Sunday, April 25, 2010


so i havent posted recently, so lotza lotza pictures haha
lets seeeeee....
well this week...went by SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slowly!!!!!
like on wensday i was like 'we still have 2 days left??? Aggg!"
pretty gay if you ask me
and sometime during the week i was bored and didnt wanna do math hw so i decided to take a picture of allllllll my comic books(omg nerd alert!)

and i counted them.

i have 102 or 103 total LOL.....this excludes mangas..but i dont have a lot of those anyways

but i still havent read all of them, i still need to read about 20 or so XP

OHHHHHHHHH!!! and there are these circle lense i REALLY WANT! they are green. theres two different ones, but i think i know the one i'll get fer sure, but i should bring a pic and show ppl. but yeah, i'll post the pic of the ones i want on my blog..if i remember.

and i COULD buy it, but you know.....i only have so much money, and i spend $25 on them, well....i will have $25 less than i did before(durrr)

but i dont get allowance or have a job or anything so yeah...i finally am selling something on ebay!! whoohoo!!!! its just a jacket. no biggie. lol starting bid @ 99 cents XD BUT someone already bidded. and theres still like 6 days left so im sure more ppl will, cuz you know....its a cool jacket

nd im gonna sell more stuff i dont need. like my pokemon mighty beans LOL. they sell for a lot on ebay, its a good thing i bought them for like 50 cents back in my elementary school days

AANNNDDDD i got more magazines from my moms friend who went to japan!!

dis is Egg. its my first mag of it. yup yup

i asked for the egg beauty but the person couldnt find it so im happy with this too :)

and then another POPTEEN!
it came with this weight loss dairy or something idk
its funny cuz in about a week, a newer issue will come out. oh well, its still the current fashion there, which i love ♥

yeah, and my camera stuff has been coming off, like i lost all these pieces that were on so i decided to take everything off and just re-do it all

so here is my "new" camera. its not so much of the "whipped cream" look. i tried to bling it out but i dont have a ton of gem stones. plus i tried keeping the colours in the black, pink, white and purple range.
idk, i like it though. it looks more in category than the other look which had random food and stuff on it.

and i took a pic of my make up o_____0

i tried doing the 'natural' look i guess you can say. its really popular in japan right now, ppl just dont wear eyeliner anymore @_@
and yes, tacocat IS a palindrome :D

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