Friday, April 30, 2010

weird & stupiddd

man...this week sucked
liiiike i had soooooooo much homework DX
and this week was strange. im like...reliving the past o.O
ok i kept hearing and seeing weird things.
liiiiike i was doing more decoden stoof, it was just me and my mom home right. and im like all by myself any everything and shes far away. but i heard this.....sorta scratching the sound when you move your feet against a carpet floor...that sound. like i heard it THREE times and it sounded really close to me but no one was there so i started getting freaked out and like went to my room or something.
then like that same night or w/e.......i couldve SWORN i saw that gost scarecrow skeleton thing again in da saaame spot! like i saw part of the arm or somethng but idk......maybe i was just imagining it -_-"
ahhhg and i have been having headaches again this week. like in 6th period and after school i feel all sick and gah. freaking 6th period......hate that class.
oh yeah on my progress report my grades are:
my 6th period teacher hates me....what can i say? yeah these grades are normal for me lol. i'd LIKE to get A's and B's, but i'm laid back and do the minimum work in most classes. but yeah...i can bring up my grades(which i WILL)
in chorus, we're singing "fame" and are starting choreography on it. duuuude like its sooooo confusing. everyone is making up random stuff. and theres this one girl in the class that EVERYBODY hates(i mean...she acts like shes such a know it all......its really annoying) anyways so she keeps giving off ideas of what we should do but its reallllyyyy lame. shes like 'swing dance' and stuff but it totally doesnt match the song. we have 6 weeks of skool left. and i dont have any idea if we're gonna finish all the songs in time

but enough about that. my ebay thing its at $17.50 already!!! yaaay! im gonna buy green circle lense

yeah i think i'll get the first one....its more..."realistic"
and then i'll look awsome.
and zomg....#2 :D i saw him today XDDDD
lol this is sooooooo random but im listen to a chipmunk'd song right now and you no how in the movie of them they are the size of real squirrels but in the cartoon they are the size of like 6 year olds??? haha i find that weird

Sunday, April 25, 2010


so i havent posted recently, so lotza lotza pictures haha
lets seeeeee....
well this week...went by SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slowly!!!!!
like on wensday i was like 'we still have 2 days left??? Aggg!"
pretty gay if you ask me
and sometime during the week i was bored and didnt wanna do math hw so i decided to take a picture of allllllll my comic books(omg nerd alert!)

and i counted them.

i have 102 or 103 total LOL.....this excludes mangas..but i dont have a lot of those anyways

but i still havent read all of them, i still need to read about 20 or so XP

OHHHHHHHHH!!! and there are these circle lense i REALLY WANT! they are green. theres two different ones, but i think i know the one i'll get fer sure, but i should bring a pic and show ppl. but yeah, i'll post the pic of the ones i want on my blog..if i remember.

and i COULD buy it, but you know.....i only have so much money, and i spend $25 on them, well....i will have $25 less than i did before(durrr)

but i dont get allowance or have a job or anything so yeah...i finally am selling something on ebay!! whoohoo!!!! its just a jacket. no biggie. lol starting bid @ 99 cents XD BUT someone already bidded. and theres still like 6 days left so im sure more ppl will, cuz you know....its a cool jacket

nd im gonna sell more stuff i dont need. like my pokemon mighty beans LOL. they sell for a lot on ebay, its a good thing i bought them for like 50 cents back in my elementary school days

AANNNDDDD i got more magazines from my moms friend who went to japan!!

dis is Egg. its my first mag of it. yup yup

i asked for the egg beauty but the person couldnt find it so im happy with this too :)

and then another POPTEEN!
it came with this weight loss dairy or something idk
its funny cuz in about a week, a newer issue will come out. oh well, its still the current fashion there, which i love ♥

yeah, and my camera stuff has been coming off, like i lost all these pieces that were on so i decided to take everything off and just re-do it all

so here is my "new" camera. its not so much of the "whipped cream" look. i tried to bling it out but i dont have a ton of gem stones. plus i tried keeping the colours in the black, pink, white and purple range.
idk, i like it though. it looks more in category than the other look which had random food and stuff on it.

and i took a pic of my make up o_____0

i tried doing the 'natural' look i guess you can say. its really popular in japan right now, ppl just dont wear eyeliner anymore @_@
and yes, tacocat IS a palindrome :D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

auuughh freaking school

yes, school sucks...duuuurrrr

anywho, the past few days....pretty boring. on sunday, i think i had a fever o.o i was not feelin good at aaallllllll

and yesterday, wore my contactzzz oh yeah~ and i hung out with elizabeth after school to do "homework". we did at first, but then we're like whatever. and so i was with elizabeth, azn julian, and derban or something. lol erwin. idk, we just talking about random stuff :)

and zomg. my comp essentials teacher really wants me to take her typing class. its sooooo annoying. yeah i type with one finger(XD) but i type FAST....for one finger that is. idc. but the teacher is so laaaaaaame. shes one of those teachers that start class RIGHT when the bell rings. sooo annoyinggg.

lol and there was some fight at school..i didnt see it though..awwwwwwwwww. but hasna filled in on what hapened since she got a front row seat.

and i need to put falsies on 2 of my ails cuz..they are just WAY too short compared to ze others and look flipping retardeddddd. plus, i just dont like short nails..i NEED them long..or else they'll bug me

gah i wanna sleep in again >_< i cant wait for summer!!!!!!!!!! except its a short summer :(

so yeah~~~~~~~

oh snaaaaaaaaaaaap. its raining right now. GOOD. but ahhh whenever theres like a big change in weather...well i get all weird and crazay. (just like last year or w/e...PERFECT moment to talk to josh but the freaking weather does weird stuff to me so i actually backed away from him when he came close to me!! GAH WTF!?) yuuup im outta breath right n ow. i just finished running and screaming around my house lol. this isnt normal!!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


haha pudgy again!!!!
yeah a few days ago, i decided to kiss him while wearing red lipstick. it doesnt look like a kiss mark though, it looks more like he got hit on the head and has a red spot...or somethin.
ANYWAYS...this week sucked.....
i had 3 tests this week, which i probably didnt do that great on even though i studied like crazy.
waking up......OMGGGGGGG i just wanna go back in bed
its been freezing cold in the morning and hot afternoon(gay) i wanna wear my new clothes but i dont feel like wearing shorts in the morning cuz it too colddddd
plus....some other stuff came up so yeah :/
on the bright side, im getting my new japanese magizines like next week :D
and uggg i WON"T get a school girl uniform cuz my aunt gave it to some neighbor of hers >:K
and i painted my nails. hasna says it baby colours. true. i didnt think of that. i was trying to go for a 'springy light pastel coloured' look. but eh, watever. the colours are preeeteee.
oh yeahhhhhh...i was SUPPOSE to go to this camp thing today til sunday for some survivor theme thing, but im not :)
i mean, yeah it sounds gonna get placed into a group ith random strangers..and im NOT a ppl's person, like i don't really talk to other ppl or anything so i'll be quiet da whole time like last time, plus 3 days using a port-a-pottie in the dark again??? yeah....not gonna happen. besides, this week has worn me out, and i need to stay home and relax all weekend.

and omgggg, i changed the guy ranks again lawlz
#1 is still #1
#2 is gone.....i dont like him anymore. he is stupid!
now #3 is the NEW #2
and a new guy has become #3
confused yet?
my brother is annoying and retarded
ok thats all i hafta say, goodbye

Monday, April 12, 2010

whats a bread's favourite shoes?

basically im sad that school started again DX
i woke up early, wishing to go back to bed >_<>
but yeah....raaaiiiiiiinnniinnggggggggggggg!! i wish it rained during break though....
omg i gotta study sooooo much dis week! and lol, yes i did wait til the last day to do my hw XDDD but i got..most of it done
aaaaaand on saturday san diego, but shockingly....i didnt buy ANYTHING!
no magz, and i wouldve checked the anime stuff, but those creepy azn nerds(you know, glasses, weird hair style, chub, the type that locks themselve in their rooms reading/watching anime all day long looking at anime girls) anyways they were in that area so i kinda avoided it XD
but i did find this cosplay book thing. it was pretty cool. but im not into that stuff tho :D
but uh, i ate japanese food
ze bento
and had this strawberry custard cake thing afterwards

and lol, like i was talking to elizabeth on messanger today and i had to clean the bathroom and while i was gone, my dad writes to her some stuff like this:
Elizabeth(L): so you really think i should do the red tonight
Elizabeth(L): ?
Cindy Hertel: what
Cindy Hertel: what
Elizabeth(L): should i dye my hair 2nite? be honest
Cindy Hertel: who are u?
Elizabeth(L): elizabeth du
Elizabeth(L): duh
Elizabeth(L): DUH'

lol, that made me laugh. my dad creeps out all my friends hahaaaaa
and zomg, one of my finger nails on my right totally short now! it looks RETARDEDDD i haaaatteeee short nails :C
...loafers..ahaha..thats so cheesy

Thursday, April 8, 2010

im a chupacabra

zomg spring break is almost overrrrr!!!
this week went by fast XC

spring 2010

Glitter Graphics

but yesterday i hung out with elizabeth again....i was SUPPOSE to dye her hair, but we didnt, instead we went to azn julian's house and played wii games o__O
and today i went shopping and bought some clothes :D
hmmm...i really should do the rest of my math hw.....BUUUUUUUT i'll think i'll do it on like sunday XD
and ima goin back to san diego on saturday so i'll prob write about weird things i buy there
lol the old spice commercials

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

california adventureeessssss

okkk so yesterday me and hasna went to CA adventures! (cuz you know, 2fer ticketz)
yeah when we got there....the lines were SOOO long! man everyone was on spring break. those freaks. like most of the time we were waiting in lines. but this one roller coaster thats like a kiddy ride, well the wait was only 20 minutes(compared to like 45 or an hour like some others) so we decided to wait for this one...besides i went on it before and its fun.
lol and of course....we played the rating game again XD
and once one over a 6. hasna said she saw a 7, but forgot to point him out...-_-"
lol i kept rating old guys LOL and shes like 'thats disgusting' or 'wats with the old ppl??'
we wanted to go on the ferris wheel, but the line was WAY too long and not worth it, but my mom stayed in line. so me and hasna went on the maliboomer, one of those rides thats like free-fall and stuff. like it goes up in the air really fast and when you get to the top, its like zero gravity and you feel all light headed. but it was cool....not really my thing thought. afterwards, my mom was still in line so we just went to the shops to look arond but still in line grrr. hasna REALLY wanted to go on he big roller coster, but i refuse to go on loopdeloop ones. i'd only go if she gave me all the answers to my math homework, but she was just like 'i'll help you with it' but not give me the answers so its not a deal. I'll do my own friggin math then. then my mom was out so me and her waited in line for toy story mania while hasna was on her ride

us waitin in line~
omg, the line was soooooo loooooonnnggg but it was so fun XD

except one of the games didnt work...boohoo!

i told hasna i was gonna pwn her....and i DID.

im player 2..btw


aftrwards i belive we decided to wait for the rafting ride. geez the wait was over an hour and it was the hottest time of day, which is prob why everyone wanted to go.

lol, hasna had a secret admirer in front of us in line hahaha. she kept her distance...omg that was so funny though.

lol luckily, i had a pretty good seat :)

i only got some of my arms, a little of my back, and part of my leg wet....but it pretty bad XDDDDDD

shes like 'feel my leg!!!' and its completely drenched. but you know, its still hot out so we dried off pretty quickly.

and we had fast passes to soaring over california so we only waited like 5 minutes. i love that ride..its fun. but needs more excitement.

theeeeeennn ze towr of terror. omg i remember a few years ago the first time i went on that ride it freaked me out so badly, but now that ive already been on it, the ride was actually lots of fun. like the bellboy guy or watever, lol he tries to be all creepy. he was funny XD

i saw where the pictures were taken so i made a stupid face on purpose.

it looks like im screaming though, but im really closing my eyes and sticking my tounge out

afterwards we ate some dinnah.

me and hasna had the same thing..cheeeken looks gross but it was yummy. tortillas XD and guacamole or watever is gross. blehhh

then we went to the toy story ride agaiin!!!!!!

this time, i got a better score, but hasna was aiming so her aim was 85%!!! compared to my 32% lol, but still....i won :P

then we went on this one rocket ride. its the video. its a new ride and its pretty cool, but sorta scary at the same time cuz your flying over water and srsly, if it brakes we're done for. but yeah, fun fun fun. short wait too...since its geting late and little babies and kids go home.

yeah we were pretty much just repating rides now, theres not much to go on.
we went all the way back to the lovely tower of terror but the line wait was an hour so we decided to go somewhere else.

lol, its a splash mountain moment here. the line for the rafting ride was like 5 or 10 minutes, no one goes on water rides at night..besides the cool people of course :D
we went on that ride 5 times. 4 at night. and met this kid whos like 12(lol) but he was cool. screaming like a girl XD
and we also met another person who was younger than us. not that much younger, she was 15(or so she says she was) lol she said she was engaged and me and hasna totally fell for, it even tho she looked like she was only 13.
we pretty much kept going back on the ride sibce 1, the line was uber short, and 2, we were already wet so mind as well go again
omg it was so fun. like the 4th time we went on, at one point EVERYONE on our raft just started screaming as loud as we could for the fun of it. ahhh my voice still hurts a bit from that.
and on the 5th time, lol, that was the time me and hasna just got DRENCHED. like the others, yeah the water got us here and there, but this time it just freaking attacked us! plus we had our hands up in the air and screaming and zomg...that ride rocks. end of story.

yuppp, afterwards when we are all soaked...blehh my hair looks horrible!

haha but we decided to go on tower of terror once more since the line was FINALLY short, only a 15 minute wait. but the bellboy guy wasnt the same, we got some other dude and yeah...he wasnt scary. obv new to the job.

lol my face looks retarded. plus, my hand was suppose to be closer to my chin. lol oh wellllll

my mom wasnt with us, she was watching the fireworks, she didnt even go with us on the rafting ride. but when hasna called her telling to meet us up in the candy store i go to the phone and yell "I threw upp!!!!!!!!" and appearantly she believed it LOL!!!!!!! and me and hasna are like laughing vso she covers it up by saying 'yeah, she threw up all over this guy in front of her!' and so my mom asks how i feel and im like 'aaaaauuugh i don't feeeel gooood!!!" haha and i also say 'yeah it shows me barfing on the guy in the picture!!!!!' omg, that was sooooo funny.
and so when she meets us in the store shes like 'good you didnt get messy' and im like ' was a joke, im just kidding!' and so she starts freaking out and was like 'what!? i already told your dad!' and stuff lol. good way to end the night XP
and then hasna bought a brownie to share then we went home and i fell asleep a little before 1 >_>
and if you havent noticed yet, i dyed my hair....but it doesnt look anydifferent to me, other than its not really red anymore. yeah mkayyy bye

Monday, April 5, 2010

pants on the ground

lol fuuuuuuuuuuuuuunny.
omgggg that earthquake in the afternoon yesterday was CRAZYYYYY!!!!!! like my mom dad and i went out side and like all the neighbors came out too talking about how everything was moving. that one was reallly long..........i wonder wat a caveman's reaction to earthquakes were like?

i went to spend da night at hasna's last night cuz her birthday. like we were watching Watchmen.....OMG THAT IS LIKE THE MOST CONFUSING MOVIE IVE EVER SEEEENNN!!!! like its really cool, slowmo and the whole atmosphere and everything(except SOME parts where they show body parts and stuff :\) but we didnt finish it. its like 3 hours long!!!!! when we stopped watching e still had an hour left. plus i didnt wanna watch cuz the whole masked dude killing ppl(and like blood and stuff freaks me out) plus me AND hasna had no ide wat was going on so we gave up.

afterwards we just like goofed around eating candy and drinking soda at like midnight haha. omegle XD

lol then we watched 500 days of summer. the girl pisses you off. shes like 'i dont believe in love' and dumps the guy she dated for like 2 years then gets married to some random dude she just met o.O lol....sux for the guy. lol like all the movies i basically made fun of everyone and pointed out all the flaws, 'tis fun.

and thennnnn did more stuff. mostly like youtube watching funny videos. omg before i forget....michael bate(i think) lol...COUNTRY MUSIC!!!!!! hasna hates him.

omg so like we were not tired AT ALL. we decided to go to sleep at 6:30ish, but we TOTALLY couldve stayed up all night...which is weird....cuz i usually never stay up all night, around 2-3 i start getting really tired. it was prob the candy and soda haha. but thats not the point. at 4;15(yes, i looked at the time!!!!!) there was an EARTHQUAKE!!!!! AGAIN!!!! aftershock, only lasted like 3 seconds.....but we were like OMG! crazay.

and lol movie number 3!!!! night of the mueseum 2! we watched half of it then decided to go to bed...while it was still dark outside(although it was getting lighter)

and we woke up at 12 XD 6 hours of sleep is pretty good, about what i get on a school day.....GAAAHHHH BREAK'S ALMOST OVER! yah hot chocolate and pepperoni and cereal o.O weird combo yes.

then finished the rest of the movie then we did stuff then watched ANOTHER MOVIE ahahahha. and were eating chinese food while watching

the princess and the frog XDDDDD i wanted to watch it. like it was OK, pretty predictable whats going to happen, but what can you expect..its a kids movie.

and after that, we goofed around some more then i left

yeah, good times good times :D

PS: im dr rockso, the rock and roll clown! i do cocaine!
PSS: i'm not locked in here with you, your locked up in here with me!!!!
PSSS: bob dylan
PSSSS: chinese spongebob

Thursday, April 1, 2010

april foooooolz

yup i got my lips pierced this morning at teh mall. i was a bit nervous cuz ive never gotten any type of peircing before
it kinda hurt, well more like a quick string but around the piericing is all red now.
snakeeee biiiiiteeeeeessss
i made my contacts grey xD
and tonight im gonna dye my hair so it will be a lighter brown yay!\
ommggggg its thursday ALREADY??????? almost half the break is over already! NOOOOO!
i wish i lived in the 60's o.O lol random, but its truuuueeeeeee but then i'd be so old right now haha
la la laa la la
um soooooooo idk at to write nowwwwwwwwwwwwww
i need a job...really i can buy more stuff :D
ok yeah im being boring so i'll try to write about something cooler next time
PS: the lip stuff is just a joke..