, and then peter can get all gross and look at the advertisement that shows girls in bikinis and those pills and padding and stuff to make bigger boobs and everything.
oh, and i might go to san diego again tommorow, u no, for more popteen and anime stuff with lelouch XD
if i go, josh(azn) asked me to buy him a anime mag so i will, from the $1 section of course :P
oh and i before i finish, i want to say that projet GD is back in session!! WHOOO!
ok bye now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

whoop de doo

Dear Diary...
lol idk..bored XD
(im trying to sound retarded..btw)
yup cuz my shotz. doesnt look all green and purple like last least not YET @_@
Yeah..I'm getting back into "project GD" again.....but I'm just TOO LAZY to do anything. but one of these days.......i WILL complete it!!!!!!(eh..) and i will be so proud of myself ^_^
my nails....
are so beautiful
except my like broke off so its ugly.....but they rest are so long!!! IM SO HAPPY!
urg all the good game sites in graphic design keep getting blocked..ANNOYING
and like every other day in drivers ed, the military or navy or w/e come in to talk about colledge. then we have to write and take some lamo test seeing what our skills and interests are in life.
it says my inteest is outdoor.....-_-
but it says my skills is art skilled
but i dont see what that stuff has to do with drivers ed o__0
oh and today...i wasnt to drive home this random guy i dont even know..but he didnt show up. appearantly he got a ride from one of his own friends. o well...GOOD.

OMG!!!!!!! and during the weekend....i found this one locket i was looking for EVERRR!! it has a pic of the VERY FIRST guy ive ever liked. now i know what ur thinking "stalker" cuz i have a pic...well uh no. i iz not. back before i came to temecula, my elemtary school gave out yearbooks to everyone, whether u paid for one or not. for the ppl who dont pay, ur yearbook is just smaller and is in black and white. everyone else gets colored, big, and hard cover yearboks. so in my tiny one i cut one out of his face LOL
hey..this was like YEARS ago. it was 1st grade XD
I also found this best friend thing me and rebekah gave eachother like years and years ago too(but i doubt she stil has it) i keep it in a safe place. but im sure rebekah has the raichu thing that i stole(oops). it cursed me so i gave it to her LOL sorry night, i was looking thro my 8th grade yearbook...and a lot of people autographed me saying im A LOT. kinda sad. hmmf...meanies!

thats more like some higurashi thing of me.
har har har
oh yeah..i finally but on bottom fake eyelashes...i should wear them more often......its just that i dont have a ton of time to get ready in the morning. maybe on a late start day :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

99 dead dogs on the wall

sorreh about the title...its from a game i played before -.-
yeah soh
lots(not really) happened yesterday
like, i woke up @ 6:45 with a i hought i had just a runny nose but just like was dripping on my pillow and all over my hand.
dry blood.
and then i think i got poisoned a bit -.-"
cuz my mom sprayd this flea purfume stuff on my dog and i stll bite my nails(not really, but i just like put my finger in my mouth and stuff) so the stuff from my dogs fur went in my mouth.
it to describe it? bitter, but uh, nevermind. there was that "zing" kinda flavor
but it was gross.
then after dinner, i started getting HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGEEEEEE headaches(i already had one, cuz i was watching TV like all day) and also my stomach felt upset.
i think i was gonna barf. cuz i was like spazzing out and shaking, but i wasnt cold..and my stomach got bubbly. fun fun.
but no.
i started reading the bible again(im a good girl :D) and it made me feel better again ^_^
that never lets me down :)
oh yes, and tommorow, i get to skip firt period!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! dont get 2 see stoopid ugly fat yawning kid tommorow!!!
why u ask?\
well, i need to get my blood taken again tommorow. aand in ze morning cuz my meds are running out.
and so on friday im going back to my doctor person.
lol and 2day, me n jasmin were playing.."THE RATING GAME". we did on friday too....good times good times.
and and and
my hair was REALLY ugly, i need to buy powder fountain again..since my skin is clearing up. my liquid one makes my face all albino-er and shiny and gross..I HATE IT!
PS: tango vontussel will NOT fail!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

yay fall festival!

yaaayyyy! i went to ze fall festivaaaaal! and did community service(cuz its gay how i have to do 30 hours instead of 10) but it was fun XD
(oh sorreh hasna, i put a pic of u on THE INTERNET. but who really cares? now u can show that guy who likes you, im sorry..ME, and tell him the truth)
so we left to go around 3:30ish cuz we had to be there early to set things up
we helped this teached named uh...mrs guerrero or something..idk her..she wasnt there when i was in elementary school..if she was, then i never heard of her.
our booth was the lollipop treee!
(as seen below)
At first, me and hasna are like 'uh..the lollipop tree??.....lame..." but you know..we got lotz of business. mostly cuz our 'whoooo!!" stuff was attracting ppl.
the people i saw there was: danielle, citloli(or w/e), paulo, some other peepz and ZOMG i saw jeffery!
it was awkward o__0
his hair is like really long now....but
i also saw some of my old teachers ^_^
my third grade teacher reconized me cuz i was famous @ my school for my art :D
i was like burniiiiiiing!
but there was this one kid who went to our booth, and he was just the CUTEST thing iive ever seen! he had these BIG HUGE eyes and was probably like 3 or 4 years old and when he looks up he's like this little puppy =^.^=
but then he got scared and ran to his mom lol
we were just doing that for about 2 hours befor we decided to take a break. so we left the two other girls to take over for a bit
It got dark pretty fast(WHICH IS GOOD) we walked around to see what games they had.
i REALLY REALLY wanted to get my face painted..but it cost 5 tickets($1.25) it wasnt worth it so i decided not to.
instead me and hasna bought these mugs for our moms saying "because you are the mom every child shoud have" and it had cndy in it too. then hasna got aother one for her friend saying "because i love you"
too bad i had to carry 3 mugs in my bag -_-"
then since we were volunteers we got a free meal pass. they ran out of drinks :(
and hasna was hungry cuz she didnt eat anything all day, and she couldnt have the hot dog cuz its prob pork and her religion doesnt eat that. so i had one and she just ate chips. the hot dog bun as pretty gross..btw and we sat down in my "chair" as i called it in middle school..actually i didnt really see probably got filled up or sommething so we sat down to eat. i was trying to see stars but i only fund like 3. then hasna was saying something how the brightest star u see is venus and shes like "thats another planet can u believe that!?" too bad there was only like 5 stars out >_<
so then we went straight back to work!
the festival ended around 7:30 and my mom was suppose to pick us up at 8:30 so we went to go on the swings then some bee-otch is like 'get off the swings!" so annoying >:K
so we go back down to the field to get our community serrvice papers and hasnas like "OMG THERES A BEE ON UR HEAD!" and then i start freaking out and running and screaming(lol thats so typical of me) and it was STILL on my then has just like slaps it off. oh well, it didnt sting me. good.
so we got our papers and just hung out till my mom picked us up. we were just taking picturs and stuff


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

yes, I think I will miss my dark hair once I dye it brown...well....maybe not
at least I prob won't be called EMO anymore(cuz everones always like 'oh it ur hair' and stuff)
I cant wait 4 halloween^_^
nothing much going on in life
yesterday it rained a bit...I LOVE THE RAIN!!!!!!
i wished it thundered that one time early this year
omg yesterday.....
i kept seeing josh.....EVERYWHERE!
then @ lunch...i kinda got all sad and sorta cried(not like tears or anything just like 'ahhh wahh' and everything annoying) and jasmin's like 'whats wrong?" and i'm like "i see the guy i like, but i cant talk to him!!!"
it is indeed very depressing. but at least i see him a lot more now a days than before.
I still wish i had the guts to talk to him:(
lol today i was just talking to julian about random stuff like video games and anime. then some nark walks past us and these ppl start crowding in the art area so since we're next to that place we decide to walk over.
we see some poor kid on the ground.
me, julian, and chantell were thinking that some kid got beat up hard and passed out or someone was drunk or something. but idk, uh..whatshisface? well anyone that one kid(lol) said that some girl had a 4 her
we thought it was something IMPORTANT!!
haha JK
oh yeah, me and hasna are going to volunteer for the fall festival @ TES(well, i just send in the email like 30 minutes ago, so idk if i'm in or not, bu i really want to go..its not like i have anything better to do)
and video on youtube, all these ppl keep calling me an animal abuser...its SOOoOoOoOOOoOoOOoOOOo ANNOYING!
yet, theres SOME ppl who think im not(and they are the cool ppl)
i need to upload more stuff on youtube :D
i kinda slowed down on favoriting ideos though..i mean..i favorited over 300 stuff...they are mostly music tho ^_^
i was like "REALLY!?"
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh i hate that class..but thats what i get 4 taking global science lst year(but i LOVED that class.......awshume teacher, cool students, and i sat next to..HIM..aka my love)
oh yes, hasna made a blog yay! and passed her divers test so she go her license yaay!
mkay now i'm just writing random crap so i think that shall be all 4 today!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


LOL is all i need to say..for the picture XD
yeah idk wat i was thinking uploading that -_-"
yeah..i ran again >_<
OMGZ! wake up @ 6:15..stay in bed til 6:45..get ready, and see hasna. lol she said that she called my house at 7 when i left and my mom answered the phone then she saw me walking and was like 'oh wait..i see her..nevermind!!!"
but GEEZ!!! it was SO foggy this morning..when we were walking to the outback..our hair was getting soaked!! espicially when we were finished running...we're like..theres no way all this can be sweat o__0
but lol so when we wre running..we were going up and down these hills, and one of the hills was like really steep and hasna's like "let it take over you!" or something so i did but there was like this plant thing i was going to run into so i wasnt paying attention to hasna but once i ran over the plant..the next thing i see is hasna rolling on the ground! LOL. and it took a while to stop since i was going fast and i was like R U OK!? but seriously..i did wish i saw her fall. she says she was going too fast that her legs couldnt catch up with the speed so she decided to roll the the side instead of falling forward and having a faceplant. after that i noticed that when we went downhill, she didn't let gravity or force or watever take her freely..or watever @_@ she was holdin back
yeah..we werent dying like last week when we ran....but for some reason THIS week,....dood i felt like puking when i was running..well not exactly but was this weird feeling mkay!????
and so when we were walking in the sand..shes all like "omg! ur lip is bleeding!!" cuz she gve me some chapstick but i kinda dropped it...and we were like trying to catch it in the air for like 5 seconds but iut finally fell. LOL. and shes like "gee..THANKS..." and it got all covered in dirt.
good times good times :D
yeah once i got home..i was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! chocolate never tasted so good in my life!
and around 10ish i like passed out and fell asleep..i was SO tired, but i had to go to a funeral thing at 12..i KINDA didnt want too cuz i just wanted to sleep, but sarah and rebekah was going to be there so i like dragged myself off the couch.
yeah..its nice seeing my BFF's again :D even if it was for like..15ish minutes
omg!!! its SO nice to know that u have another day off from school.
oh and i re-did my nails FYI
well anyways..yeah

Friday, October 9, 2009

so lyke omgzzzz

i had no skoolo today so i got to do watever i wanted to do!!!!
well and my mom went to ze spa today. spring spa thing..but it was nice..i sppent lots of time in the sauna.
yeah we stayed there for like 2 hours..and i'm tired now..and full...GAAAAAHH i ate @ del taco or watever for i feel UBER fat.
but i just talked to hasna and we're(sadly) going to run again tommorow
ahh it feels sooooo great to know that TOMMOROW is it<3
oh btw
i feel like going shoppping

omgz..yes i'm not wearing ANY makeup in that pic....amazing isn't it?
(well i kinda made the pic all bright and stuff but it really matters?)
on wedbsday i hunhg out with alorah(oh btw..i think me and monique are done fer sure....cuz we only hung out once this she hangs out with those annoying u-no-wats so eh whatever..i don't need her. she treats me like crap anyways.
ok about alorah we are just like walking around skool when her friend is talking to these other n00b freshmen and im just like spacing out and in the background i see these guys in headlocks and say "OMG ARE THEY FIGHTING!?" and then like everybody turns around and walks closer(oh btw..when i was spacing out..i was KINDA looking at josh..cuz he was RIGHT there.....and when i saw those guys fighting..i only saw them just josh like walked up to them so yeah..just thought I'd say that) but yeah withing like 10 seconds you see like 500 kids just running over was hilarious! me and alorah are all laughing seeing how retarded they are running there just to see a fight..but the fight was only like 15 seconds long,. and when all those kids ran there..the fight was pretty much over and this one guy next to me was like "hey the fights over..go away" and stuff LOL
and then on thursday i lt dani borrow my japanese anime book cuz i think she'd like to look at it. its funny cuz i got like all my friends in code geass XD
omg and on EVERYONE was hitting me..not in an abusive way..but just like *punch*hey! and they'd do it REALLY hard...
omggg i need to find a good halloween costume.....i wanna be minnie mouse but i need a nice polka dot dress and yellow shoes and gloves >_<
but if i dont find anything good..i'll be batman..then when halloween is over..i'll dye my hair :D
my youtube channel finally got converted to that ugly news format >_<
i like the old version better*cries*
well anyways..yeah..all 4 today
PS:i'm fat

Saturday, October 3, 2009

tommorow is going to be painful...

Ok so last night, i was IM'ing hasna and she made this idea where we should run in the morning every saturday(or so..)
and we made all these plans and everythiiing
but...once i got off the comp, some things kind came up >_>
so i went back on to message her again but she wasnt there so i emailed her...but i got nothing from her. SO OFF TO BED I WENT!
i told her to call me at 7 this morning..she did..but i kinda uh..overslept?
so i didnt hear a thing.
i woke up @ 7:30ish and was like "OH CRAP!" i wanted to sleep in bed was so soft and warmmm..but no. i called hasna and was like "are u mad at me?" and shes like no.
but we still decided to run this morning.
we ran(well, WALKED mostly but still) 3.4 miles.....I'm so proud of my self
the area we went to was the place where me and sarah and rebekah hung out sometimes..otherwuise known as "the outback" AKA the place i saw the dead lizard and screamed(earlier post)
good times:)
but ZOMG
we started running when we got there and we ran half a mile straight and im like "HASNA!!!! I CANT DO THIS! GO ON WITHOUT MEE!"
and shes like "NOOO!!!"
and grabbs my arm and drags me to run with her. then we rest a bit...and run some more.
then hasna started getting some athsema(or w/e) problems so shes like "lets walk back home now" i was SO happy to hear those words :D
once we got back home..we just chilled out on her driveway, doing streches, drinking water, talking, you know..just doing STUFF
yeah thats all....but on thursday night..i was trying to do those bicycles in the air then i pulled my arm hurt really bad>_<
ahh well.....ciao