Friday, April 16, 2010


haha pudgy again!!!!
yeah a few days ago, i decided to kiss him while wearing red lipstick. it doesnt look like a kiss mark though, it looks more like he got hit on the head and has a red spot...or somethin.
ANYWAYS...this week sucked.....
i had 3 tests this week, which i probably didnt do that great on even though i studied like crazy.
waking up......OMGGGGGGG i just wanna go back in bed
its been freezing cold in the morning and hot afternoon(gay) i wanna wear my new clothes but i dont feel like wearing shorts in the morning cuz it too colddddd
plus....some other stuff came up so yeah :/
on the bright side, im getting my new japanese magizines like next week :D
and uggg i WON"T get a school girl uniform cuz my aunt gave it to some neighbor of hers >:K
and i painted my nails. hasna says it baby colours. true. i didnt think of that. i was trying to go for a 'springy light pastel coloured' look. but eh, watever. the colours are preeeteee.
oh yeahhhhhh...i was SUPPOSE to go to this camp thing today til sunday for some survivor theme thing, but im not :)
i mean, yeah it sounds gonna get placed into a group ith random strangers..and im NOT a ppl's person, like i don't really talk to other ppl or anything so i'll be quiet da whole time like last time, plus 3 days using a port-a-pottie in the dark again??? yeah....not gonna happen. besides, this week has worn me out, and i need to stay home and relax all weekend.

and omgggg, i changed the guy ranks again lawlz
#1 is still #1
#2 is gone.....i dont like him anymore. he is stupid!
now #3 is the NEW #2
and a new guy has become #3
confused yet?
my brother is annoying and retarded
ok thats all i hafta say, goodbye

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