Thursday, June 3, 2010


so as u may know.....or should know.....yeah our choir thing.
let me fill ya in on all the details :D
so tuesdaywas the first after school rehearsal. and boy it was SOOOOOOO FRIGGING GAY. we didnt do ANYTHING. like we just stood around for 2 hours. DX
BUT the good stuff happen yesterday(AKA day after).
like so first e had to get in the clothes we wer for our regular dance stuff and practice phantom again.
afterwards all the choirs do thier own class songs and stuff
and theeen after that we got in the dresses for phantom and sing it AGAIN. but man...yesterday was so crazy. like while we were singing phantom the second time, some chick totally passes out in front of everybody. and then like i didnt know wat was going on. i just saw ppl back off a little so im like 'wats going on to my friend' and shes like 'shes having seizures' or something. and the teacher was like 'somebody call 911' and man. talk about embarrassing. but she ended up being ok. so we ended that early and everyone went to go eat dinner and stuff. lol
at about 6 ppl started getting ready for the show.
i brought my contacts, a hair curler, bottom eyelashes and make up.
daang it took FOREVER to curl my hair. my curler doesnt work that well..its pretty lame. i added my pink extension. i WANTED them to curl..but i was afraid it the curler was too hot or if i left them on the curler too long it would melt cuz its not real hair. so it kinda was wavy-ish..but bleh.
and i added these bows and stuff.

dont i look adorable????!(lol concieded)
but seriously....i got SO MANY compliments yesterday!!! i felt loved.

ppl were like "i LOVE ur hair. i wish ur hair was mine' or 'you look like the girls in ur magazines now' or 'you look like and anime character' and so on. :P

i loved it C:

yeah i was doing like everyones hair last night(well curling them u no) they prob thought since mine was so awsome them thiers could be too..but

oh yeah. and this i was doing my friends make up or something and some random girl goes up to me and is like 'wat kind of asian r u?" yes..VERY random. i was like ' half....' and shes like half wat and and i explain to her thens shes like 'ok' and walks away @_@ idk wat that was about

the mirrors were those celeb ones with lightbulbs on the frame so it got really hot. but the photos looked nice. yeah me and some classmates. i look ugly tho.
so yeah...prety much the whole hour we had to get ready i used on myself(mostly teh hairr) and helped others too :)
so like 10 minutes before the show started, i wanted to try to find my mom in the audience so she can take pictures with my camera but i couldnt find her, but all the sudden she comes up to me outta nowhere and is like 'is this the place where-' and i stop her and give her the camera and tell her where to sit where she can see me the best and stuff and then go backstage.
there was actually a lot of ppl(suprisingly)

ohh gooooodddd everyone was so nervous. especially since we were up first XD
ppl wer like 'deep breathes' and stuff and afraid they were gonna fall.
ur songs were:
stand by me
and holding on for a hero(i dunno if i already mentioned this, but who cares..)
my mom took HORRIBLE pictures, as always.
haha can u find me in the pic..its pretty obvious actually.
no one messed up. and i think we did good. once im on stage im not nervous anymore cuz u cant really see anyone so yup.
and then we go in our dresses when we were done. dang we were sitting around for like an hour til we actually sang phantom.
but between that. more drama.

like my friend and this girl were fighting over this dress and idk. it was like immature and stuff. but funny too LOL. be seriously..these girl was gonna like beat her up and stuff 0.o

and like 15 minutes before phantom, 2 girls were smoking on the campus somewhere. you can smell it and everything. talk about stressed out @_@. and like girls were running out crying and other girls were like 'i want a sex change i hate being a girl' but the guys were like..not important. nothing special with them.

ok so yeah. my feet were KILLING me. and the heels i had to wear are a size too small DX
sux fer me.
yeah so the last song thing and we sung and stuff.
but yeah. got kinda confused now and then for that one DX but it was still pretty good :)
and yeah, so the show was over at about 9 and i had to get everything ready but the shirt was missing and i couldnt find it so i went to go look for it and while i was doing that some guy was like 'i like ur bows' lol i was like thnx and then ran off. i didnt really care anymore...the 'i like ur hair thing' started getting old by that time :/ but i still appreciated it
but mwahahaha i found the shirt then i was outta here!!
and my mom was telling me how much she liked the preformance and i saw how bad of pictures she took.
and i really REALLY needed a foot massage but no one gave me one so i did it myself and went to sleep....but i couldnt sleep that well. ahhhhh supid. so yeahuh. thats my past few days.
other stuff that happened:
bleached my eyebrows so now they r brown not black(cuz when i dye them they always fade out easily)
and i saw a pic of my lovely joshhhhh and took a pic LOL his picture was better last year.

phantom of the opera intro-ish thing. you can prob find me easily

i was recording our class sing fame and boy did we SUCK.

lol. i thought i was taking a picture XDDDDDD

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