Monday, August 31, 2009


i felt like putting a drawing up dis time
^ i drew that today on tookj some time(but i doing doing stuff in between)
and noez..i dunt gotz photoshop :)
i just blended some stuff with photobucket lol
when i was talking 2 monique @ lunch 2day.......i saw this REALLY hot guy...
and no...
it was NOT josh(suprisingly)
but i did see josh:) lol
ahhhhh school iz soo boring!!!!!!!
and zomg
i wanna see the movie 'cloudy with a chance of meatballs' really really badly!!
i remember reading that book in elementary school XD
and last night..i couldnt sleep AT ALL
it was terrible!
mostly cuz pudgy kept making these weird squishy sounds with his mouth so at 12 i decided to kick him outta my room
bah well i'm bored.
just thought blogging might waste some more time...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Care bears are scary

havent been posting lately..cuz st00pid school
oh which reminds me...on friday..josh looked at me <3
(if you haven't noticed......since school started i will be talking about josh alot..unless some other guy becomes hotter than him)
and i looked right back at him and smiled :)
yeah..i think me and monique are finally going our seperate ways.
shes always like...gotta have everything HER way. and she pretty much thinks of herself most of the offense..but she isn't really a good friend(to me). yeah..she treats EVERYBODY better than me.
i don't know why.
but yeah...we don't hang out at lunch anymore..only break.
oh oh oh and alorah invited meh 2 her b day partay. and sarah and rebekah will be there! i can't wait to see them :)
it seems like its been forever.
and yesterday...i got a new dress..its uber cute ^_^
omg and yeeeeessssss! only like another week then my nail biting habit will be OVER!
thank you fake nails :D
yup..nothing really special or anything is going on...except theres this kid in biology who i think likes me o__0
he sits next to me. i dunno...i can just kinda tell when someone likes me.
but he aint my me
and besides..i already like another guy(and we know who THAT is)
uggg my stories...i wanna write ALL of them down and have the world read them.....but i'm too lazy. and they are really good too. i dont even know how i come up with these things. i draw them out in anime form lol. i told brooke one when i slept over her house. she said it was cute <3
oh yes.
i have been having weird back pains lately........i wonder why?

well.......thts pretty much all that has happened since mah last post(well actually theres more but its just about retarded unimportant stuff)
PS: as the title bears scare me. EVERYTIME i hug one..where the little heart or rainbow or whatever is...i actually start feeling this warm spot and it creeps me out!!!
just a little fact about me o.o ^^

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

omg, watever, blehhh

I havent posted in a while o__0

anywayz..da nails are mine mine mine!

but some fell off(im lazy to put them back on) and some of the sparkly hearts are gone 2

ok ok yaaay!!!!!!

I got switched out of aroebics!!!!


so now i take um...graphic designers or something??? idk but anyways u just make stuff on the computer :)

lol today i was playing this one online game in that class:

its so fun!!

the beach version is really hard btw


but even tho my scheduel changed,..still no classes with josh*sighhh*

but i see him :) his hair is shorter now



did i mention this on my last post? idk. but NOW U NO


yeah so i FINALLY got my new prescription ^^^^^
its kinda small, sux that i HAVE to swallow it whole.

lol yesterday i like choked on it >_<

but i need to take 1 everyday for 5 months then ill be clear FO SHO

^ yup thats 100% me :)
i got upset cuz i got all dressed up and when i started taking pictures my camera died!
so i only got 2 pictures >_<
me n mah extensionzzzzzzzzzzzzz
proll;y thanksgiving break ima gonna dye my hair brown. im tired of dark hair.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


UGGGGGG!!!! School is SOOOOOO gay! especially since i have 2 clases with those n00b freshmen -_-"

i cant wait 4 the weekend..i wanna sleep in.

and u no wut the GAYEST thing is???

those st00pid councelers wont change my scheduel!!!!!!!!!!!! so i have to keeo aroebics and drivers ed!

i dont mind drivers ed...but aroebics????? i THOUGHT it was ok..bu then hasna told me wat u do in that class...ooooohhhhhhh snap did i make a mistake.

you have to do bleachers like every other week, and do TONS of crunches and push ups and stuff and i hear you get DRENCHED in sweat(gross) if i had it say....6th period..i SUPPOSE it wouldnt be so bad..but no.....its second so im smely for the rest of the i dont get to watch announcements!

the only reason i wanted to take dance was cuz i didnt want to ake reg PE....the only reason i didnt want to take reg PE was cuz the mile..and u STILL run the mile in aroebics! WTF!?


i mean..srsly........

and im gonna take my new skin prescription tommorow and the doctor said i shouldnt exersize and if i feel pain i should take it easy so maybe i can get a doctor's note and not need to do anything(lol) that would be friggin awshume.

oh my english class.....theres this one chic who keeps staring at me..and its creepin me out! and AAAHHHHHH i saw something that like BLINDED me in history.......i dont wanna take about it*shivers*

OMGGG and my dad is like CIIIINDYYY DO YOUR HOMEWORK and its driving me CRAZY!!!!

oh oh oh...ahhhhg i forgot to upload the pic of my nailz..darn. well hopefully writing this will make me remember :D

oh yeah and i saw half of josh's face LOL. all my friends(well not really) think he is ugly. wats up with that? prolly gonna get over him soon.....(sadly) but there is another guy at school i think is really cute(its kinda obv who it is the way he looks) eh but i dont no his name or WATEVER

oh nd that guy i kinda sorta USED to like? yeah um...NOT ANYMORE

ok yeah

i gtg do hw so buh bye

Monday, August 17, 2009

First day of School(first day of torture)

So.first day of school started!!!
but first..i would like to say....
but i saw him today on the way to drivers ed <3
but u gonna hange my scheduel anyways so i MIGHT get moved to a class with him(hopefully)
he is so cute ^_^
but watever a loner in all my classes..the only class that i have friends in is 6th period...
and in my drivers ed..i think i have a class with that one kid that calls me the grudge all the time.
i dont no if its him(ive never really seen him) but he has the same name and is azn so i duno..but watever..the actual guy who does say that(whether its the guy from my class or wut) is a fag..yeah i said it @_@ but its true
but i guess it doesnt not gonna take drivers ed....or computers..or aroebics...and i wanna switch my math teacher, nd english teacher..i pretty much got a REALLY gay scheduel and want a new one.....lets put it that way
yah i hung out with monique, even tho i dont have a class with her(see?? im a LONER in my classes) and then at lunch i saw josh♥ was like a glance.....
i said hi to some friends......i was going 2 say hi to dani but then she started like screaming and going all hyper(lol) i started cracking up and moniques like "lets go.." and starts like walking all fast from danielle. ill tell her hi another day.
and hasna showed me around where my classes are cuz im just like dat and i went to school with her today and got my scheduel with her.
and sorreh if my spelling sux cuz im wearing fake nails and its kinda hard witing with them on.
uggggg i dont wanna go back to schoooooool!
(unless i have a class with HIM lol)

and i look like an emo freak in the piture^
once i dye it brown ill look cooler

Saturday, August 15, 2009


yaaaaaay i went 2 da beach 2day!
oh and im gonna put on fake nails either tonight or tommorow :D
ahhhh i got a really bad sunburn on my chest, arms, and legs...but it doesnt hurt...its just REALLY red and i look retarded.
pudgy was @ the beach too ^_^
i dunked him in the ocean lol
i was at the beach for like 3 hours cuz my mom was shopping. -_-"
then we ate at in-n-out and im gonna be more fat cuz the greasy food DX
but then we went to japan town and i got more books

lol i only bought the anime one cuz lelouch is on it(DUH)

and i got a different fashion has a ton of make up ideas in it XD

and i got a cream puff :)


uggg school is like in one friggin day >_<


Friday, August 14, 2009

darn school starts soon XC

even tho josh is back..i still dont wanna go 2 skool......I HAAAATE SCHOOOL
so yeah last night i went over to hang out with hasna and she was downloading "taken" and while we were waiting we played Taiko Drum Master lol
it was fun....i was using a controller and she was using the drums. i pwned her most of the time though.
so yeah..we played that for like an hour or so. then we got frozen yogurt and watched taken...that movie was awshume. i luuuuv action movies.
and i also watched batman begins cuz it was on TV...hasna got me addicted to the batman movies.
but anywho.
today i went to petco and brought pudgy with me. and me and my mom got jamba juice and went to the duck pond to walk pudgy.
uggg i totally wasted my summer this year..last year was the BOMB. >_<
oh well........
and ive been drawng a lot lately(if anyone even cares to know that)
yeah i have nothing to say
*runs away*

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


ok ok so my face looks weird but watever^^^
ok so i havent posted in like FOREVER
so heres what ive done since like..last week......
on friday i bought more new clothes LOL^_^ i still need more school stuff but my mom's like NOOOOOOO you have enough clothes. but i dont like wearing the same thing from last year..its weird(to me)
then.....hmm..on the weekends i did nothing..just loaf around the house
but yesterday...i had to get my blood taken again..but it was through my hand instead of my arm!! at first the lady startedslapping my hand and it HURT when she put the needle through cuz i could like feel it going under my skin..i was like wtf at first..but yeah..i like the arm better..its more painless.
but then i had to wait in this waiting for like 3 FREAKING HOURS or so cuz my brother had to go to the doctors cuz he's like anorexic or something( MY opinion he is) so i was bored just reading people magizines and stoof.
but afterwards i got subway ^_^
but those things arent important....whats REALLY important is.....
like i KNEW it was him..his same perfect hair.....the adorable hat he still wears, the same type of clothes. OMG my heart was like racing when i saw him!!!! he TOOK a school picture..which means..HE'S COMING BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!
i wonder if he saw ME? but still...i might have a chance to have a class with him again..and maybe even sit next to him again..I HOPE I DO!!!!
if i least i'll see him at like lunch or something :)
i told my mom i saw josh(yes she knows i like him..i think all my friends know) and shes like WHAT!???
but then he just randomly disappeared -_-"
but today has been the awsomest day this i actually WANT to go back to school!
well yeah..thats all i hafta say about my ♥JOSH♥
but you know how i have those weird one week obsession stuff?
like how i was obsessed with sephiroth(he is still frigging awshume) and everything??
well i have two new obsessions!
they are animes(LOL)
the first is darker than black! OMG IT IS AMAZZZZING. the main person reminds me a lot of lelouch..thats prolly why i like the anime XDDD
and i dunno..the other is blood+
i watched it before and liked it but then i kinda stopped..but i was going through my youtube favourites and randomly decided to watch the blood+ AMVs i favourited and gaaah! i loooove hagi and solomon. for looks..i think solomon is better..but personalilty wise is hagi ^_^
and i never feel like watch the whole anime( the only animes i watched EVERY SINGLE EPISODE was...death note...ouran host blood think thats it..yes i havent watched all of code geass..why?? i have no idea..i missed half of the first season then on R2 my DVR went gay so i missed like 5 episodes..ANYWAYS) so i just skipped i watched the first 6..then didnt watch anything for a LOOOOOONG time..then i watched..ep 11, 24(or 23?), ep..i think 44 or someting...and then THE LAST EPISODE.
i dunno..the last episode made me cry..not cuz hagi "died' but i dunno..the rose part made me tear up o__0
lol since i skipped around the thought the babies were saya and hagi's LOL
but when i read about it online i was like oh.
i wanna go to disneyland!!!!!(random)
kk byezzzzz

Monday, August 3, 2009


So anyways....yes my brother is bugging that CRAP out of me lately.
i HATE him.
no joke.
if i had the chance to throw him out on the streets..i would.
but anyways..i went to sleep ovah book house ^_^
it was so fuuun.
dont ya love my hair?
i dyed it XD
its brooke's extension. AND SHE GAVE THEM TO ME ZOMG
you know..if i dyed my hair blonde(WHICH I WILL SOMEDAY) then id be pretty hot lol
i havent blingee'd in a i decided to XD
at first we were just like dresing up in her clothes. trying on her goth sister's outfits and what not.
but then we got bored and decided to go talk outside(plus she wanted to see if there was any cute sk8rs outside) but instead her weirrd annoying brother went to skate.
he is annoying.
but after that we pretty much just goofed around on the computer.
but lol at around 9 or so last night..we went to take a walk around the neighborhood. cuz she was going on how im like skinny(even tho im FAT) and how she wants to loose weight and stuff so we power walked and ran a little. but when we were walking..we both heard some like creeking noise and freaked us out so we just started running like crazy. lol we are such idiots.
then we went on the computer again.
she was at like myspace and stoof and wateverr. then we went to youtube and watched this hilarious video called "unforgivable" and we were laughing our heads off. i dunno..the guy..its just how he says the stuff and the faces he makes.
and after we watched that....brooke went on her gaia in the towns and was like "MAKE ME A SANDWHICH!"(from the vid) and she sat down..then her friend sat down then brooke said "I DIDNT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SIT DOWN" LOL it was hilarous. then she kept telling the unforgivable stories and ppl were like WTF and i just kept laughing sooo hard but i tried not to cuz it was like midnight when this happened.
but then she had to get off the laptop. -__-"
so for the rest of the night we just talked about random we'd talk about dreams..then boys(we talked ALOT about boys) then school and anime and everything.
lol i was telling her stuff about my josh and i showed her a pic of him(yes i have a picture....SO WHAT!?) and shes like 'awww he's cute' and i was telling her all the stuff like how he always looked at me and was so nice and how he smelled good lol
and shes talking about these guys she liked and how theres this kid that would stare at her then she'd run away from him lol
but finally at 3:30..i said "IM TIRED!!!!!!!"
so we went to sleep

(^my gonna dye them)
but we woke up earlier than we wanted cuz her window was open and it was so freaking hot in her room. im like ITS HOT! and shes like I KNOW. so she closes the window and puts the fan back on and we go back to bed.
but when we got up we played super smash brothers brawl for 45 minutes? lol we were on always always always meta night(im best @ him) and brooke was being uh...zelda most of the time and we were trying to beat level 9 cpu..yeah..didnt work
then we played rayman raving rabbits..that game is so cute! i want it!!!!!!!!
lol i won at first..then she won...grrrr
but afterwards we watched the death note movie with real ppl in it...and HOLY CRAP it SUCKED.
the acting was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lame.
i mean come one.....the dubbing was one did a good "heart attack", the characters didnt look anything like they do in the real thing(except the shimigami but they r computer animed) even tho we only watched the second half..i couldnt bare to even finish it..i got to....right after like L and stuff touches the notebook. boy that movie was BOORRIIIING!
and after that we just looked at mah japanese magz then i went home to my little baby pudgy ^_^

Saturday, August 1, 2009

ahahaha 1st post of august(ALREADY!?)

school starts this month!!!

i DID like school when josh was there..but when he left it started sucking..A LOT!
but whatever -__-
i think theres this problem i have......
lately..ive been having MANY weird dreams lately.
and im talking CRAZY weird.
somethings wrong with me -_-"
but im gonna go to books house tommorow and spend da night wheeeee!
we're gonna be models.
oh yeah..i couldve uploaded the pics of me in a "japanese school uniform" but thats on my other computer....oh well
but yeah. oh snap..gotta take that stoopid acne pill thing before its too late
(oh btw..this is random but i bought this AWSHUME conditioner that smells SOOOO good! lol i looooooooooove it)
ok bye bye