Tuesday, October 13, 2015

job and meet up

so monday i had a face painting job for this international kindergarten

it was a hoiday in japan on monday so many children everywhere. i got a bit lost trying to find the booth but eventually i found it there was another girl doing face painting too

and it was SO BUSY!!! we both worked the whole time. the only breaks we got was our 2 30 minute breaks and other than that work work work. mustve painted at least 50 faces but they were all pretty simple. lots of kids wanted the same things. but it was fun. it didnt feel like a 'job' so thats good. and i made about $12 an hour thats pretty good. im glad i made moneyyyy but i need a stable job not just a 1 day thing

but cuz i was bending over all my day my back hurts n idk why my thighs burn too. my whole body aches actually but whatever im used to this pain cuz pedicures

and they said if they ever need volunteers that they will contact me

and the other girl who did face paint likes gyaru n stuff too so we are prob gonna hang out at shibuya during the weekend

and yesterday i met up with the bloggers vivi and paris. i've been following vivi for a couple of years already and she said she was coming to japan n im in japan so why not meet up?

so we went to harajuku together and they were both so sweet

we were originally planning of going to the kawaii monster cafe but we were unsure of the seating charge and didnt really wanna spend lots of money there especially since the menu doesnt look that appetizing  so we skipped it and just walked around and ate some lunch at a family restaurant.

also went to kiddyland and it was actually my first time there. ive walked past it before but never really cared to go in cuz i thought it was just a hello kitty store but they have lots of other characters too

and we saw this guy who had like 10 cats in some stroller they were so cute!

but they mightve been drugged or something cuz they looked really sleepy and outta it

we went to starbucks afterwards and i dont really care for coffee but some some vanilla frappe and it was really good

and omg i need to go back to this starbucks to chill again cuz it was so nice! like this big outdoor area to just sit around and cuz the sun was setting the view was so pretty

we were prob there for like an hour just relaxing

and paris was telling some bathroom story of how he saw a guy pooping in a urinal. i will never forget this omg

afterwards went to take purikuraaaa

too bad the machine we took didnt have any full body shots

and i tried doing the code thing to get it on my phone but they didnt give out a free one which is stupid oh well

then we went to shibuya for a bit and walked around and looked for a place to eat

i wanted something light and sweet so bought a parfait


then we said goodbye afterwards and went home and my body was really sore and my eyes were burning lol i sleep good last night

tomorrow i might go to my friends house to play video games. lol my leos are my kingdom hearts buddies

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