Sunday, October 11, 2015


sorry my new roommate is driving me crazy. i have like no personal space to just relax anymore cuz shes always in the room. waaahh

omg this week i found out my dad is a GEMINI omg that was like life changing news all this time i thought he was a cancer lol. but i think me n my dad get along well

i also painted my nails for halloween!! 

billy and mandy nails!!!

this was one of my favorite cartoons growing up and the halloween episode was one of the best

the only bad thing is its only been a few days but they are like already starting to peel? well more like lifting off at the tips but i'm trying not to pick at it cuz i spend lots of hours doing these types of nails. dont want al that time to go to waste.

i think its cuz earlier this week i went to the hot spring and i stayed there for like 3 hours so maybe the heat messed them up idk

i hope they last til halloween but i dont think so.....but who knows. the main character nails are ok its the others that arent too good

yesterday i went to ikebukuro with my japanese friend but idk i don't like him so much. i dont really care to hang with him but i feel bad if i dont cuz i already made up an excuse before and i cant keep doing it so w/e

had to buy my otome merch that made me happy at least

i told him beforehand that i might take a while n he might get bored but he said its ok

and there was some dance festival going on in ikebukuro too so watched some of it

it was hard to see cuz too many ppl in front but then we went to a different place and there was a different more 'old ppl' dance and i got a good spot so took nice pics. the other dance was more modern but all my pics and videos of them arent that good

then ate pretzels and checked parco out for the anime stores.

afterwards we didnt know what to do so im just like yeah i'll head home now

we didnt hang out that long but ehhh

anyways heres what i bought!

the game jewelic nightmare!!!!
ive been wanting this foreverrrrr!!!!! and it was like 21$!!! its cheaper than the one in nakano which was $25 and like i plan on buying this game eventually so im like what the heck take my money now

plus its the limited edition so comes with bonus stuff yaaay

i played some of it last night n i love it so far! i love the music too!!! but the text is kinda hard for me to read. its kinda blurry compared to the other otome games i have so reading the kanji is a bit difficult to recognize.

and some hakuouki drama CDs, harada plushie, ayato keychain for brooke, and they had toki no kizuna stuff too and i actually found something of my hubby senkimaru HHNNGGGG

everything besides the game was $1 eeeeppp

when it comes to this kind of stuff just take my money i dont even care

tomorrow i paint faces at a school. its 1 day but at least i get money

i'll ask them if they have any job openings after

and next week im doing some voice recording for like $50 for an hour whoop whoop

but i need a steady job >_<

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