Thursday, June 24, 2010

har har

so summer break so far...
i consider THIS week as my first week of summer since i had to do stuff by force last week, that didnt count.
i havent done. hung out with elizabeth and julian on saturday. she keeps calling me to hang out. gets annoying after a while -_-"
and i also have been watching lots of anime lolz.
and i painted my nails again(as seen in the foto above) :D not much going on this time.
and u no, go over to hasnas place to watch americas got talent and pretty little liars :P
we both love those shows, espicially AGT.
summer been pretty far at least.
omg lol. pudgy. such a creepy picture XDDDDD

talk about possesed.

yeah zomg, only.....6 more days til i can watch toy story 3!!!!!!! gah i GOTTA watch that movie. cuz i have 2 free movie tickets(i have my resources) but i dunno if i should give MY EXTRA ONE to hasna cuz u no......wat if theres some movie in da future i wanna watch??? and her free ticket doesnt include special effects(im gonna watch it in 3D fo sho) but yeah. still thinkin about it....

and since its summer, i hope my besties can come over(and they WILL) but i still need to ask

and i WANTED to go to an anime convention but my mom's all like 'oh it costs too much' and stuff so i guess im not gonna go :C

ohhh and my report card. i passed all my classes!!! DOOD i ACTUALLY got a 3.0! thats like the highest ive ever had it!(im dumb mkay). i'm suprised my 6th period teacher actually rounded up. i had a 69.70% in that class but it came out as a c-. prob just didnt want to see me in her class again ha. and i BARELY passed algebra 1(see???? i'm stupid!!) i thought i did an amazing job on the final but i got a c on it @_@ well, i passed. all that matters.

ahhhhh every day i got to bed at midnight, and wake up at 11 a.m. i love this life.

and omg. last night. i found my devil may cry 3 game O.O
its been missing for a year!!!!!!! i have the case but the disk was under a freaking pile of dvds. and last night while waiting for taiko drum master to load, i looked at my luffly games case and was like 'omg my fricking brother is so retarded' so decided to search a bit and moved the dvds then i saw the edge of the disk and was like ' that it?? IT IS!!!!!!" and when i played it, lol i kinda sucked cuz i forgot the controls but oh yeah, im a master again. im sooooooooooo happy XP

and today i got my hair cut. cant really tell. got the sides layered and a uge trim cuz i have really bad split ends. the person did well, a horrible job on the layering part so when i got home i cleaned it up a bit and it looks a lot better now than wat it does in the picture. i think from now on, besides the trims, i'll cut my own hair cuz the "pros" usually end up making everything too choppy looking. pshh amateurs

so mhmm. thats all.

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