Thursday, August 20, 2009


UGGGGGG!!!! School is SOOOOOO gay! especially since i have 2 clases with those n00b freshmen -_-"

i cant wait 4 the weekend..i wanna sleep in.

and u no wut the GAYEST thing is???

those st00pid councelers wont change my scheduel!!!!!!!!!!!! so i have to keeo aroebics and drivers ed!

i dont mind drivers ed...but aroebics????? i THOUGHT it was ok..bu then hasna told me wat u do in that class...ooooohhhhhhh snap did i make a mistake.

you have to do bleachers like every other week, and do TONS of crunches and push ups and stuff and i hear you get DRENCHED in sweat(gross) if i had it say....6th period..i SUPPOSE it wouldnt be so bad..but no.....its second so im smely for the rest of the i dont get to watch announcements!

the only reason i wanted to take dance was cuz i didnt want to ake reg PE....the only reason i didnt want to take reg PE was cuz the mile..and u STILL run the mile in aroebics! WTF!?


i mean..srsly........

and im gonna take my new skin prescription tommorow and the doctor said i shouldnt exersize and if i feel pain i should take it easy so maybe i can get a doctor's note and not need to do anything(lol) that would be friggin awshume.

oh my english class.....theres this one chic who keeps staring at me..and its creepin me out! and AAAHHHHHH i saw something that like BLINDED me in history.......i dont wanna take about it*shivers*

OMGGG and my dad is like CIIIINDYYY DO YOUR HOMEWORK and its driving me CRAZY!!!!

oh oh oh...ahhhhg i forgot to upload the pic of my nailz..darn. well hopefully writing this will make me remember :D

oh yeah and i saw half of josh's face LOL. all my friends(well not really) think he is ugly. wats up with that? prolly gonna get over him soon.....(sadly) but there is another guy at school i think is really cute(its kinda obv who it is the way he looks) eh but i dont no his name or WATEVER

oh nd that guy i kinda sorta USED to like? yeah um...NOT ANYMORE

ok yeah

i gtg do hw so buh bye

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