Wednesday, September 30, 2009

IrishWistWatch(say that 10 times fast!)

yeah old pic...oh well
ok...before i start talking about how suckish my life is so far..i need to say this:
you suck.
OK! now that THAT'S over with...-_-"
nothing much has been going i had to go to the dentist again >_<
i have 2 cavities >_<
and i need to go back tommorow to get them filled >_<
plus, last night,..i only got 3 hours of sleep
cuz im tired of pudgy not sleeping with me(sounds wrong lol) so i locked him in my room last night and from 11:30 to 3:30 yhe kept me awake trying to get out.......
OMG blog is acting gay. i cant explain it..just nevermind
uggg im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo tired and i have a shizload of hw to do!!!!
my life suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkzzzzzzzzz
lol this is random but i feel like writing it:
i was walking to..fourth period i believe when theres these girls who said "whats with all the azns???" RIGHT WHEN SHE WALKS PAST ME
and im like""
i dunno..its like that one time in the locker when those fat chicks said skinny girls were coming outta style then looked ast me..but im not soooOoOOooOoOoOoOOoooo fat
and that once dance..yeah i almost got it completely memorised! yay!
tonight, i think im gonna put on fake nails again( i meam..IF i have time too) cuz im kinda "biting" them again and i dont want all my hard work wasted
and my skin is like peeling..really bad..especially my lips....>_<
and i hate all my in 1st period, i sit in front of this fat ugly freshmen who yawns like every 5 econds(im NOT kidding!) its SO annoying cuz u can hear it and blah and he was sick and starts coughing when it gets on my hair and stuff
then in 4th period, i also sit next to a fat ugly freshmen and he is just weird. like he starts humming some song or randomly blurts out a cuss word and when he breathes out his nose i can feel is go to my hair c uz it like moves my hair and stuff. all the classes i have with freshmen..i hate.
like wghen i aw the commercial..i was like omg!!!!!!!1
but i is poor right maybe a christmas or b day prezzie will do me good :D
and a\yay1 holloween is coming up soon! hopefully hasna will go trick-or-treating with me and when we're done we're gonna hide in trees and throw candy at ppl lol
or just scare doesnt matter to me ive been talking about hate and despair and stuff..its either my meds doing this..or the fact that im like a zombie right now from the lack of sleep i got
well wateves

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey guys!!!

Hey everybody who actually reads this.

I discovered today that I'm really stupid. Explanation: I left my blog signed in at Hasna's house while I was over she took the liberty to make her own post. (BTW, this is Hasna right now...I'm pretending I'm Cindy) MWUAHAHHAHAH!!

Sorry Cindy, I couldn't help myself! It was just so tempting.

Moral of the story: Don't keep yourself logged in at anyone's house b/c if they're mean or something..they'll change your password and write crap about you. However, since I am nice...I am simply forewarning you and I would never do that to you Cindy.


Peace Out Aardvark.


Btw..I had to do something mean, so here goes :)

Yes......that is Cindy.

Btw Cindy, if you delete this post I will NEVER talk to you ever again :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

lol u looser

ok ok i no i said i wont post until something cool happens..but blogging is a habit 4 me mkiayy??
and besides..some..stuff went on so YEAH
first of all...u no how monique is like always pushing me around?
i FINALLY got back @ her LOL
everything she said i threw right back in her face..then shes like 'omg ur so mean!'
so i'm like 'oh and your not?"
LOL that was PERFECT!
but yeah she ditched me again..i believe our friendship is going down the drain
BUT ANYWAYS thats not the main thing
ok so i get an email from hasna saying she needs to tell me something funny so im like what?
and she she starts IM'ing me
and so theres this guy she became friend with on the internet and he asked her to see her picture..INSTEAD she sends him the link to my omgpop account where i have some blingee picz and claims that I"M her.
and so i was like " picz say 'cindy' on it..does he no ur name is hasna?"
and then she says yeah, but she made up this story that one day she lost her shoe at school so everyone called her cinderella!! LOL THAT IS SO GENIUS!
i started crackinggggg uuuppppppppp!
and then she sends me wut he says about my pics and hes like 'omg ur so beautiful..why didn't u show me before?" and "would u be my girlfriend'
oh darn..i forgot 2 ask hasna wat SHE said to dat
but on the phone shes like 'see cindy?? i told u that u are pretty.." but im like NAAAAHHHHHH cuz i just blingee'd those to make me look bettah
but geez..just show my pictures to some person idk and says that she's me..she couldve just went on google for pictures of girls or somethinggg.
and i dunt think im gonna get straight across bangs anymore. I KNOW I JUST CUT THEM....but they make my face look even rounder than it already is!
which i hate o__0
oh and REBEKAH or SARAH...if ur reading this9i no u do...) THEN MAKE A FREAKING POST ALREADY!!!!!
its bee like a month...-_-''

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

its sooo hot today >_<

yes, yes it WAS hot today >_<
today @ school....monique ditched me today..well..not really...she just felt like walking during lunch and i didnt want to so she left..whatever.
so @ lunch 2day, i hung out with pee-tah and josh(not MY josh...the azn and we were just talking about random things
like lol, i was talking how im gonna be rich and have a monsion and stuff when i grow up XD
and we were talking about what kind of ppl we're attracted too( i dunno how that came up..i think cuz i started the whole 'i wanna marry and lawyer or doctor' thing)
but it was funny.
they made me feel like im a bad person though>_<
but and they are like 'would u date that guy?' and point to some guy walking by and i'd be like 'eh..he's ALRIGHT' or 'uh no.' i only yes yes to that one guy that it seems like EVERYONE likes...but i dunno..i only like his hair..and his clothes...mostly his hair.
but today was lots and lots of fun. pee-tah can always make me laugh...he's so funny lol.
but omg everyone like knows that i like code geass..its kinda..weird o__0
like josh..he said something but i forgot but it had something to do with lelouch, and i was like "how did u no i liked code geas"(cuz i dunt remember telling him) and hes like 'oh dani told me' but then again, he added 'but everyone knows ur obsessed' and i like pause to think and is like 'true' lol
and OMG!!!!! one arm of mine is tanner than the other. seriously WTF. i mean..its not really noticable, but when i walk home, like one arm is facing the sun and the other isnt so it looks kinda retarded when u put them next to eachother.
aaaannd now a days, when i walk to lowes, like these cars arent stopping when i walk and im like almost being hit by then..happened two times in a row now..WTF lol just like 8th grade when i almost got ran over twice withing like 3 minutes..boy was that CRAZY
and in graphic design, i was playing this one game where u rescue these ppl jumping off buildings, and EVERY FLIPPING TIME daylan looks over and its like 'haha this game again' then i start loosing and not catching the ppl...but gets intense XD
oh yeah.....and nana is playing on the funimation channel no so im watching it, but i kinda read the first two mangas afterwards cuz i didnt wanna wait to watch it lol. but yeah..i like it so far, even though i'm not really into those girly love storie stuff..i like action mangas!
(ps: i feel like writing this..when ppl pronounce "manga" and "maynga" it bugs the CRAP outta me. KT always did that so everytime she said it wrong im like MANGA so she'd get it right.
lol this whole post is pretty random..its going nowhere. i think i'll stop and not post until something cool actually happens..but then again...who knows when that will be
(oh meds....OMG its drying my skin and lips soooooooooooo much.. ahhh!)
okkkk byez

Monday, September 21, 2009


lol the title says "eggs' yet my picture says 'ice crem' LOL. but i dunno..i didnt know wat to write on my pictah so i put watever came first in my mind
yesterday, i cut my bangs, all by myself
i say, i did a pretty good job. usually if i do my OWN hair..i mess up(but on other pplz, im pro) so when i was cutting my bangs i was pretty nervous.
yeah i liked side bangs too, but i was kinda bugging me so i decided to cut :D
anywho..yeah i wore a skirt again today. i usually don't like wearing skirts..i keep think my underwears showing when i wear them..but today i was like WHATEVER. ohh but that guy i think is hot..i saw lunch..and he saw me(i think) well yeah. just thought i'd say that LOL
at lunch, it was soooooo funny cuz paulo(or however u spell his name) kept like telling the most RANDOM stories ever. and me and monique and this one other girl kept cracking up.
ugg i want winter to come..i like wearing jackets >_<
and ZOMG!
i think my ps2 is broken( i know ps2's are like old school now, but its fun...same with game cube :D)
cuz yesterday..i was playing kh2, even though i beat the game but whatever, then the TV screen got all weird. its all my brothers fault. i havent played video games in like a month or two and he does WAAAY more than me..st00pid "brother".
and ahh im getting sooo fat!
must a HEALTHY way.
i shall not eat junkfood(although im already doing that..but resist it MOORRE!) and i really need to exersize more since i dont take p.e.
then i'll be cool :D
and and and!
i found this cool site that sells circle lenses for a REALLY cheap price. the one i want is either angel green, or honey wing ^_^
like honey my magz they cost over $50, but online its only $20!!!!!
once i get a job..i WILL buy it :p
mkay mkay..peace out

Thursday, September 17, 2009

i am gay

lol i felt like putting that as the title...and not gay(or a guy o__0) IM STRAIGHT!
but thats not why i posted :)
UGGGGG!!!! i'm DYYYIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like a days..i ALWAYS have headaches and back pains and feel like im gonna pass out, my eyes hurt, i have this HUMUNGO bruise on my arm, and AHHG!
but seriously.....its usually just when i go in 6th period(i REALLY hate that class) but now..its like..3rd period(oh and the fag DJ is in that class....BTW) and so ive been having headaches a lot lately
in 4th period i nearly slept the whole period and the kid next to me was like 'whats wrong?" and im like "i have a headache"
siiiggghhhhh..........why me?
i think those 'side effects" of my pills are starting to come in..soon i'm prolly going to go through depression or something. cuz really....i can NOT all. so its really hard for me to take tests and focus in school D:
BUT at least after tommorow is the weekend so i can "relax"...prob just draw or play video games or watch movies or something.
omggggg i haaate schooooolll.....i wanna ditch school and go to frickin beauty school already >_<
oh and i think im over i still do love him(lol) i doubt its ever going to work out between us :( so yeah......i currently don't really like anyone, well...nah...he prob doesnt like me cuz if he did..he wouldve done something by now. im just too ugly XP
so crushes dis year(amazingly)
and i want it to get cooler..i HATE the hot weather..i wanna wear jackets and have it rain(and my head is KILLING me right now) and i want the pain to stopp!!!!11
and OMG....gotta remember to send in my entry for the photo contest thing*just a reminder for myself*
ok watever bye

Monday, September 14, 2009

You just got Crimped

Today started off pretty swell. like I dunno..lately Ive been in an awshume mood. except..back pains....

lol today at lunch...monique ditched me again..but who needs her right? lol no offense or anything.
so i hanging out with brittany and pee-tah today again. at the end of lunch I talked to dani and appearantly she said something that made lauren mad so lauren spilled water on danielle's pant so it made her look like she pee'd! and RIGHT after that the bell rang. so she had to walk with her backpack in front. i felt bad for her LOL but laughed too.

but then u no..had a test in history -_-" and i had a SUPER bad headache and my eyes hurt and i wanted to just go to sleep.
then after school i had to get my blood drawn again and i was like reaaally hungry and everything
then when i come home..i go on the computer to find my neopets(yes neopets!!) account is frozen o__0
plus where the needle was put in my arm..idk why but i like cant put my arm out straight or else it hurts for some reason..its all numb right now day isnt SO bad..just pretty suckis u no?
but whatever..things will get better :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

so yeah.....

(dont ask about ze pic..i dont no wut i was doing mkay?)
on friday i went over 2 hasnas house and we watched half of monsters vs aliens lol. but then we just started doing eachothers hair. she curled mine...but the pictures i took were ugly so i decided not to put them on my blog :)
and then yesterday..went to san diego again XDDD
but there wasnt a ton of good stuff. at the book store..there wasnt ANY popteen little anime thing with lelouch or anything about code geass..i mean come on! its the ONLY reason i go there :(
but we went to that $1.50 store and i bought more fake lashes(lol) and eyelid glue so its not sagging anymore :D
i WAS going to buy this keychain thing for my was a slice of cake or a giant cookie, but i dunno..its not worth the money. when i go back to japan once i graduate then i'll buy it @ the 100 yen stores...besides..i still have 4000 yen left from last time i went.
and yeah..nothing else special happened. just WASTING my life.
so uh huh

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ok before i say ANYTHING....
I'm still so happeh :D
even if its for a really retarded reason LOL
oh and that hot guy...i saw him again 2day..but i dont think he saw me..ahh well
its so annoying cuz everytime i spend lots of time trying to look good, i NEVER see him..but on days when i look like crap i see him..its SOO annoying
ahhhhhhhhhhhh i want the weekend!
and im going 2 san diego again on saturday yaay!
im gonna buy more magz and i need more fake nails, some bling 4 my camera and those cookie/ice cream key chains as well :D
oh an fake lashes
and i havent bitten my nails in a while(GOOD)
so theyve FINALLY grown out
its the longest now since a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNGGG time ago
*sigh* this is a very boring week
hopefully me and hasna will go to the movies on friday or something :)
and in math...theres like this sick guy behind me and hes all coughing and making those gross nose sounds and stuff...and why do i ALWAYS need to sits near ppl like trhat..i mean SERIOUSLY
so i pretty much held my breathe the WHOLE period cuz i aint wanna get sick
oh and 9 is out today
i will watch that one of these days
and josh's b day is coming up LOL
he's gonna be 16
i'm gonna be 16 in 4 months :D
i wanna go to disney land as my supah sweet 16!
im prob gonna take a friend or two but they need to buy thier own tickets XD
its "light ash brown" so its like..regular brown i guess for me. i dunno if i should dye it soon or wait until after halloween(cuz i wanna be minnie mouse or batman lolz) so idk...i need to think about it
alright too-da-looo

Monday, September 7, 2009


why you ask???
thats not so importnt
except i hafta go back 2 skool tommorow, but rather than that i feel awshummme!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Who Wants To Know?

soh yesterday was alorah's
and tiffany's b day partay!
yup sarah and rebekah were there!
but they came a bit late....
so anyways...we went to the pool, alorah didn't want to come in cuz she "didnt want her hair to get wet" so rosie and this other girl grabbed her and threw her in da pool LOL
we were only @ the pool for an hour prob
so when we went back to alorahs house, we just hung out and ate pizza
me and rebekah found this table in a corner and ate there. she was talking about how much she hates her new school :(
and sarah kept coming to me being like "CUT MY HAIR!" lol
so when i was done eating i cut her bangs..i only like trimmed it abd shes like "OMG THANKS SO MUCH! IT LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER!" when it looks the same to me o__0
which reminds me....need to fill out the app to go to beauty colledge in my jr i might not go to chap next year
lol so everyone just starts dancing and jerking LOL
then alorah grabs a balloon and starts sucking the hellium from it and talks and her voice is all high, so everybody starts doing that
i tried..but it worked for like a second....then went back to normal.
it didnt work for most people
bff for eve
Glitter Graphics
(i look retarded..i no)
but me and rebekah go in the BR for like 30 minutes talking and doing eachothers hair(well, actually i was doing her hair but w/e) and ppl kept knocking and are like "i need to go to the bathroom!" so rebekah says "AAAUUGH!! I"M CONSTIPATED!" and i just start laughing
and then alorah and tiffany open thier presents. i was like the only one who ACTUALLY got them a REAL was make up and shower gel. everyone else got them gift cards and money
oh well
and then we had cake(geez i ate lots of junkfood..i need to eat healthy today)
after all that people started leaving. we were just watching random videos on youtube and stuff
i coulve slept over alorahs house..but she never told me i could..shes just like idk so i call my mom and when she picks me up alorahs like "i thought u were sleeping over?"
oh wellllllllllll
and i dont like pudgy mad at him >:K
and me pill makes my back, hips..EVERYWHERE suxxxxxxx
but whatevers bye!