Saturday, June 12, 2010

IM FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notice something different about my hair?


although it really doesnt seem like it.....
like everyone was like 'daaang its the lasy day ALREADY?!" this week was going by fast! GOOD.
lol but i think i failed history :( i got an F on the final o_0 and i doubt my teacher is cool enough to round up and stuff so oh well....i tried.
yeah and i was suppose to go to julians schools out party, but my dad was all like 'u can go to a boys party. high school boys get kinda wild at parties. theres only one thing on a boys mind' and so on. but elizabeth was being all annoying and kept calling me to go even though she knew i couldnt. yeah watever. but instead i invited danielle to sleepover.
i lost her # and it took me like 3 hours to find! it wasnt on the web, i couldnt find this notebook where i wrote it down, but luckily it was saved on my utube messages. lol it was fun. mariokart XD
annnndd in kh 4 the ds, i got all da mission crowns and got the last item! whoop!
anyways video games got boring since we couldnt win certain trophies so we went up to my room and i did her nails.
lol just like hasna, i did different designs on each hand XD. and then i decided to do a makeover on her.

i did make up MY way. so fake eyelashes and stuff. mmhmm.

meet samantha, dani's evil twin.

i love making my friends turn blonde. tis funneh.

and then yeah, just talking about wat anime is ood and bad and everything. we fell aslep at 1:30. kinda early.

and in the morning, more video games whee1 then i dropped pudgy on her a lot.

so thats it was that. yup next week i will be away and and doing that camp stuff from monday-friday. i'll def have a lot to say as always. lol with brooke going along, we'll prob try to ditch stuff like the hikes. hopefully the place we go to isnt gay.

idk wat to do over summer, i wanna go to an anime convention with sarah&rebekah cuz ive never been to one, i'm DEF going to the beach, and other lamish stuff


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