Tuesday, December 29, 2015

winter comiket

so today went back to comiket with zac! we got there maybe 12:45ish idk

even though it was the first day surprisingly there wasnt as many ppl as last time?? last time i went in the summer with crocs guy yech and got there late n we didnt really have much time to look around cuz most booths were closing up. but got her early to make sure we check out everything! i think it was less crowded this time cuz last time it was a saturday or something i went instead of some random weekday. by the end of the day i swore it was friday then im like wait its tuesday??

anyways go to see the merch first but this time all i saw was yaoi. thats it. idk if they have different stuff different days or what but like 90% of the comics there were boys love. last time saw some yaoi but just like a random corner but more variety n hentai n stuff but not here. saw some x rated looking yaoi though like dang idk how the ppl who run those booths proudly display these pics of guys handling their material and be like yep i drew that.

lol my poor friend had to see some unfortunate stuff but its not like he was the only boy so w/e

i didnt really take pics inside cuz idk if ur allowwed to cuz if you take pics of anything i guess ur 'suppose' to ask for permission but it aint like im gonna be buying this stuff so eh

anyways to da cosplayers!
lol bobobo

he asked if i knew the show n im like 'ehhh kinda' i never watched it but i know who he is n how its a weird show

yeah lots of cosplayers as usual thats always fun looking at them. didnt see lady beard this time tho.

there was this alphonse elric cosplay that was amazing like its prob the best one ive ever seen(not that ive seen a lot but it wasnt crappy looking or anything) and i wanted to take a pic but the guy was busy or didnt want pics taken or something idk what he was doing but he said sorry so :( but it was perfect

you see lots of touken ranbu and love live cosplays

i tried soooo hard to find a hakuouki cosplays n when i finally gave up i see kazama so i go up to him and hijikata was there too but the guys were kinda ugly so ehhhhh lol

heres some diabolik lovers

i took a pic of a dif diabolik lovers ppl and they gave me pics of their cosplays cuz i guess they wanna be more well known n stuff n gave me n zac candy too and asked stuff like where im from ect

heres their pics

so thats basically my only souvenir from this trip but you just go for the experience.
when me n zac were looking for food but there was nothing good we went up the escalator then i see roxas n axel cosplayers n im like omg i need a pic so when we get to the top we go back down but then they go up the escalator n im like oommgg r u serious then im like forget it. but waahh i love kingdom hearts

anyways we go home basically when its over even tho theres still lots of ppl

on another note i did my roommates nails uta no prince sama themed cuz its her fav. i did see a group cosplay of them too but the sun in the background ruined the picture cuz u cant see anyone

she likes ranmaru and reiji the best so each hand is for them

reiji looks kinda derpy but she likes it so thats all that matters

on christmas did NOTHING such a lame christmas T_T

BUT i have a job @_@

i applied for forever21 in shibuya n got it i guess cuz i have to g to the orientation next week. idk how many hours i get but hopefully enough to fill my day so i can make $$$ but i'll still look for stuff on the side

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

back to otomate cafe~~

so before otomate cafe, the day before(monday) had to go to roppongi to meet this guy for an interview for art teacher

idk its art teacher/normal teacher for little kids. honestly, dont care to much to teach or about kids but its REALLY good pay plus its prob not that hard of a job so eh why not

but idk how it went it was just okay but maybe they will find someone more experienced

then since its my first time in roppongi i was gonna look around but idk i was hungry but decided to just eat in shibuya but as im writing to my mom some guy goes up to me trying to pick me up or w/e like he wasnt old prob somewhere in his 20s but idk he prob does drugs n stuff he looks like he would

i told him i dont really speak japanese but he was persistent and didnt leave even though he doesnt really speak english lol. he kept saying im kawaii and perfect LOL so just cuz of that im like i guess i can stay around instead of telling this guy to get away. he wasnt ugly but he wasnt hot either. he has bad hands tho. srry i guess its a manicurist thing that i notice this stuff but his hands were really dried out n he had black nail polish that was really chipped n crooked long nails n im thinking 'oh man this guy needs a manicure' but anyways he kept talking yadda yadda then wants my contact info n im like i guuueeessss hes cool enough for it. but he seems nice enough and likes anime at least. hes like some accessory designer or something. like he gave me a drawing of a cat like its cute but so amateur looking but i saw some other drawings n even though its not the best art i think its unique and some are pretty cool actually

and then im like im going to shibuya n he didnt follow me even though he wanted to go to starbucks or something with me. but before we split hes like can i shake ur hand?? and he was all happy dork

anyways i eat at yoshinoya in shibuya and go to the thrift store cuz i need a new purse but they didnt have anything good. i need to go to the super book off where my grandma lives cuz they have a ton of purses there  

anyways, next day had an interview at forever 21 and i think it went really well! it was in all japanese but the guy was speaking simple enough for me to understand. hope i get the job even though its not as good pay as the teaching but 1) i will get to practice more japanese and 2) make friends with other cool ppl my age. the teaching job is prob just normal white ppl. i want kawaii fashionable japanese friends XD

after interview me n my roommate headed to akihabara for otomate cafe whoop!!!!

this was her first time but she liked it and this time it was all full but we were able to get in without reservation

my first drink was a black berry soda from psychedelic butterfly i think

with a beast king or w/e coaster
it was really good and tasted like blackberries as you may have guessed

and my roommate got a hakuouki okita drink

and amnesia coaster
i got a sip and it was like a melon flavor

my roommate ordered i think an amnesia dish of chicken, veggies, and rice

and i ordered this sandwich thing from code:realize
it reminds me of a breakfast sandwich cuz the bacon and egg

also got a hanayakanari waga ichizoku coaster. the ova was SO GOOD but no one seems to know about it???

afterwards, need to get dessert!

roommate ordered another hakuouki item which was yamazakis parfait which is ice cream, red beans and macha stuff but i dont like macha

and she got a toki no kizuna coaster and i got a hiiro no kakera coaster n she likes that so we traded weeeeee!!!

i ordered another drink too even though i prob didnt need it cuz i was full...BUT IDC

so my drink is a melon soda with ice cream which is shins from amnesia

and got a pudding parfait from i dont even know some game i never heard of cuz it doesnt seem popular i just bought it cuz it looked good, and it was!

it was pudding, brownies, fruit, whipped cream and cereal

omg i was SO FULL by the end i ate waaayyy too much

lol we were like the last ppl to leave

but of course had to take more pics ^_^

me with ayato

i use my chinese photo editor app cuz my hair looked really yellow in the original but the app really blurs everything :/

anyways went to kotobukiya to walk off the food and there my roommate(her name is maru) ran into her other friend n they both really like uta no prince sama so they bought some folders or w/e i was gonna buy these stickers cuz they were only 50 yen but i didnt have a 50 yen n i didnt feel like splitting a $10 for something thats 50 cents plus its not like i NEED it so decided not to buy

but man like i was stuffed to the max i was so full i couldnt walk so they went to animate but im like im just gonna sit outside my stomach doesnt feel well

and maru bought some other utapri CD or dvd or something then her friend left then we just decided to go home n idk i was really sleepy on the train like i literally almost passed out like my head is bobbing everywhere but at least i stay in the middle it pisses me off when im sitting on the train n the person next to me is falling asleep and keeps bouncing their head everywhere n sleeping on my shoulder n stuff

anyways when we get home i wash off my makeup then take a nap for like an hour. maru naps too idk i guess the food made us tired. but i didnt have dinner cuz i didnt need it but she still went out to eat

anyways, so today its raining n cold n the perf day to just stay in bed with hot chocolate n watch a movie. and that exactly what i did. 

waaahh im not doing anything for christmas im gonna be a loser. so sad T_T

Saturday, December 19, 2015


so been with different friends this week

on wednesday had another recording job for a couple hours then went to an izakaya to see friends from school to celebrate end of skool and just catching up with everyone

we had lots of food we split with eachother but heres a dessert i got that was really yummy.

the bar was really nice n fancy and japanese style like it had kabuki and sumo paintings on the wall and bamboo and stuff and not too expensive too

so after talking and playing games and stuff we left around 10:30

but took a group pic first

omg and my friend claire is coming back to japan next month im so happy!!!!

but im having problems with my other friend cuz he doesnt want to hang out anymore cuz his gf dont like it when we do....

anyways, friday hung out with alisa and dyed her hair like pinkish purple. took like 4 hours and also cut her hair but shes happy with it and payed me yay

afterwards we were going to go to a christmas party but it was basically over by the time we got there so picked up her friends there and ate a late dinner with them at gustavs and i got sooo full. this was like the latest ive eaten dinner which was like 10pm 

then its like 11:30 when we're all finished and head to the train station n its soooo coollldddd and all i have is a jacket n cardigan so im freezing

this place is like an hour away from home lately ive been coming home past midnight i feel really bad about it for my roommate

anyways once i get to shibuya to switch trains idk but its like super jammed packed i guess cuz its a friday so everyone is going home late so i wait for the next train, then th next, then the next, but tey are always full and i dont wanna be squished but whatever its already like 12:20 and idk when the last train is so i just go on and its not so bad but yeah

anyways by the time i get home was like 1:30 am and wash my face n go straight to bed

oh and me n my roommate r prob going to the otomate cafe on tuesday wheee and i have an interview for art teacher on monday idk i dont care to teach but i like art and its really good money so..and also will have an interview for forever21 soon idk the date yet

and yeah....no plans for christmas waaaahhhhh

Sunday, December 13, 2015

girls night out +1 boy

heres my new nails btw. i usually do generic christmas nails u'd see on the internet n i hate that so looking through my nail mags i found something nice. the plaid took forever but i think it turned out pretty good for a first try

anyways yesterday night hung out my my friend alisa who is also half japanese like me and she brought some of her japanese friends and zac was there too. 

before we met up with the others me and her met up earlier and ate some burger king and just caught up on life

anyways after everyone showed up we went to the arcade to play some darts but they wanted to take purikura and we cosplayed in santa suits

then they played darts. i played a little but im pretty bad

afterwards went karaoke. and they ordered fries and other junkfood too

it was really fun and we ended around 10:30 at night. the japanese girls went home but me alisa and zac went to this other arcade for ddr and ooofffff coouurrrsseee that one guy was there, drenched in sweat. but we just waited for him to finish then he left but he was really good playing challenge mode on both pads

anyways by the time everything was over its past 11 so time to go home

and that was my day~

Friday, December 11, 2015

new roommate

so on wednesday i got a new roommate. shes japanese n doesnt really speak english so im forced to talk in japanese which is good cuz i need to keep practicing. and shes 33 o__O but its ok cuuuuuzzzz SHE LIKES OTOME STUFF!!!!!

like she really loves uta no prince sama and thats i would say the most popular otome series in japan. and she likes hakuouki n all that too. im so glad cuz we talk about our fav characters n stuff lol. and then i guess the next day she slept over her friends house n when she came back she bought me a present from akihabara which was a kazama keychain!!! like she didnt need to. but aaawwww my other roommate would NEVER do something like that. i was hoping for someone who at least likes anime to be my roommate but she likes otome games too so bonus!!! she also has a ps4 but we have no tv so idk whats gonna happen with that and i dont even know what games are out for the ps4 anyway

and this week i started playing amnesia but ugh i got the bad end. its been years since ive seen the anime i thought i knew who the culprit was but got it wrong cuz the anime was really confusing switching back and forth different guys so whaaaa i didnt feel like trying again so starting a new guys route instead

Sunday, December 6, 2015

nothing special

so on wednesday did that other job at this hospital for translations.

it was really easy. there are 2 ppl per room, a japanese and an english speaker. the japanese person plays the role of a doctor and im the patient. we both have to say things along the lines of a script we are given in our language in a translation app on a tablet to test how well the app works. so i saw something in english, it gets translated to japanese and i also have to see if the english translated meaning of the japanese translation matching my original english text. that make sense? well for the most part it was ok and im very impressed. too bad its just a prototype app cuz id download it right away. would make life so much easier. but you just have to talk really clear to get it to really understand. appearantly i was the best speaker(ahem) cuz i guess they were having trouble with the other english speakers cuz it seems they kinda had accents.

you read the same script 4 times with different ppl throughout the day and got $200 by the end. pretty good for a couple hours of really easy work! its actually the same company i did the other english recording with. i like them they do good pay.

but i gotta not spend so much until i get a job UGH. at this point i'll just do a hostess job i dont even care. they pay like $20 an hour the only thing is im trying to find a place thats open during the day cuz most of these open from around dinner time to midnight but i dont wanna work at night only. but i found one on a tissue that some guy handed me but you have to talk with ppl but idddkkkk i applied anyways lol

and also this week my new contacts arrived!!!

its dueba virgin blue from solution-lens.com

i was a bit worried ordering from the company cuz i never heard of them before until like 3 weeks ago cuz they dont seem really well known but all the research i did seems like they are legit and i havent seen anything that its a scam site plus all(well most) pairs are like $20 with free international shipping so what they hay. asked my mom to buy this as a christmas present

ok i dont really have a big eye pic but i'm just a tad disappointed. i still like them but its not exactly what i had hoped for.

1. i dont think its the brand dueba as thats nowhere on the vial. not that it really matters since plenty of circle lens have the same stuff but get called different brands
2. in the pics i thought itd be a nice light sky blue colour. theres this guy on instagram with light blue contacts i really want so i tried looking for the most similar to his and thought this would be nice. it looks light but when i put it on its just like an ocean-ish blue. its not dark or anything which is good cuz thats not what i want but eh
3. says its 14.5 mm but i HIGHLYYYY doubt it. the first thing i notice is how small they looked. i compared them next to my 14.2mm lens and those looked BIGGER than these! thats when i started worrying these might be fake but idk. i thought mmaybe these are just regular coloured contacts but when i put them on its a very slight enlargement.

if it were bigger i think they'd be nicer but i still like them they look natural and the colour shows up pretty good in normal lighting though i expected it to be lighter.

i thought theres a promotion if you review lens you can get a free pair but i cant seem to find it on the site anymore so thats why im saying whats on my mind n not buttering it  up lol

but yeah i'll def check the site again they have really good deals prob the best on the internet and big selections.

and im getting a new roommate on the 9th hope shes not too old :/
i just WISH she at least likes anime thats all

Monday, November 30, 2015

my weekend

so on friday i had an interview at animate cafe in ikebukuro. i really hoped to get it even if its just kitchen job but they said my japanese wasnt good enough and it would be too hard to work there DX waaahhhhhh

but since its ikebukuro i went to my otome stores for more trash to buy

and bought some kazama goods

aaww i didnt know he had a keychain in his yukata! now i basically have somethng of him in all his outfits(except the reversal one from the newest game) now i just need his oni form and i'll be complete

i wanted to eat at this tonkatsu place in ikebukuro but couldnt find it but as i was walking looking for it i notice this guy is walking besides me but i didnt really think much of it but shortly later he talks something n im like i only speak a little japanese then he starts talking in english n im like darn it. so he asks if i wanna have a drink with him n stuff like he actually isnt old for once prob around 27 or something n like he isnt ugly or anything but idk my standards r just too high so he isnt kakkoi enough for me. but im like im gonna go eat n i lie n tell him im meeting someone so he wouldnt come along then he asks if he can exchange numbers or w/e but like idk you i just met u so im like no thank you then he accepts the defeat n walks away. but yeah in the end couldnt find the place so i just went back to shibuya n ate ramen with my friend after he got out of school

the next day i went to komagome to see autumn leaves with my japanese friend yuusuke

btw with the crocs guy idk if i wrote but he kept bugging me so i told him i had a bf n he hasnt bothered me since LOL srry it had to be done i really didnt feel like dealing with him anymore

yeah yuusuke is nice n all but i swear something ALWAYS goes wrong when we meet up

the past times he ends up eing like 30min-1 hour late and this time he tells me to get off at the wrong station but when hes like oh actually its the next one like i already exited the place so i have to pay more to go to the next station when it wouldve been cheaper if he just gave me the right station n the first place but he bought me some food to make up for it

idk the autumn leaves are suppose to be fully red by this time but most of the trees are still green bummer

i mean theres a few that are really red but the rest are yellowish green

so prob middle of december is better i'll prob go to shinjuku park one day or something cuz i really wanna see RED RED trees cuz u dont see that in california

for a late lunch we ate udon. i got the tanuki udon which has lots of tempura pieces and i forgot what type he got and he gave me this mochi in a red bean soup. then he bought more food like odango n stuff but didnt take pics

oh and while he was getting food some random old guy wanted to take a picture of me or something idk he was talking in japanese n i didnt understand anything but he was holding a camera n stuff

then we walk around more and there was some street performance show like this guy balancing stuff and using umbrellas to make rings spin n whatnot just some typically japanese stuff but it was pretty cool


and since it was getting cold he let me wear his jacket ♥
no ones ever done that for me before //////

afterwards it was still too early to leave eachother n i saw my karaoke place utahero there so im like wanna go karaoke?

we had to wait like 20 min cuz all the rooms were full but it was fun sung some disney and AKB48 songs then say goodbye

then the next day had to wake up at 6 am omg i was dead. i know its really bad but ive been geting up at like 10 everyday cuz the sun dont really shine in the room in the morning anymore so even though the curtains are open it is still kinda dark n ugh i need to start waking up around 9-9:30 at least

yeah so had to get up early cuz my friend from skool wen i ate with him he showed me this thing to be an extra in a japanese drama n im like WHAAT? i wanna do that!! so i applied and was able to do it but i had to be at the place at 8:30 ughhhh so yeah i was really tired in the morning

and my friend and other friend from skool were there but idk, it wasnt as fun as i thought. it was some restaurant scene and then some dance party scene. the whole thing was about 3 1/2 hours to take and we got a free bento n some notebook thats it. there were these foreign girls who i guess are actresses on the show but they had their boobs hanging out and stuff like whoa what kind of drama is this? its called diaz police or something im not really suppose to talk about it but im not writing in japanese plus no one really reads this blog so its ok but i guess its some manga thats being turned into a drama. but yeah japanese dramas are pretty cheesey me n my other friend were talking about it how japanese ppl cant act n stuff lol. like some of the more serious ones are good but most are yeah kinda dumb thats why i dont really watch japanese shows besides variety shows cuz those are suppose to be stupid

anyways after the shooting more karaoke! i feel like ive done two days straight of karaoke in the past but idk when oh well. so we originally were gonna stay just 1 hour but ended up extending for 2 1/2 hours singing lots of random stuff. its more fun singing with more ppl instead of just one person besides you

n i have an interview at a spa on thursday but its mostly a waxing place hmm idk how i feel about it but i just really need a job cuz i wanna stop looking already!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

University festival

Yesterday went to tokyo university's festival with zac!

it was a lot bigger than the fashion school but i like the fashion schools one better cuz all these cook ppl were there and you got to look at clothes n stuff.

here there were mostly food booths and cafes. some classes had exhibits or something but we didnt really check those out

anyways right when we enter theres some cosplay dance thing and i guess it was crossdressers cuz all of them were wearing dresses but im 99% sure all were guys

i took a video but idk how i can send it to my computer cuz the file is too big to send by email...

anyways walking along the food booths and the trees were pretty

idk havent been seeing really vibrant orange/red/yellow trees which is a shame. like these were still kinda greenish. and the trees in my area are still a mix of green and orange but already loosing so many leaves. well its still better than california where 90% of the trees stay green all year

anyways i bought a croissant taiyaki and it was DELICIOUS! ive always wanted to eat a freshly made taiyaki and i finally did. its the fish shaped red bean pastry btw

so we just walked around the school seeing stuff here n there

there was some cosplay cafe i wanted to go to but there was a really long line plus this one magic show was starting soon n i wanted to see that so we went there instead

at first we had to stand cuz i guess ur suppose to get tickets in advance and they were all taken but in the end they had seats for us yay. and it was mostly just quick hand movements of things appearing and disappearing

afterwards bought yakisoba then went to the planetarium cuz we got tickets in advance 

but lol its just all talking in japanese obv buut i was able to kinda tell what they are talking about cuz theres some lazer pointer to show where some stars n stuff are but i know most of the stuff they were pointing at so i can assume what they are saying. my friend however isnt that good at japanese and probably dont know much about astronomy so w/e

then it was basically night time and checked out the art club then went back to shibuya to hang out more

at the marui building there was a kamigami no asobi event i wanted to see and they had cardboard cutouts of the new guys and took a pic with of course~

i cant believe the puppet thing is date-able now

then ate at tacobell finally and omg you can ACTUALLY get FREE REFILLS

like that does not happen in japan. at mcdonalds or w/e u get some tiny happy meal size cup and thats it. no free refills. but here they have the machine to just do it urself so had to get lots of melon soda. but as for the food...eeehhhhh the tacobell in america is better. they dont have my favorite chalupas so whats the point

went to animate again(btw i applied for the animate cafe in ikebukuro hope i get an interview) and after that zac went home n i went to book off for a bit. in the secondhand clothes shop there was this red velvet blazer for $5 i really liked but if i bend my arms its kinda tight so decided not to get it even though it looked so good on me 

and as im walking to the station some girl goes up to me and asks if i want to be her makeup model yaaasss. idk she said on the 26th in ebisu which is close to shibuya n i dont gots other plans so why not so we exchanged contact info i hope she stills wants me it sounds fun

yup thats my life so far

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Hakuouki restaurant & diabolik lovers cafe~

so far i'll start off with i tried doing kawaii cat nails but with normal stickers but since its paper based yeah went away after like 2 days i even used gel but whatever i only did one hand anyways to test it out. too ba had to get rid of it cuz it was really cute


yesterday went to ikebukuro for anime cafes waaaaahhhhhh

lol i dragged my guy friend idris cuz i dont wanna do this alone but he seemed to have a good time too

ok this has been going on since AUGUST like how did i not know!??

glad someone on tumblr posted pics of their trip here otherwise i wouldve never known

this is what my future room is gonna look like

like honestly i was in HEAVEN


the waiter can tell i was nerding out lol

there wasnt much variety for the hakuouki menu. they had normal menu too but what fun is that riiiiggghhhttt?

i ordered a ramune soda and soba and my friend got some yogurt-y drink and fries

once we got our food we were too busy taking pics to eat lol but it was good

we had to call our waiter to bring us chopsticks cuz there wasnt any at the table and when he brought them he pointed to the cover that said hakuouki on it lolll

i guess i'll call those 'appetizers' so next we ordered more cuz we were still hungry

my friend got this spicy noodle soup thing

and i got a tuna/avocado/onion salad thing and ordered one more drink which was a mystery drink and idk what flavor is was. its was like strawberry or cherry or watermelon? but it was a soda

with every purchase you get a coaster for drinks and a card thing for foods. so heres all ours together. and of course i got to keep them all cuz he dont care about this yaaaayyyy

and like i made a reservation to this place cuz i was really worried i wouldnt get a seat cuz the site says weekends are busy but ppsssshhh it was basically us. like there was a girl when we got there and later another person came but they both left after like 30 minutes so we had the whole area to ourselves

and when we finished eating i had idris take pics of me being dumb

had to be with the hubby~~~~

btw redid my roots. just sayin

and i put my face in front of chizurus so its like hes all close to ME instead

while we were taking pics the waiter comes to give our bill and sees us acting weird and he makes this weirded out face lol poor guy

theres also a back area with i guess extra cups n dishes n stuff that has more hakuouki decorations n i ask this girl if its ok to take pics there n shes like yeaa but its mostly pictures of the coaster n stuff u can get so im not uploading them

we went to pay and all my stuff was about $20

i think the food at the otomate cafe was better cuz they had way more selection but this was cheaper n just hakuouki so whatevessss

and there were stuff u can buy i guess but i didnt get anything. saw some figures n stuff i had teehee

then went to my otome trash street where they have a row of stores dedicated to this stuff. i love that place

and after digging n digging through boxed of keychains n stuff bought 2 mini hakuouki figures n a hakuouki cutlery set of spoon/fork/chopstick and dude i NEEDED one cuz ive been looking for some but they are usually around $10 and are hello kitty or some baby thing but this was $5 and hakuouki yaaaasssssss

also, they were selling the hakuouki premium figure for like $30 thats soooo cheap but it was only of chizuru, harada and shinpachi. id buy harada but idk. i dont really have stuff of him or saito

then went to animate nearby which had the diabolik lovers cafe!!!

but the drinks n stuff i was familiar with was for the shinjuku one only which featured the mukami brothers but the ikebukuro one is the sakamaki brothers only. oh well.
(btw i finally started watching the new diabolik lovers n its so good but the eng subs only go to like episode 6??? i need to watch the other episodes but i dont wanna unless i understand every word T_T)

anyways i bought yui's drink which was some cranberry juice and whipped cream and idris got kanatos drink which is like calpis and strawberry jelly and a teddy cookie

all drinks are 500 yen and come with a coaster(which i got to keep both) and good thing they are the characters i like, especially laitooooooo <3 p="">

since its a cafe shop theres some other anime stuff too n wasnt super decked out in diabolik lovers, only mostly in the cafe area

had a cardboard cutout that i took a pic with of course but i dont look so good in the pictures

and on the doors there were ayato & kanato but i only took it with snapchats camera so not so good qulity but the other side had reiji(bleh) and shuu and i took it with normal camera

after walked around town went to eat pretzels at auntie annes ten went to parco and they had a HAKUOUKI STORE there!! what luck today i tell you. well it was hakuouki and reines de fleurs but you know. i wanted the kazama pillow to hug while i sleep but i had like no money left anyways plus it was like $20 if it was a body pillow yeah id buy it but it was like a kinda small one so eh 

usually in these anime themed stores or whatever they have a place to write a message and stick on the wall or in a book or something so i wrote one

it says i love otome and kazama is my husband/master
and the pic is him saying i love you and thats suppose to be me be like kyaaa

yup left it there for the world to see. that was actually really fun to draw but he looks too nice in the pic w/e

looking around some more n we were walking in the really shady part of town idk how we even got here but all these love hotels n stuff n you'd see young looking girls with old men like whoaaa there

anyways ate at yoshinoya for dinner then went home

aahh it was such a fun day. any time i go to do otome related things its always a good day

heres a pic of my figures btw!

rasetsu okita was only 300 yen(and rasetsu version is always more expensive but this is so cheap) and hijikata was 200 yen. yay when i get back home im making a shrine around my kazama figure

ugh still looking for jobs i need more money for more merch. like if its with other anime idc i dont need it, but with THIS STUFF TAKE MY MONEY

Thursday, November 5, 2015

festival n hang out

so on tuesday i THOUGHT i had another interview at tacobell but when i went the guy want there n hes like its tomorrow

btw i dont think i got it cuz he never called me back so basically i cut my nails for NOTHING thats what im most upset about grr

but after that on tuesday met up with my friend in shinjuku cuz theres this fashion college having a cultural festival. i wouldve dressed up all cooler but had to look decently professional for interview but w/e

ahhh everyone there looked soo coooolll my kid of ppl i need friends like that

when we got there we didnt really know what to do cuz we didnt know where to get the brochure so we just walked wherever n went in the elevator to the highest floor and everybody got off and turns out theres a fashion show starting up and since we were there 20 mi before it starts we got a pretty good spot to watch

it was maybe 20 min? idk not too long there were like 5 or 6 different themes but i like the military one the best!!

and then we just walked down the stairs checking if theres stuff on each floor and got to check out really neat costumes that students made it was really interesting but not allowed to take pics

i felt like rereading paradise kiss after that day lol

on one floor they had a couple of those stands where you can take pics. i like this samurai one the best

the festival ends at 6 and we stayed pretty much the entire time it was great. i wanted to go to the food booths before the festival is over cuz they were selling churros n i wanted one before it closes. and got to eat one but ive had better

so heres some random pic in front of the school

i like fashion but these fashion schools focus on like the high fashion where its cool but weird clothes you cant really wear in everyday life

but this is one of the most prestigious fashion schools in the world(or so ive read) and i had a great time! so classy~

OMG and so my roommate was suppose to move out on te 2nd but the whole day i keot waiting for her to leave but she DIDNT n im like wtf inside n i wanted to be like 'um arent u suppose to move today?' but didnt wanna be a jerk so juust dealt with it one more night so im like when i get home she BETTER be gone but when i got home her shoes were still in my locker n im like ooooommmmggggg but the manager was there so im like is she still moving? n he said maybe he gave her the wrong date but it turns out i guess she just forgot to move the shoes cuz when i went to my room she was GONE YAAAAAYYYYY!! like i was so relieved but i had to clean the room to get rid of any existing evil. like it so annoying i was the only one vacuuming the room even those it was mostly HER hair on the floor cuz its black. like idk why she sheds SO MUCH i do too ut all u see is her hair n she never cleans it. i'd be vacuuming but she never offers to help or anything. so had to get rid if her gross hair one last time n now its finally clean n pure again in my room. but i was still paranoid cuz u can hear when ppl walk by ur room n i kept worrying she can come back in any sec so i had to lock the door lol. n i didnt really sleep still that night. but now i sleep so peacefully~~~

anyways next day had an interview again. like i dont think i did bad but watever guess they dont want no gaijin

but hung out with idris again and bought some shoes and more otome games at book off

then we went to my place n just played kingdom hearts n watched weird youtube videos

then like 9:30 went to the super market but they already put the bentos away awwww so just ate some hot dog

and they already have christmas lights at the station its so pretty waking at night now

like nov 1st bam christmas decorations

last night i watched inside out n cried like a baby idk why i was even sad but i felt so crappy after that movie whats wrong with me

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Ive been waiting for halloween in japan for a long time!!!!


at 10 i had to work with kids again. dude its such a good gig. 12$ an hour for playing with kids. its not like u gotta baby sit them or something annoying. they're having fun and you have fun too. just take them trick or treating basically

the guy that hired me was baymax. i asked how much the costume cost and he said like $250 n hes like idk what to do with the costume after halloween. he was def the star of the show in that

first from 10-12 was with like 3yr olds but their parents were with them and stuff. then ate lunch and from 1-5 was a party with like kindergarten aged kids i guess? i actually dont know how old they were but maybe 6ish? i did face painting at first then they had a party and i helped assist when needed

im actually surprised how much english these kids know.

heres a pic of all the kids together at the end with some staff. i also took a pic of just the staff that im in too but the pic is kinda blurry idk

i made over $100 wheeee such an easy job

after the party had to touch up the makeup n put on my contacts cuz if i wore them all day since morning my eyes be bloodshot by the time i get home

and strangely as im heading towards the station i see a classmate from skool. idk how to spell his name but i always see him and this other guy in the most random places like stop following me jk

so i asked hows skool n stuff and what theyre learning. i would stay in skool but i dont got money

but anyways off to shibuya's halloween event!!! been wanting to go for years and i was finally able to!!!

i first met up with zac cuz my buddy idris who i originally intended to go with "forgot" and had to go to this dif party but we've been planning to go 5evah so he promised he'd show up later in the night so hung out with zac first n we ate dinner at coco curry house then PICS!!

yeah get to see my face a lot~
there were SO MANY PEOPLE!!

its like being on the express train during rush hour the entire time. but you get that adrenaline rush like all this excitement!! it was really fun looking at everyones costume

i didnt really dress up just did my makeup kinda clownish but ppl still asked for pics with me cuz im kawaii~

picture time! i took a lot but only posting a few

some prisoners. idk y the whole blood thing is like what everyone does but ok

saw this group of sorta bloody host club looking guys i wanted a pic with them but they were surrounded by girls cuz all the girls wanted pics with them so im like eh whatever


isnt his hair suppose to be green tho

youd see a lot of the same costumes:
police, kaneki ken, waldo, um theres more i forgot but these were the really common costumes you keep seeing everywhere

lol its okita from hakuouki!!!!

like when i saw the outfit i knew. and i have to take a pic with a hakuouki cosplayer of course!!!

i told him i like hakuouki and hes like 'you like it?!' then i show him my keychains on my bag lollll

im surprised that so far all the hakuouki cosplayers ive seen are actually all guys(besides the chizuru cuz shes female) instead of girls doing crossplay

gotta get in touch with america jk

i just had to take a pic with them

around this time went back to hachiko to meet up with idris and saw ed too. we left ed and zac cuz they were gonna go drinking and back to take pics!

but ugh the crossing is RIDICULOUS so manny ppl theres a vid below

but first a pic with school uniform animals. i asked the female gorilla for a pic but when he responded it was a mans voice and i was like whoa im pretty sure its all guys but yeah ive seen guys wear pretty strange stuff too like this guy in a thong and fishnets. that takes guts to wear that

anyways heres a vid of crossing. the other side is more intense cuz here we are going towards hachiko not from it where everyone starts off but you get the point. police everywhere ect

idk we were just walking wherever. it was like 50 degrees but cuz so many ppl u werent cold(until you got to the less busy places) i wanted to go to tower records to look for earphones but they closed when we got there aww

and basically talked about whatever for a bit cuz i was kinda exhausted from so many ppl

then i see another hakuouki cosplayer n its KAZAMA my HUSBANDO so im like lets goo!!!! n hes kinda ahead so i gotta like power walk to him but i get the pic

the kazama i saw at comiket was better but this is his oni form so whatever i still am happy

walking around more we were gonna check out the ddr arcade but idk somerthing happened like some girl was hunched over on the floor n her friend was comforting her and she just looked really dead n stuff and we just like talked n chilled nearby so we can see whats up n then like police n the ambulance came and put her on a hospital bed i have no idea what happened but its not really my business anyway

in the end didnt ddr i was tired anyways

i wanted to take purikura but all the arcades had huge lines you had to wait in and like im not really weaaring a costume n idris wasnt wearing a costume so no point in waiting for nothing special

 anyways heres me n some guy dressed up as a baby idk thought it was funny

also saw this guy ive seen on tv before that like acts like a robot n i guess he makes a living off of it n he was on top of a vending machine n its like how'd he even get up there n everyones taking pics n stuff but mine came out super crappy cuz everyone kept moving

and there was a point where it was like a mosh pit or something like ppl are just pressing against you back n forth like what is happening

me n some clownzzz

towards the end of the day like 11ish just talking in the not as busy area alone the street n u see all the crazy ppl driving the cars its so funny.

my fav pic is mickey mouse in the car like idk y but me n idris were laughing last night its just so perfect the way the ppl are all blurred and its just like hes watchin you

also saw this guy in a tiger suit in a car and these guys in all black blastin music the the tiger guys like whats ur name n they are like talking since theyre next to eachother

lots of those bakas have light up cars n stuff acting all cool n making real loud engine sounds and one car actually had that one special honking sound you hear in the movies that those 'too kool 4 skool' ppl would have but i never thought id hear it in real life

by this point my camera died n my phone was almost dead so couldnt take pics anymore n it was like 11:45 n im like i guess its time to head back cuz i dont wanna take one of the last trains cuz i dont wanna be around drunk ppl n stuff

took the normal train cuz im sure express would be packed even this late so so many ppl were here so by the time i actually got to my home was almost 1 and it was so cold walking home from the station i was freezing

btw my roommates moving tomorrow cuz the manager talked with her. of course im happy but i feel kinda bad for like kicking her out but i dont think she really likes me now she never talks to me anymore so its best we leave and get away from this awkward negative energy

i highly doubt im gonna see her in the house anyways since shes always in her room instead of common areas but whateves i get the room to myself again hopefully for a bit longer til my next roommate. i hope my next roommate will be someone within 5 years and not a gemini lol. like the moment she said she was a gemini i knew instantly this wouldnt work out n whaddya know i was right

today my throat kinda hurt cuz i had to talk really loud yesterday n my heads been hurting all day been dying n im sore all over but tomorrow i can finally rest in peace