Thursday, October 29, 2015


yesterday i asked the manager if i can get a new roommate but cuz her contract she cant really move out itd be ME but thats not fair so ugh im just gonna have to suck it up. luckily she hasnt really been snoring lately so ive been able to get decent sleep for once. and i told her how i felt and it seems shes trying to be more quiet which is good.

and i made guacamole yesterday but it wasnt as good as the stuff my mom makes and i couldnt find tortilla chips so i used this veggie flavored or something doritos

today i had a job interview for taco bell lol. but it was at the main office in the business district. i got kinda lost but i kept talking to my mom on LINE and she was telling the ppl i'll be a bit late even though i basically got there like right on time. but this was WAY better than the interview for the monster cafe. it was just me n the boss and he was really nice like they already understand im not super good at japanese and have a limited vocabulary. so i still tried my best to understand and respond in japanese but if i really didnt know id tell him i don't understand and he'd sorta explain in english a bit. but since its food service, i'll have to cut my nails!! noooooooooo!!!!

ugh it just sucks cuz i have fat short fingers so long nails make them look longer n slimmer not ugly. but he said nail art is ok, just it has to be short. so i have to cut them then call him again then i'll go to another interview at the actual place i guess and i'll probably get the job he seems to like me and said he wants me working for them and stuff. i applied to a nail salon but this job will prob be easier and not so draining. idk the pay but for the salon is like $11 an hour starting instead of commission. but at the restaaurant prob around $10 i'd assume.

on halloween i have work with the skool ppl again then after go to shibuya my friend im going with is being a butt saying he forgot and is doing something else so he'll be there later(which i guess is ok cuz it'll prob be going on all night) but ugh i wanted to eat dinner n stuff together like after my job i wanna go straight to shibuya not go home for a bit so im seeing if any other friends wanna go with me.

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