Sunday, November 1, 2015


Ive been waiting for halloween in japan for a long time!!!!


at 10 i had to work with kids again. dude its such a good gig. 12$ an hour for playing with kids. its not like u gotta baby sit them or something annoying. they're having fun and you have fun too. just take them trick or treating basically

the guy that hired me was baymax. i asked how much the costume cost and he said like $250 n hes like idk what to do with the costume after halloween. he was def the star of the show in that

first from 10-12 was with like 3yr olds but their parents were with them and stuff. then ate lunch and from 1-5 was a party with like kindergarten aged kids i guess? i actually dont know how old they were but maybe 6ish? i did face painting at first then they had a party and i helped assist when needed

im actually surprised how much english these kids know.

heres a pic of all the kids together at the end with some staff. i also took a pic of just the staff that im in too but the pic is kinda blurry idk

i made over $100 wheeee such an easy job

after the party had to touch up the makeup n put on my contacts cuz if i wore them all day since morning my eyes be bloodshot by the time i get home

and strangely as im heading towards the station i see a classmate from skool. idk how to spell his name but i always see him and this other guy in the most random places like stop following me jk

so i asked hows skool n stuff and what theyre learning. i would stay in skool but i dont got money

but anyways off to shibuya's halloween event!!! been wanting to go for years and i was finally able to!!!

i first met up with zac cuz my buddy idris who i originally intended to go with "forgot" and had to go to this dif party but we've been planning to go 5evah so he promised he'd show up later in the night so hung out with zac first n we ate dinner at coco curry house then PICS!!

yeah get to see my face a lot~
there were SO MANY PEOPLE!!

its like being on the express train during rush hour the entire time. but you get that adrenaline rush like all this excitement!! it was really fun looking at everyones costume

i didnt really dress up just did my makeup kinda clownish but ppl still asked for pics with me cuz im kawaii~

picture time! i took a lot but only posting a few

some prisoners. idk y the whole blood thing is like what everyone does but ok

saw this group of sorta bloody host club looking guys i wanted a pic with them but they were surrounded by girls cuz all the girls wanted pics with them so im like eh whatever


isnt his hair suppose to be green tho

youd see a lot of the same costumes:
police, kaneki ken, waldo, um theres more i forgot but these were the really common costumes you keep seeing everywhere

lol its okita from hakuouki!!!!

like when i saw the outfit i knew. and i have to take a pic with a hakuouki cosplayer of course!!!

i told him i like hakuouki and hes like 'you like it?!' then i show him my keychains on my bag lollll

im surprised that so far all the hakuouki cosplayers ive seen are actually all guys(besides the chizuru cuz shes female) instead of girls doing crossplay

gotta get in touch with america jk

i just had to take a pic with them

around this time went back to hachiko to meet up with idris and saw ed too. we left ed and zac cuz they were gonna go drinking and back to take pics!

but ugh the crossing is RIDICULOUS so manny ppl theres a vid below

but first a pic with school uniform animals. i asked the female gorilla for a pic but when he responded it was a mans voice and i was like whoa im pretty sure its all guys but yeah ive seen guys wear pretty strange stuff too like this guy in a thong and fishnets. that takes guts to wear that

anyways heres a vid of crossing. the other side is more intense cuz here we are going towards hachiko not from it where everyone starts off but you get the point. police everywhere ect

idk we were just walking wherever. it was like 50 degrees but cuz so many ppl u werent cold(until you got to the less busy places) i wanted to go to tower records to look for earphones but they closed when we got there aww

and basically talked about whatever for a bit cuz i was kinda exhausted from so many ppl

then i see another hakuouki cosplayer n its KAZAMA my HUSBANDO so im like lets goo!!!! n hes kinda ahead so i gotta like power walk to him but i get the pic

the kazama i saw at comiket was better but this is his oni form so whatever i still am happy

walking around more we were gonna check out the ddr arcade but idk somerthing happened like some girl was hunched over on the floor n her friend was comforting her and she just looked really dead n stuff and we just like talked n chilled nearby so we can see whats up n then like police n the ambulance came and put her on a hospital bed i have no idea what happened but its not really my business anyway

in the end didnt ddr i was tired anyways

i wanted to take purikura but all the arcades had huge lines you had to wait in and like im not really weaaring a costume n idris wasnt wearing a costume so no point in waiting for nothing special

 anyways heres me n some guy dressed up as a baby idk thought it was funny

also saw this guy ive seen on tv before that like acts like a robot n i guess he makes a living off of it n he was on top of a vending machine n its like how'd he even get up there n everyones taking pics n stuff but mine came out super crappy cuz everyone kept moving

and there was a point where it was like a mosh pit or something like ppl are just pressing against you back n forth like what is happening

me n some clownzzz

towards the end of the day like 11ish just talking in the not as busy area alone the street n u see all the crazy ppl driving the cars its so funny.

my fav pic is mickey mouse in the car like idk y but me n idris were laughing last night its just so perfect the way the ppl are all blurred and its just like hes watchin you

also saw this guy in a tiger suit in a car and these guys in all black blastin music the the tiger guys like whats ur name n they are like talking since theyre next to eachother

lots of those bakas have light up cars n stuff acting all cool n making real loud engine sounds and one car actually had that one special honking sound you hear in the movies that those 'too kool 4 skool' ppl would have but i never thought id hear it in real life

by this point my camera died n my phone was almost dead so couldnt take pics anymore n it was like 11:45 n im like i guess its time to head back cuz i dont wanna take one of the last trains cuz i dont wanna be around drunk ppl n stuff

took the normal train cuz im sure express would be packed even this late so so many ppl were here so by the time i actually got to my home was almost 1 and it was so cold walking home from the station i was freezing

btw my roommates moving tomorrow cuz the manager talked with her. of course im happy but i feel kinda bad for like kicking her out but i dont think she really likes me now she never talks to me anymore so its best we leave and get away from this awkward negative energy

i highly doubt im gonna see her in the house anyways since shes always in her room instead of common areas but whateves i get the room to myself again hopefully for a bit longer til my next roommate. i hope my next roommate will be someone within 5 years and not a gemini lol. like the moment she said she was a gemini i knew instantly this wouldnt work out n whaddya know i was right

today my throat kinda hurt cuz i had to talk really loud yesterday n my heads been hurting all day been dying n im sore all over but tomorrow i can finally rest in peace

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