Saturday, December 19, 2015


so been with different friends this week

on wednesday had another recording job for a couple hours then went to an izakaya to see friends from school to celebrate end of skool and just catching up with everyone

we had lots of food we split with eachother but heres a dessert i got that was really yummy.

the bar was really nice n fancy and japanese style like it had kabuki and sumo paintings on the wall and bamboo and stuff and not too expensive too

so after talking and playing games and stuff we left around 10:30

but took a group pic first

omg and my friend claire is coming back to japan next month im so happy!!!!

but im having problems with my other friend cuz he doesnt want to hang out anymore cuz his gf dont like it when we do....

anyways, friday hung out with alisa and dyed her hair like pinkish purple. took like 4 hours and also cut her hair but shes happy with it and payed me yay

afterwards we were going to go to a christmas party but it was basically over by the time we got there so picked up her friends there and ate a late dinner with them at gustavs and i got sooo full. this was like the latest ive eaten dinner which was like 10pm 

then its like 11:30 when we're all finished and head to the train station n its soooo coollldddd and all i have is a jacket n cardigan so im freezing

this place is like an hour away from home lately ive been coming home past midnight i feel really bad about it for my roommate

anyways once i get to shibuya to switch trains idk but its like super jammed packed i guess cuz its a friday so everyone is going home late so i wait for the next train, then th next, then the next, but tey are always full and i dont wanna be squished but whatever its already like 12:20 and idk when the last train is so i just go on and its not so bad but yeah

anyways by the time i get home was like 1:30 am and wash my face n go straight to bed

oh and me n my roommate r prob going to the otomate cafe on tuesday wheee and i have an interview for art teacher on monday idk i dont care to teach but i like art and its really good money so..and also will have an interview for forever21 soon idk the date yet

and plans for christmas waaaahhhhh

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