Saturday, November 21, 2015

University festival

Yesterday went to tokyo university's festival with zac!

it was a lot bigger than the fashion school but i like the fashion schools one better cuz all these cook ppl were there and you got to look at clothes n stuff.

here there were mostly food booths and cafes. some classes had exhibits or something but we didnt really check those out

anyways right when we enter theres some cosplay dance thing and i guess it was crossdressers cuz all of them were wearing dresses but im 99% sure all were guys

i took a video but idk how i can send it to my computer cuz the file is too big to send by email...

anyways walking along the food booths and the trees were pretty

idk havent been seeing really vibrant orange/red/yellow trees which is a shame. like these were still kinda greenish. and the trees in my area are still a mix of green and orange but already loosing so many leaves. well its still better than california where 90% of the trees stay green all year

anyways i bought a croissant taiyaki and it was DELICIOUS! ive always wanted to eat a freshly made taiyaki and i finally did. its the fish shaped red bean pastry btw

so we just walked around the school seeing stuff here n there

there was some cosplay cafe i wanted to go to but there was a really long line plus this one magic show was starting soon n i wanted to see that so we went there instead

at first we had to stand cuz i guess ur suppose to get tickets in advance and they were all taken but in the end they had seats for us yay. and it was mostly just quick hand movements of things appearing and disappearing

afterwards bought yakisoba then went to the planetarium cuz we got tickets in advance 

but lol its just all talking in japanese obv buut i was able to kinda tell what they are talking about cuz theres some lazer pointer to show where some stars n stuff are but i know most of the stuff they were pointing at so i can assume what they are saying. my friend however isnt that good at japanese and probably dont know much about astronomy so w/e

then it was basically night time and checked out the art club then went back to shibuya to hang out more

at the marui building there was a kamigami no asobi event i wanted to see and they had cardboard cutouts of the new guys and took a pic with of course~

i cant believe the puppet thing is date-able now

then ate at tacobell finally and omg you can ACTUALLY get FREE REFILLS

like that does not happen in japan. at mcdonalds or w/e u get some tiny happy meal size cup and thats it. no free refills. but here they have the machine to just do it urself so had to get lots of melon soda. but as for the food...eeehhhhh the tacobell in america is better. they dont have my favorite chalupas so whats the point

went to animate again(btw i applied for the animate cafe in ikebukuro hope i get an interview) and after that zac went home n i went to book off for a bit. in the secondhand clothes shop there was this red velvet blazer for $5 i really liked but if i bend my arms its kinda tight so decided not to get it even though it looked so good on me 

and as im walking to the station some girl goes up to me and asks if i want to be her makeup model yaaasss. idk she said on the 26th in ebisu which is close to shibuya n i dont gots other plans so why not so we exchanged contact info i hope she stills wants me it sounds fun

yup thats my life so far

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