Thursday, April 1, 2010

april foooooolz

yup i got my lips pierced this morning at teh mall. i was a bit nervous cuz ive never gotten any type of peircing before
it kinda hurt, well more like a quick string but around the piericing is all red now.
snakeeee biiiiiteeeeeessss
i made my contacts grey xD
and tonight im gonna dye my hair so it will be a lighter brown yay!\
ommggggg its thursday ALREADY??????? almost half the break is over already! NOOOOO!
i wish i lived in the 60's o.O lol random, but its truuuueeeeeee but then i'd be so old right now haha
la la laa la la
um soooooooo idk at to write nowwwwwwwwwwwwww
i need a job...really i can buy more stuff :D
ok yeah im being boring so i'll try to write about something cooler next time
PS: the lip stuff is just a joke..

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