Monday, November 30, 2015

my weekend

so on friday i had an interview at animate cafe in ikebukuro. i really hoped to get it even if its just kitchen job but they said my japanese wasnt good enough and it would be too hard to work there DX waaahhhhhh

but since its ikebukuro i went to my otome stores for more trash to buy

and bought some kazama goods

aaww i didnt know he had a keychain in his yukata! now i basically have somethng of him in all his outfits(except the reversal one from the newest game) now i just need his oni form and i'll be complete

i wanted to eat at this tonkatsu place in ikebukuro but couldnt find it but as i was walking looking for it i notice this guy is walking besides me but i didnt really think much of it but shortly later he talks something n im like i only speak a little japanese then he starts talking in english n im like darn it. so he asks if i wanna have a drink with him n stuff like he actually isnt old for once prob around 27 or something n like he isnt ugly or anything but idk my standards r just too high so he isnt kakkoi enough for me. but im like im gonna go eat n i lie n tell him im meeting someone so he wouldnt come along then he asks if he can exchange numbers or w/e but like idk you i just met u so im like no thank you then he accepts the defeat n walks away. but yeah in the end couldnt find the place so i just went back to shibuya n ate ramen with my friend after he got out of school

the next day i went to komagome to see autumn leaves with my japanese friend yuusuke

btw with the crocs guy idk if i wrote but he kept bugging me so i told him i had a bf n he hasnt bothered me since LOL srry it had to be done i really didnt feel like dealing with him anymore

yeah yuusuke is nice n all but i swear something ALWAYS goes wrong when we meet up

the past times he ends up eing like 30min-1 hour late and this time he tells me to get off at the wrong station but when hes like oh actually its the next one like i already exited the place so i have to pay more to go to the next station when it wouldve been cheaper if he just gave me the right station n the first place but he bought me some food to make up for it

idk the autumn leaves are suppose to be fully red by this time but most of the trees are still green bummer

i mean theres a few that are really red but the rest are yellowish green

so prob middle of december is better i'll prob go to shinjuku park one day or something cuz i really wanna see RED RED trees cuz u dont see that in california

for a late lunch we ate udon. i got the tanuki udon which has lots of tempura pieces and i forgot what type he got and he gave me this mochi in a red bean soup. then he bought more food like odango n stuff but didnt take pics

oh and while he was getting food some random old guy wanted to take a picture of me or something idk he was talking in japanese n i didnt understand anything but he was holding a camera n stuff

then we walk around more and there was some street performance show like this guy balancing stuff and using umbrellas to make rings spin n whatnot just some typically japanese stuff but it was pretty cool


and since it was getting cold he let me wear his jacket ♥
no ones ever done that for me before //////

afterwards it was still too early to leave eachother n i saw my karaoke place utahero there so im like wanna go karaoke?

we had to wait like 20 min cuz all the rooms were full but it was fun sung some disney and AKB48 songs then say goodbye

then the next day had to wake up at 6 am omg i was dead. i know its really bad but ive been geting up at like 10 everyday cuz the sun dont really shine in the room in the morning anymore so even though the curtains are open it is still kinda dark n ugh i need to start waking up around 9-9:30 at least

yeah so had to get up early cuz my friend from skool wen i ate with him he showed me this thing to be an extra in a japanese drama n im like WHAAT? i wanna do that!! so i applied and was able to do it but i had to be at the place at 8:30 ughhhh so yeah i was really tired in the morning

and my friend and other friend from skool were there but idk, it wasnt as fun as i thought. it was some restaurant scene and then some dance party scene. the whole thing was about 3 1/2 hours to take and we got a free bento n some notebook thats it. there were these foreign girls who i guess are actresses on the show but they had their boobs hanging out and stuff like whoa what kind of drama is this? its called diaz police or something im not really suppose to talk about it but im not writing in japanese plus no one really reads this blog so its ok but i guess its some manga thats being turned into a drama. but yeah japanese dramas are pretty cheesey me n my other friend were talking about it how japanese ppl cant act n stuff lol. like some of the more serious ones are good but most are yeah kinda dumb thats why i dont really watch japanese shows besides variety shows cuz those are suppose to be stupid

anyways after the shooting more karaoke! i feel like ive done two days straight of karaoke in the past but idk when oh well. so we originally were gonna stay just 1 hour but ended up extending for 2 1/2 hours singing lots of random stuff. its more fun singing with more ppl instead of just one person besides you

n i have an interview at a spa on thursday but its mostly a waxing place hmm idk how i feel about it but i just really need a job cuz i wanna stop looking already!!!

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