Friday, June 18, 2010

Gone Camping.

yup so i went camping...overall, I'd say it was pretty gay....but thats just me(and a lot of other girls too)
day 1.
yeah once we got to camp everyone had to take camp picures, doood it took like an hour JUST to be seated. yup sooo annoying. after that there were these "activities" going on but me and some others ditched and chilled out in our cabin(which was UBEr small). the dinner was like chicken or something but it tasted like rubber. after that everyone had to go to a gay meting and everyones back hurted from sitting down for two hours. but u got to see the stars ♥
they were so pretty.
i took a picture and u can actually see the stars in it 0.o but u like need to zoom up a lot and stuff. and the bathrooms..OMG dont get me started on those. soooooo disgusting and the girls ones were jacked up so everyone had to use the guys restrooms(which were actually a lot nicer than the girls for some reason). plus i just could NOT sleep at all. like i got MAYBE 2 hours of sleep. i was pretty much just taking little random naps throughout the night. plus, the first day went by SOOOOOOOOOOOO slowly.
i hated it.
day 2
so yeah woke up early and had a gross breakfast.
um so today we had to do these activity things. first we took some pictures and then waited in line for zip lining. the line was really long so while my other friends waited in line me n lorin went on swings and talked. so once i got to the front, like nobody gave me the equipment for like 20 minutes then the lunch bell rang so the guy in charge was like 'gimme ur name so u can be first when u come back'. but when i came back i still waited like 10 minutes. but yeah. it was really hard climbing up cuz my helmet was too loose so if i looked up it would slip off and kinda choke me so i couldnt look up and basically had to guess where everything was to hold on too. once i got to the top the guy adjusted my helmet and told me wat to do. when i pushed myself off at first it felt like i was just going to fall but then u get used to it and it was reallly fun! too bad it was kinda short. i got some picz but they were pretty bad shots so i didnt upload them. after that i hung out at the pool with some ppl and dipped my feet in the water. and we're just talking about contacts 0_o
then back to my cabins and this leader sprayed my bangs pink XD

i had better pics but this one looks the coolest. lol then shelby gave hannah a makeover gfor this "movie" they were taking and hannah had peacock makeup on and it was soooooo funny. and they interviewed me for the movie haha. i prob look dumb.

since all the makeup and everything we went to shower and zomg, the shower was FREEEEEEEZING!!!!!!!
i showered in my bathing suit cuz i still had it on and didnt feel like taking it off, plus i didnt feel comfortable going nude cuz u no...anyone could just open the curtains o.o

that was the shortest and coldest shower of my life.

and @ night, the toilets were messed up so nobody cold flush them and it was sooo gross. i srsly ished the camps we go to had DECENT bathrooms. and before bed there was a dance party and we blasted music :D
still couldnt sleep!

day 3

dude this day sucked. lets just say......nature calls.
that ruined most of my day :/ we made some crafts that day and it was just a wooden block with a letter of our first name on it.

i tried to make mine look 'cool" i messed up the heart...
during free time i hung out in the cabins with other pplz and there was this really cute braid i wanted to try to do in my hair so a leader managed to get it to work but then the rubber band broke boo hoo. and i didnt even get to take a pic! but at least i FINALLY learned how to french braid :D

ahhh ah haha. more makeovers xD. this time its chola makeup lolz. i helped out a bit it was sooo funny how hannah and shelby looked! we also played black majic and

then we had to prepare for skits. we didnt know wat to do and everything kept changing but we just did some random stuff.

mine was hope got stung by a 'bee' and she 'cusses' and takes the bugspray out of my hand,..its hard to explain. u need to see it to understand.

but some skits were just hilarius. the ones with all the leaders did thiers off of twilight and i laughed a lot.

and brownies for dessert...yum!

oh and samantha let me use her extra pillow cuz i cant stand sleeping flat(i use two pillows and a cheetah stuffed animal at home) so amn extra pillow made a HUUUUUGGGEEEEE difference and i actually got a decent amount of sleep. THANK YOU~

day 4

ugggg a hiking day >_< we were the second group so we had time to chill in cabins. once the hike started it was gay cuz at first its all uphill and so tiring. the end was the same trail as last years hike o.0 it took about 20 minutes to hike there. it was a nice sight of the 'outdoors' lol.

and we ate some sandwiches and after that went kayaking. there were canoes too but i heard canoeing is a lot harder to do so me and lorin went together in a kayak. and the guy who was like handing out life jackets and made sure our boat was ok was pretty cute lol.

all the kayaks were taken so we had to wait like 5 minutes and once we were on it was so fun!!!

the water was pretty deep cuz lorin dipped her whole paddle in the water to see how deep it was and yeah...wayer deeper than expected. there was lots of seaweed in the water too for some reason. yeah were were just paddling around for like 10 minutes enjoying ourselves.

my boat was #7. but the pic is of canoes lol. which i didnt try.
man but we had to hike back. the other days ppl drove back but nooooo not for us! but it was a lot easier cuz we were going downhill most of the time.
once we got back we only had like an hour of free time then had to watch retarded slide shows. then testominies came and i finally said one. mine was pretty short cuz i started to feel like crying and i didnt want some huge breakdown like last year so i ended quickly lol. as for the others, i just tuned out and liustened to music in my head whil they were saying thiers XD. but it was really cold outside and i was freezing by the time everything was over. lol and as our refreshment it was rootbeer floats. they were yummy tho.
i just couldnt waiiit to get back home. everone packed that night to be ready in the morning.
and ahhh. before bedgirls werre doing the tiny braids with string wrapped around it u no. and i was laying down and every 10 minutes or so someone would be like 'cindy, are u asleep?' and i'd be like 'mmmmnm' but idkl when i fell asleep. i was pretty tired and cuz like before i fell asleep the string hair thing was only like 1 1/2 inches done and when i woke up it was like 5 inches and it takes at least 2 hours to do that much so i mustve fallen asleep first or so. but had a good nights sleep...finally.
and today, in the morning had our last gross meal and got outta here asap!
im SOOOOOOOOOOO glad to be back! not that i missed my family or anything(i didnt lol) but cuz i miss my comfy home. espicially the bathrooms. the ones at camp SUCKED!
and i missed pudgy of course :P
i guess it was 'fun' there were things i didnt like about it. we really didnt do anything during camp. lots of free time and waiting in lines got pretty old, but yeah, i made some new friends i guess....not like i had much of a choice o_O
so yeah. thats wat went on during the past week.
and if u thought my hair went darker, like i dyed it or something. i didnt. i just edited it mkays.

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